reference needed on Help: name fields to guidelines on dit names

+6 votes
Hi all,

Just been looking over the Help:Name Fields document, there is a short reference in there to ''Dit'' names, could someone link the Quebecois Project page to that section so people can find the full guidelines on how these get treated please?  Thanks.
in Policy and Style by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (682k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
The wikitree policy is to apparently ignore the Dit names, or label them as alternative surnames. But I don't think that is correct.

Some families use the original surname and some use the dit name as their formal surname, so they cannot be ignored.

Hache and Gallant are one very well known example.

My husbands family is another. The family name of Lozier (which used to be Lausier) was originally a Dit name. So would my husbands family not be added to the tree because they used the wrong name?

Below is my husbands Direct paternal ancestor and you can see that his fathers name uses the dit name of Lauzier. This was the name that the son eventually chose to use.

The only reason that we use the Losier spelling, is to make is easier for wikitreers to make that connection. It would be so awkward having to figure out which one of 4 different spellings was correct!! But the pronounciation is always the same.

I found this same question being asked a couple of years ago.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
edited by Robynne Lozier
sorry, no, the policy is not to ignore the dit names, if you look in Quebecois project page, there are guidelines on how to treat them in respect to Last Name at Birth field, other last name etc.  But the general help guide doesn't link to this, so people can remain confused about the subject.

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