Join the Data Doctors Project and Become a Data Doctor in 2020! / 5 [closed]

+35 votes

Data Doctors “clean up” the database in WikiTree by correcting suggestions to improve profiles. Would you like to help?

If you have been a WikiTree member for at least 1 month, signed the WikiTree Honor Code, and have made at least 100 contributions, please join the Data Doctors Project and become a Data Doctor!

You can learn more about the project here: Data Doctors Project.

If you are interested in joining us, please click on Answer below this post (not comment).

We will respond and award you the badge!

Thank you for your help in growing a healthy one-world tree!

closed with the note: Outdated. New Request Posted
in The Tree House by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (212k points)
closed by Living Moore
hi, I'm at a pause as I have a lot to fix on my entries and as I understand it, we can't add family.  Go figure, lol, I always have something holding me back from what I want to do.  I'll be back, you can count on that.
We will see you later in the year then Patricia take care in the meantime and have fun with your branch of the tree
I can't join at the moment but I want to say thank you for all your work. I've been trying to clean up profiles for years but there are so many. This group is a definite plus for WikiTree.
Thank you for that, Cheryl.  You would be welcome to join any time.
Please add me to the project team. I've been researching my family history for almost 10 years now. I love reviewing records and correcting errors.
Hi Pamela

Can you covert your comment to an answer please. If not then can you click  answer at the top of this post thanks

Hi, Please add me to the Data Doctors team. I have been cleaning up profiles I manage and can help on other profiles.

Thanks, Phil McMahon, McMahon-1297
Hi Phil

Thanks for your interest. Could you change your comment to an answer please.

110 Answers

+9 votes
Please add me to the project team. This is stuff I enjoy doing. Thanks.
by Pamela Lind G2G1 (1.6k points)

Hi Pamela

Thanks for changing your comment to an answer. We have received your request to join and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest in the project 

+8 votes
Hi, I'd like to join the data doctors project!   I've been obsessed with genealogy for over 20 years and I love the idea of one tree of everyone.   I had been putting all my DNA cousins in my ancestry tree, but this is so much better.  I am a programmer and have experience with syntax of many kinds and the wiki markup script wasn't difficult to pick up.   I have worked on a few of the challenges posted on G2G and now find myself trolling the main suggestions list for things to fix.  There is something really satisfying about resolving the error messages and cleaning things up.
by Cathy Fahey G2G3 (3.6k points)

Hi Cathy

We have received your request to join and will get back to you as soon as possible. Good to know you are gaining some experience

Thank you for your interest in the project and in the suggestions lists

+7 votes
I would like to help with locations using lowercase. I think this something I can help with.
by Kathy Adkins G2G1 (1.5k points)

Hi Kathy,

We have received your request to join and will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Thank you for your interest in the project.

+9 votes
I am already fixing errors regularly. I would love to be official on becoming a data doctor please. I have been joining challenges here and there so when in Rome.
by Christine Preston G2G6 Mach 6 (66.7k points)

Hi Christine,

When in Rome, become a Data Doctor!  We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest and for correcting suggestions.

Welcome, Christine! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are essential guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help. To ask questions in WikiTree's G2G forum and be notified in your Wiki Genealogy Feed alerts, you are following the DATA DOCTORS tag.  At Special:Following please go to the "data_doctors" tag and edit the text.

In the comment box, please type:

"I am a member of the Data Doctors Project."

This comment is standardized for consistency and easy identification of Data Doctors as any WikiTree member may follow the tag, and is especially helpful during the Clean-A-Thons" when many WikiTree members work on suggestions.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group, our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you, and thank you for your contributions!

+7 votes
Hi, Keen to join. I have participated in Source-A-Thons and am starting on the Sourcerer challenge this month by attempting to source profiles in East Lothian, Scotland.
by Living Guthrie G2G6 Mach 8 (80.5k points)

Hi, Mary,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

+6 votes
I have been researching in various venues for many years on my side and my husband's side of our families.  We have a mutual ancestor (mine proven by papertrail/dna) his connection proven by dna but a gap in the papertrail.  I am always on the lookout for hard paper evidence to link generations, be it a Last Will and Testament, deed of trust, or some other document to give concrete evidence to familial connections and firm up dates and places of an ancestor.
by Cherie Casteel G2G Crew (660 points)


We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

+5 votes
I would like to become a Data Doctor.  I hope my settings are now conducive to admittance to the group.  Let me know if they are not.  I have been researching in various venues through the years.  My goals are to locate hard paper evidence such as Wills, Deeds of Trust, and others to confirm familial connections and to be able to provide correct dates and places. Thanks for your consideration.
by Cherie Casteel G2G Crew (660 points)
+6 votes
I would like to join! Thanks!
by Greg Webber G2G6 Mach 1 (15.5k points)

Hi, Greg,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

Welcome, Greg! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are essential guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help. We note that you added the DATA DOCTORS to your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

In the comment box, please change the comment to:

"I am a member of the Data Doctors Project."

This comment is standardized for consistency and easy identification of Data Doctors as any WikiTree member may follow the tag and is especially helpful during the "Clean-A-Thons" when many WikiTree members work on suggestions.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group, our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you, and thank you for your contributions!

