Category: Y-DNA Haplogroup R1b-S1194

Categories: Y-DNA Haplogroup R-L151

According to [1], haplogroup R1b-S1194 and identifies an immediate descendant of R-L151. It formed 4800 ybp and its TMRCA is also 4800ybp. R1b-S1194 is a brother clade of two very large haplogroups: R-P312 and R-U106, and of another small group: R-A8053.

The immediate descendants of R1b-S1194 are R-A8039 and R-S1200 (also known as R1b-CTS4528).

Subcategories (1)

Person Profiles (2)

abt 1700 - 1780
abt 1695

This page was last modified 23:57, 26 November 2022. This page has been accessed 73 times.