Are you a mother on WikiTree? Then, a very happy Mother's Day.

+22 votes
Many countries celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday. So, I am wishing all the Mums or Moms on WikiTree a very happy Mother's Day. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to raise your children.  You are very appreciated and worthy of honour.

My own Mum, [[Thomas-30109|Gwenda]], would have turned 100 on Sunday.  Amongst much else, it was Mum who gave me a love for genealogy, family history and service to others.  My Grandmothers were beautiful and considerate ladies whose work ethic has rubbed off on me, my siblings and cousins.

Over the next few days I will be building the bios and improving the profiles of Mums and Grandmothers on WT (both in my Watchlist and outside). Please, join me.
WikiTree profile: Gwenda Evans
in The Tree House by Kenneth Evans G2G6 Pilot (254k points)
Thank you so much, Kenneth.  Beautifully said.  I am a mother of 3 who geopraphically are some distance away but I really appreciated the lovely phone calls received.  My own mother passed some years ago.  She was very interested in passing on stories and knowledge of her family and the fact that they were early pioneers of this great land of ours.  It certainly was the spark that ignited my interest in pursuing finding out as much as I can about these forebears and how strong their characters must have been to leave comfortable homes and family connections to travel to the unknown.  Hope every mother has enjoyed their special day.  Thank you again.

5 Answers

+15 votes
Best answer

Thank you Gwenda for your good wishes for Mothers everywhere. 

For those who have gone before us, the mothers who have yet to give birth, we honour you - especially on your special day.

Without you all, we certainly would not have the fantastic WikiTree we do today!

Thank You and enjoy your Day heartheartheart

by Leigh Chester-Master G2G6 Mach 7 (76.5k points)
selected by Kenneth Evans
what a beautiful way to put it.
+13 votes

Thank you to from all of us, Kenneth. I have 5 teenagers who have promised to not argue for the day heart.

I wish every Mother a relaxing and happy day


by Elayine Julian G2G6 Mach 2 (21.5k points)
+12 votes
Happy Mother’s Day to everyone.

 I tried to do the mother’s challenge of redo the bio. Didn’t get far. Everyone that I’m brick walled on are still brick walls.
by Alice Glassen G2G6 Mach 6 (61.6k points)
+9 votes

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers on WikiTree.

by Mark Williams G2G6 Pilot (472k points)
+11 votes
Thank you, Kenneth.

I expect I will hear from all my kids.

My mum was also very interested in family history, but never used a computer.  Although she would never use WT, I know she would be impressed with all the info I've found out in the past few years, both here, and in corresponding with two cousins to piece together family stories.
by Brenda Milledge G2G6 Mach 3 (37.9k points)

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