Staying logged in on iPhone is getting worse

+11 votes
It's always been the case that if I click on a wikitree link from email that wikitree opens a non-logged in window even if I'm already logged in on a different tab or window. Annoying but I have a workaround.

But it seems to be getting worse. Today, I'm finding that if I move away from a logged-in Safari window/tab and say, go to another window to do a Google search, when I come back to the logged in wikitree window, I am no longer logged in. What changed on the wikitree side? This is new behavior and VERY annoying making it really difficult to work on wikitree from an iPhone.

I haven't yet tested to see if this also the case on an iPad.  

Thanks for any attention to this.
WikiTree profile: Space:Mac_Interest_Group
in WikiTree Tech by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (923k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
I sure wish wikitree tech would try to fix this. It's really a pain in the neck.

2 Answers

+5 votes
Hi Jillaine,

What iOS and iPhone are you using?
by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (533k points)
iPhone 5 (the pricier one, not the cheapo one)

Looks like iOs 8.4; I'm updating to 9.0 now to see if that makes a difference.
Upgraded to iOS 9.0. No change.
+4 votes
A quick web search returned a large number of results for other users having this problem with Safari on their Apple devices for years. It's unlikely (though not improbable) it has anything to do with the WikiTree website.

Have you tried a different browser, like Chrome or Firefox?
by Allison Mackler G2G6 Mach 6 (64.7k points)

Jillaine,  I know next to nothing about apple stuff and even less about phones in general, but I remember reading a news article a couple of days ago about a major Safari problem.  I have not checked into it in any kind of depth but just chased down the link to it in case it can shed some light on the escalation of the problem you seem to be having.


I don't seem to have that problem on my iPad... Could just be an iPhone glitch.

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