I want to add DNA test to my both parents and son. How to proceed ?

+4 votes
WikiTree profile: Philippe Lebreton
in Genealogy Help by Vincent Lebreton G2G1 (1.8k points)

1 Answer

+9 votes
Best answer
Vincent, if you mean that your parents and your son have all taken DNA tests and you want to add those results to their profiles, the answer is easy -  if they are living then you cannot do that.  WikiTree has established rules to protect privacy of living persons and they include that a living person is the only one who can add their DNA information to their profile.

You can have your parents and son join WikiTree.  As members, they will be able to add their DNA information.  They can make you profile manager and never have to do anything else, unless they want to participate.

If you have a relative who is no longer living, but was DNA tested before their death, then as long as you are manager of their profile, you will be able to add their information.
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Maggie N.

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