La Place family emigration from France to England.

+6 votes
Place family:

4. Richard - born approx 1720 (married Mary Wilmore 1744 - unconfirmed)

3. John Place - born approx 1746

2. David Place - B 1790, d 1820 (married Sarah Cooke 1814)

1.Richard Place - b 1816, d 1875 (m 1. Sarah Baum 1840, 2. Elizabeth Lewin )

I believe the Place family, sometime before "4. Richard", arrived in England from France but I am not able to trace the family tree beyond Richard.
in Genealogy Help by
Do you know they came from France?  There are many family traditions of that kind and they're usually wrong.  The name Place has a long history in England, and there was a gentry family of the name in Yorkshire.  The origin of the name seems to be unknown, though the books make all the obvious but unconvincing guesses.
Hi there

I posted a reply but I'm not sure that it was sent.

Thank you for your reply - it is only from one aunt's note that I heard the Place (or La Place) family came from the Huguenots and I can't trace the family in England beyond about 1700.  I will check with my aunt re her info.

Thanks again, Judy
Thanks for the posts here.  I actually know that one of my recent (within 200 years) went back to visit family in Arles France (sp?) I have done a lot of research and it seems I have a DNA cousin in Aachen Germany which was Aix le Chappelle in the time of Charlemagne.  I guess you know that the Noresemen were granted what became Normandy for their service protecting Paris from other Vikings and thus the Norms under William thence to England.  The fellow, Dirk Bruer, in Aachen said he has information that Anne of Clives took some servants to England with the surname Place. That is another route possible.  I found a very close DNA match in Yorkshire and a 110/111 FTDNA Place surname match in California who is on the family tree of the fellow in Yorkshire.  His name is Michael and he was living in Bedale Yorkshire.  Thomas Place, the fellow in California has been buying clocks manufactured by a fellow who lived in Yorkshire about 150 years ago who relates to his tree and likely mine.  I found out that there were about 4 families with the surname Place and they are not all blood related.  One was in mining, one in timber, one a druggist and perhaps the same fellow who built the clocks and an unknown.  Oxford said my DNA was linked to a family in Norway, and I found a possible link. They also told me they were quite sure due to the uniqueness of my DNA sample that we were in the early Viking raders.  Even though I run the Place site on FTDNA I get almost no hits other than about 5-6 people already on the site and they also get no additional hits compared to the others on my list.  Interesting at least.  If I can help with anything drop me a note at  That is my ham radio call sign at the front of the e-mail.

1 Answer

+2 votes



Richard Place

mentioned in the record of Richard Place and Mary Wilmore

Name Richard Place
Spouse's Name Mary Wilmore
Event Date 01 Oct 1744
Event Place St. Martin, Leicester, Leicester, England
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)

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