Appalachia Project March 2024 Challenge: Sourcing Unsourced Appalachians [closed]

+15 votes

This month, Sourcing Unsourced Appalachians 

It's a lucky month for sourcing!
Let's Clear the Unsourced, Appalachia Category!  

And, want to add aources to profiles that only have one or a basic source?  
We have over 1500 to choose from:  Appalachia Project Needs Sources category

Visit our Appalachia Challenges Space Page for Details.

  1. Click the "Answer this Post" link and let us know who you picked.
  2. Click the green Challenge Tracker button & select "Sourcing Unsourced Appalachians" 

Rules:  One source or 50 count as one Challenge Tracker click.   Please only click once per profile.

You do not need to be a member of the Appalachia Project to participate.  All WikiTree'ers are welcome to Make Appalachia Shine.  Want to join the Appalachia Project? Click here

Join us in our Discord Channel to get research help, chat, explore Appalachian topics, or share your love of biscuits. laugh

in The Tree House by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (247k points)
closed by Sandy Patak

11 Answers

+13 votes
Looks like a challenge that is right up my alley!  I'm in.


St (Hadsell-2)
by Staci Golladay G2G6 Mach 6 (64.6k points)

Awesome!  I love all that you do to help Appalachia heart

+13 votes
Count me in!!! Love my Appalachia family!
by Judith Fry G2G6 Mach 8 (87.1k points)

And I love your comment!  Love having you part of the family. heart

+12 votes
Count me in! I do love a challenge.
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (164k points)

Love a challenge and pickles! heart

+13 votes
I'm scooping up the Benfields! Half a dozen of them.
by Shelley Monson G2G6 Mach 2 (25.7k points)
What a great idea Shelley!  Thanks for the help.
+12 votes
I'll be happy to help!
by Kathy Zipperer G2G6 Pilot (481k points)
+12 votes
I'll take a look at some Tennesseans today.
by D Armistead G2G6 Mach 8 (83.2k points)
That would be great, D. Many thanks!
+12 votes
I'll be working on Unsourced Appalachia category.
by Rosann Kent G2G1 (1.2k points)
It wouldn't be the same without you!  Thanks Rosann!
+12 votes
Yes, please. I want to be a contributing factor in this community. My grandmother Mattie Thorne Chase was born to Hester Hixon (Chase) in Platte County, Missouri. Her parents were David and Emma Hixon. Scots-Irish (?) Potentially Jews as well. Annie Milligan was my other( Also Scots Irish) ggrandmother. States covered are Kentucky, Virginia, Missouri, will add more if I come to it
by Shelley Salvail G2G1 (1.0k points)

Shelley, if you wish to contribute to this March Challenge for the Appalachia Project, thank you!  (Membership in the Project is not a requirement.)

If you wish to join the Appalachia Project, that is a separate G2G post.  Please review the Project pages before joining because some of the areas you mentioned are not considered Appalachia. This is the list of Counties that are Appalachia.

If you have any questions, just let me know.  I always love talking about Appalachia. smiley

+12 votes
Count me in.  I will take a look for an Alabama profiles that need sourcing.
by Sheila Tidwell G2G6 Mach 6 (65.2k points)
Awesome Sheila!  I always love everything you do for Appalachia.

heartheart  Thanks, I love this project!

+9 votes
Hey Sandy,

How did we do?  I was going to add up all the scores from the challenge track but can't find it now.


by Sheila Tidwell G2G6 Mach 6 (65.2k points)
+9 votes
Count me in!
by Connie Pullen G2G4 (4.1k points)

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