Familysearch or Ancestry

+10 votes
I would like to know which would be the best to subscribe to as far as amount of information one can get:,, findmypast.
WikiTree profile: Pat Kelynack
in Genealogy Help by Pat Kelynack G2G6 Mach 4 (48.8k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

FamilySearch is free and has many of the same records as Ancestry.  

6 Answers

+14 votes
Familysearch is free.  The others, you have to pay for.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points) is also a free site with surname origin information.
+11 votes
I'm not familiar with findmypast.

About, I belonged to that site for several years and admit that I did find the "hints" helpful, and that is what they are, just hints.  The downside is that much of it was not sourced, and because of that I opted to NOT upload my ancestry file onto WikiTree, but added each one separately  and sourced them one at a time.

My suggestion is to use familysearch and see if it works for you.  Since it's free, you will not be out any cash.
by Cheryl Skordahl G2G6 Pilot (293k points)
Find My Past is owned by Ancestry, I believe. I think it's more of an Ancestry for UK, give or take, these days. And has similar fees to Ancestry.
Well - I guess I was wrong - it does not appear that it's owned by Ancestry - at least not that I can tell. But it is essentially Ancestry for UK and has similar fees.
Findmypast is definitely not under the same ownership as Ancestry. They are competitors.
+14 votes

I use all three, but it depends on where you are researching. I took a quick look at your tree and see that among the locations you have are Durham and Lancashire so you might also find these two sites useful:


by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (680k points)
+16 votes
FamilySearch seems to be the most recommended site I have noticed when looking for census reports, birth and marriage records etc. I learned to like going there because unlike Ancestry, you get the whole picture, not bits and pieces especially if you are not a paid member of Ancestry.

I do use all three though, to get hints or a direction to look into if there is a roadblock etc. But for sources, "FamilySearch: links seem to work the best.
by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Thanks Dorothy, I will check them out. I do use familysearch but was told that a site like Ancestry where one pays I might get more info to sort out my brick walls
+17 votes
My personal opinion is - it depends.

If you're interested in getting good sources, for free, you really can't beat Family Search. But, keep in mind they will have limitations. A lot of good sources are available there, but it can be a trap to only use FS, as there are a lot of good sources elsewhere too.

So Ancestry, I tend to not be interested in a subscription as I'm in the US, and at most public libraries, I can get on the local internet and get their information for free. So it's a bit inconvenient to either wait for a free weekend (some holidays they will open it up a bit) or travel to the library, but I think it's worth it.

That leads to Find My Past. I believe this focuses more towards records from the UK, and if your research is taking you in this direction, you might consider this.

Personally, I try to make do with what can without a subscription and I'm able to find a pretty significant amount of information this way.
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Thanks Scott. Your reply actually does answer what I needed to know. I won't be subscribing to a site where one must pay. I wil stick to family search, OPC etc
+10 votes
I find Family Search useful for records, although they don't have everything.  Also, Family Search trees are deplorable, and some of the most inaccurate trees I have seen online. I do give them high marks for making the records free to the public.
by James Stratman G2G6 Pilot (104k points)
I agree, my Family Search tree has been messed up many times due to inaccurate data being added. People do not always do a full search to find if the  info is true. However, for sources it can be great since it is free.

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