!! Help the Greeters !!

+33 votes

I have seen and I am impressed.  The Greeters project has some AMAZING men and women who dedicate so much for new WikiTreers.  If you are reading this, then you have already met at least one or two Greeters.  What you may not know is that there are not enough of them.  The ones who greet new members and introduce them to our Honor Code and mentor those who may not be so Geneaology-experienced or computer-savy, and do such a fine job sacrifice time with their families, and sacrifice sunny days and their own free time to do this.  Many of them work hours that blue collared workers like myself are impressed and a little red in the face.  Some have worked as many as 8-12 hours at a time.  Some work even though they may be very ill.  Why do they work so hard?  Because they believe in our families, and our history.  They believe in WikiTree and they are warm, friendly people who care about absolute strangers.  It can be a thankless job, and many of us forget they exist after our initial introduction to WikiTree. Please, if you are willing and able, contact Rhian Geleick, via http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:Greeters and sign up to help.  No one will expect you to work the hours that some of these amazing people work, but maybe check out the schedule ( http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Greeters%27_Schedule ) and sing up for an open slot, or maybe jump in and volunteer for a random time so that one of these overworked inspirations of our community can take some time off to spend with family and friends.  They will be only too happy to have you.  Help keep WikiTree a warm and welcoming place for newcomers and volunteer to be a Greeter, or maybe send one of them a message to thank them for what they are doing.

WikiTree profile: Debby Black
in Policy and Style by Living King G2G6 Mach 1 (13.5k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
Wow, Trib. I'm speechless. It seems inadequate to leave it at that, but a warm and gratified thanks heading your way. :)
I agree with Debby thank you Trib its nice to know all the Greeters are apprieciated the comments you made are  wonderful
Well I actually removed the Greeters badge from myself, because I haven't been able to do anything to help ya'll out.  It has been eating at me, though as I know how hard you all work (I get emails with every message that is put on the Greeter's schedule still).  So I figure if I cannot help Greet on a regular basis, I might as well try to find some others that can.  Though none of you complain, I know it would be nice to get some help. Hopefully someone bites.

The greeters are a great group and they go beyond what is expected of them. They are a loyal bunch of friends and can be depended on when in need.  The project needs volunteers and it offers rewards not in monetary but in friendship.
Trib, you, like the Greeters, are awesome.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I agree Debby I'm speechless as well. . It is nice to know that we are appreciated. smiley

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all the greeters! I would love to help and as soon as I figure out how things work and can navigate this site perhaps someday I will be allowed to because it would be a priviledge to do so. The timliness and friendliness of everyone is wonderful and refreshing!
Thank you so much, Patricia. We're always looking for enthusiastic greeters who will give our guests a warm, friendly welcome as they start their WikiTree journey.

5 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer

I would love to pitch in and help when my month anniversary arrives. :)cool

by Donna Creekmore G2G1 (1.3k points)
selected by Eowyn Walker
Yay!! Donna, please do!!

looking forward to it wink

We'd love for you join our friendly group. :)

Thank you for the warm welcomes...don't know if I should run the other way now....lolangel   I probably should list "warped sense of humor" on my profile so I dont scare anyone off...

Thank you all, I am looking forward to being able to participate more fully.

Awesome Donna!
+9 votes
Trib, you are the best ! Debby is amazing as it's not an easy project. Mary,that is true. It's enjoying greeting the new ones and helping others out with their genealogy quests at Wikitree as we were all " newbies" here at one time or another.
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+3 votes
(re-tag) Any takers?
by Living King G2G6 Mach 1 (13.5k points)
+11 votes
Hello Trib, I've only been on the site since December.  I am a greeter and volunteer and I must say all the Greeters are awesome and helpful.  This site is very warm and happy to help in any way possible.  


Thanks to all the staff for making this a wonderful place to be.
by Sally Stovall G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
I am glad!  Thank you for joining them.  They are a great crew!
+6 votes
We need more greeters from Australia !
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

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