Category: Irish History, Kingdom of Airgíalla
Categories: Gaelic Ireland | Irish History, Kings of the Line of Heremon
The Kingdoms of Airgíalla and Oriel
The Kingdom of Airgíalla or Oriel was a medieval Irish kingdom or federation in north-east Ireland which first formed around the 7th century. see Wikitree : Kings of Airgíalla
First known from the old stories when three princes, the "Three Collas" sons of Eochu Cairpre Eochu (Eochy Doimhlein), and grandsons of Cairbre Liffeachaire (High King of Ireland, of the race of Eremon) settled and established their kingdoms. The kingdom of Airgíalla might also to be found named as Uriel, Orial, Orgialla, Orgiall, Oryallia, Ergallia; in Modern Irish, as Oirialla
- Colonisation and Conquest in Medieval Ireland : The English in Louth, 1170-1330 by Brendan Smith, Cambridge U.P. 1999 - p: 1 The Ua Cerbaill kingdom of Airgialla
- Wikipedia : Kingdom of Airgíalla
- Citizendium : Kingdom of Oriel
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