Public Photo

MIcheaux Cemetery Marker

In this image:

Where: Henrico County, Virginia map

When: 2017.

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Comments: 4, WikiTree Popularity: 1.

Original digital image: 4032 x 3024 pixels. Taken with Apple iPhone SE camera. 11.0 software. Dated 2017:09:27 15:23:03.


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Comments: 4

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Please share name of Cemetery.
posted by Scoti Pickrell
The answer might be a long time in coming, but as far as I've been able to find out, this is in Michaux's Grant Family Cemetery. You can see it's location here:
posted by Roy Smith IV
Could not identify stones for Abraham or Suzanne Rochet, but there are some without names, probably graves without stones. This is from a trip in the fall of 2017.
posted by Philip Hanna
Personal photos from trip to Virginia
posted by Philip Hanna