Holy Bible Found.... 4 pages of 1800's data given. Want to return for protection.

+11 votes
I've found a "Spahr" Holy Bible with about 4 pages of geanological data hand written.  My purpose here is to try and return the book to a family member for protection.  I'm not asking for any $ for what I've paid for the bible.  Only for the family member pay for actual shipping cost to return it.   Email is [redacted]:  10 more characters..... not sure if I have that many.
WikiTree profile: George Spahr
in Genealogy Help by Michael Malone G2G1 (1.2k points)
edited by Ellen Smith
Michael please remove your e-mail from your post for privacy reasons.  Anyone who wants to contact you can do so by private message which will not reveal your e-mail address unless you want to.
Kathie, I, finally, received an email from one of my posts.  When I replied I received another email that asked me to try and follow the directions at the bottom of the email.  I opened the "In" email and tried to resend and am extremely frustrated at this email system..... what should I do now?

4 Answers

0 votes
Hello Michael!

I'd also suggest, as an additional step for protection, if you (or someone) could photograph and transcribe the data, including the publisher information at the front of the book.

If could be disseminated to more Spahr family members that way.

Thanks for posting, and for thinking of everyone who would love to have this information about their family!
by Sally Kimbel G2G6 Pilot (107k points)
0 votes
Thanks for the suggestion of removing my email address.  I've thought seriously about it and would like to keep it just the way I've listed it.  Again thanks again for the great suggestion.
by Michael Malone G2G1 (1.2k points)
0 votes
It looks like I've already taken my email out of the post.... this is not my email address.  I'm sure you have the correct address.
by Michael Malone G2G1 (1.2k points)
+1 vote
Hello Michael,

    Interested in knowing if anyone has "claimed" the Bible you have with family information about George Spahr (Spahr-443).  He is one of my "first" cousins although several times removed.  I would like to view the data and if appropriate,  transcribe and post it on his profile.
by Ronald Spahr G2G6 (6.8k points)

The data is to various for me to "Post and wait for your inspection."  I'm not concerned about the actual $ I paid for the bible only for someone to pay for the actual shipping costs for the Bible to be returned to a family member for protection.  Please advise.

2501 Catalina Drive
Orlando, FL 32805

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