Gay marriage and hetero marriage.

+7 votes
I get a warning when I fill in a gay couple as married, as each others husbands; wife and wife, man and man. What can I do to do not get this warning. Already fore many yaers it is normal to have a relationship between same sexes (by law).

Ik ontvang een waarschuwing wanneer ik een homo-echtpaar invul als getrouwd, als elkaars echtgenoot; vrouw en vrouw, man en man. Wat kan ik doen om deze waarschuwing niet te krijgen. Al lange tijd is het normaal om een relatie tussen dezelfde geslachten te hebben (volgens de wet).
WikiTree profile: Roelof Scholtens
in WikiTree Tech by Roelof Scholtens G2G5 (5.8k points)
retagged by Anthony McCabe
You get a warning because it's a mistake far more often than it's correct.  There used to be thousands of profiles that accidentally had the wrong gender.

But when something is wrong, the system doesn't know what's wrong, it can only look for common signs.

1 Answer

+10 votes
Best answer

Hi Roelof,

Welcome to wikitree! This issue is covered under Non-Traditional Families you can read more about it here

There's nothing on WikiTree that requires a marriage to be between a man and a woman.

Even though WikiTree doesn't require traditional family structures, it does assume them in certain contexts. For example, if you add a spouse to a woman, the system will assume that his gender will be male. This is just the default. You can still make the woman the wife of another woman.

It's slightly trickier with parents. It is possible on WikiTree for a child to have two male parents or two female parents. This may be appropriate for living people if the child is marked as Non-Biological. However, for non-living people, genetic connections should be used when they're known.

Also note that having a man in the "mother" field or a woman in the "father" field won't look right in all instances.

Explain It

Our database fields are limited, but the biography space is not. You should use the text section of profiles to explain non-traditional family structures and link to any parents or children that don't neatly fit in the family tree.


by Anthony McCabe G2G6 Pilot (387k points)
selected by Rubén Hernández

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