+6 votes

I would love to join this project! As I work on the sourcerers challenges, I find myself finding more and more little errors and typos that need to be adjusted, so I figure it would be best to join this project and learn the best ways to correct those errors.


by Sarah Grimaldi G2G6 Mach 2 (21.6k points)

Hi, Sarah,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

Welcome, Sarah! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are essential guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help. We note that you added the DATA DOCTORS to your followed tags at Special:Following. 

In the comment box, please change the comment to:

"I am a member of the Data Doctors Project."

This comment is standardized for consistency and easy identification of Data Doctors as any WikiTree member may follow the tag and is especially helpful during the "Clean-A-Thons" when many WikiTree members work on suggestions.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group, our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you, and thank you for your contributions!

+7 votes

I would like to join the DataDoctors Project to more fully understand the structure of WikiTree and methods for formulating complex searches and normalizing data. I would like to assist in documenting this information for all users. I am currently working on profile creating and searching How-Tos for the Black History Project.

I am a 30+ veteran of database/analytics consulting in the eDiscovery industry. I ran the 9/11 World Trade Center Projects for the City of New York Law Department and selected, designed, implemented, and trained on data platforms for the project.


by Babs Deacon G2G2 (2.7k points)

Hi, Barbara,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

+7 votes
id love to join this project
by Ann-Marie Hamblett G2G6 Pilot (109k points)

Hi, Ann-Marie,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

Welcome, Ann-Marie! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group, our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you, and thank you for your contributions!  I will send you an email shortly.

+7 votes
i would like to be a member of the project team thankyou
by Ann-Marie Hamblett G2G6 Pilot (109k points)
This is a duplicate request.
+7 votes
I'm keen on joining. I've actually taken part in the odd weekly challenge, but never thought to join the official "group". Thanks.
by Tracy Frayne G2G6 Mach 3 (32.9k points)

Hi, Tracy,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

Welcome, Tracy! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are essential guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help

To ask questions in WikiTree's G2G forum and be notified in your Wiki Genealogy Feed alerts, please add the DATA DOCTORS to your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

In the comment box, please type:

"I am a member of the Data Doctors Project."

This comment is standardized for consistency and easy identification of Data Doctors as any WikiTree member may follow the tag, and is especially helpful during the Clean-A-Thons" when many WikiTree members work on suggestions.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group, our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you, and thank you for your contributions!

+7 votes

I'm reading and learning how to correctly post Data and am very excited to do so.
by Nikell McCarthy G2G6 Mach 3 (30.2k points)
Hi, Nikell,

Does that mean you want to join the Data Doctors Project, or excited to share your learning?
Yes I would like to join!

Hi, Nikell,

Thank you for the clarification.  We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.


Welcome, Nikell! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are essential guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help

You are following the DATA DOCTORS in your followed tags at Special:Following. 

In the comment box, please change the comment to:

"I am a member of the Data Doctors Project."

This comment is standardized for consistency and easy identification of Data Doctors as any WikiTree member may follow the tag and is especially helpful during the Clean-A-Thons" when many WikiTree members work on suggestions.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group, our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you, and thank you for your contributions!

+8 votes
Please add me to the project.
by Barbara Regan G2G5 (5.6k points)

Hi, Barbara,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest, and I am delighted you decided to join.  I look forward to talking with you later today.

Welcome, Barbara! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions!

I'm excited to be a part of this important work and hope to contribute to the efforts of making more accurate profiles on WikiTree.
I am sure you will accomplish everything you set out to do.  Welcome!
+6 votes

I want to help bettering WikiTree and its pages, however I can.

by Dona Buckmann G2G5 (5.7k points)

Hi, Dona,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

+6 votes
I want to join.
by Ella Taylor G2G2 (2.6k points)

Hi, Helen,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest.

+6 votes
Hello. I’m always making corrections so may as well do the data_doctor!
by Ed Street G2G6 (8.0k points)

Hi Ed

We have received your request to join and will get back to you as soon as possible. Good to know you are gaining some experience

Thank you for your interest in the project and in the suggestions lists

Welcome, Ed! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are essential guidelines we follow in the project, along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help. Please change the comment on your DATA DOCTORS tag in your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

In the comment box, please type:

"I am a member of the Data Doctors Project."

This comment is standardized for consistency and easy identification of Data Doctors as any WikiTree member may follow the tag and is especially helpful during the Clean-A-Thons" when many WikiTree members work on suggestions.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group, our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you, and thank you for your contributions!


+7 votes
Hi, I would love to join the data doctors project.


by Kathy Evans G2G6 Mach 5 (58.2k points)

Hi, Kathy,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

Welcome, Kathy! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are essential guidelines we follow in the project, along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help. Please change the comment on your DATA DOCTORS tag in your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

In the comment box, please type:

"I am a member of the Data Doctors Project."

This comment is standardized for consistency and easy identification of Data Doctors as any WikiTree member may follow the tag and is especially helpful during the Clean-A-Thons" when many WikiTree members work on suggestions.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group, our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you, and thank you for your contributions!


Thanks, Sherry,

I've joined the group, and updated my tag.

Many thanks, and welcome!
+7 votes
Hello DataDoctors Team. I've been completing DataDoc suggestions for regional projects I'm part of for a while now so thought I might as well make it official and join your team too.  Please consider my request to join DataDoctors.  Thank you.
by Todd Gilbert G2G6 Mach 1 (13.4k points)

Hi, Todd,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, and thank you for the contributions!

Thank you for your interest.

Welcome, Todd! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project, along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group, our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you, and thank you for your contributions!

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