What happened to the FamilySearch connection app on profiles?

+6 votes
I found it here: https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:EditFamilySearch

But there use to be a link on the profiles?
in WikiTree Tech by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (533k points)

3 Answers

+6 votes
Find > FamilySearch Matches ?
by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (320k points)
Ugh...blind again.  Thanks!

However, There use to be an actual button in the area of the [more info] section on the profile.  I would swear I saw it as recently as last week.  But given that I missed the Find connection, I may have to reevaluate my thinking.  I appear to be getting old.
I think I recall that there were some other changes that affected that area of the profile, but again there have been so many changes (all good!) that maybe they are all blurred together.
To be clear, The area now labled Reseach on the right side of the profile.
Wild guess - have you uninstalled the BEE?
Yes, I diabled it, I was getting missing information on some profiles in the relationship bubble.


I was wondering how much of the BEE and the Extention app I was using without remembering the difference.  

But with the Bee (preview) I am getting this in the relationship bubble, 

Your .
Your common ancestor, John Kelly Sr., is his Father.


Not on every profile however.
Also, I do not get the dropdown lineage on the other profiles but when I click on Father on the above profile I do get it.
Ok, I think I see where the lineage issue comes from.  James Kelly, Jr. is a Half-uncle.  In the lines where both parents are directly related, it works find for Cousin lines. but in cases where there is one parent, then the line for the other parent produces the no result on the Uncle (maybe Aunt line too but I did not check that), and then works on the 1st cousin down with the exception of saying Half 1st cousin.

I am not sure if we need to distinguish Half-Uncles vs Uncles as we would still consider them Uncles but it does help when IDing DNA lines.  But in this case it does not even say Uncle so I diabled the BEE, resulting in the FamilySearch button disapearing.
With the BEE off I get 3rd great-granduncle (technically HALF 3rd great-granduncle) but no drop down lineage.
I'm sorry about the incorrect display.  You can disable the Ancestor/Cousin text in the BEE on the options page.
Thanks Ian, no worrries, it's all good.
+5 votes
I use this a lot and can't see that anything has changed. As Ian says, I use "Find" and then "FamilySearch Matches" to get to it. I have never seen a direct link to the app on a profile. If you mean the "[more info]" link beneath "Research", this only appears on a profile when that profile has already been connected to FamilySearch using the app.
by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (268k points)
edited by Samantha Thomson
Yes, in the area of [more info].  See my response to Ian.
+5 votes
WikiTree BEE adds the link on the profiles, else there is only one if there is a FS profile linked to the WT profile
by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (205k points)
Maybe this is the answer, it use to be that we could link profiles to FS from the profile using the app from the profile.  At least that is what I remember, but I did link quite a few so seeing it regularly makes sense.  I only recently started adding a bunch of new profiles and missed seeing it until I provided a link.  But it shows up differently that it did before.

You can also add a bookmark in your browser that has this instead of an address:


When you click the bookmark while being on a profile, it will open the FamilySearch Connection page with the profile ID already filled in.

Cool, I will try that out.   

I was just more curious as to what had changed from what I remember.  But perhaps I have a faulty memory.

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