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1843 Will of Zachariah Deputy

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1 Jun 1843 [unknown]
Location: Sussex County, Delawaremap
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  1. Date: 01 Jun 1843 [1]
  2. Location: Probably the State of Delaware

Will of Zachariah Deputy

In the Name of God Amen, I Zachariah Deputy being of sound and disposing mind and memory and knowing that is appointed for all men to once to die do constitute and declare and publish this to be my Last Will and Testament viz:
Item 1st – It is my will and desire that all my lawful debts be paid.
Item 2nd – It is my will and desire that my beloved wife Sarah Deputy shall have all my estate, real, personal, and mixed during her natural life; but in case she shall marry again after my decease, then it is my will and desire that she shall one third only of my real estate during her natural life.
Item 3rd – It is my will and desire that after the decease of my beloved wife Sarah Deputy my whole real estate shall go and descend to my son James Henry Deputy him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item 4th – Should my son James Henry Deputy die without leaving lawful issue: then my will and desire is that my whole and entere real estate shall go and descend to Zachariah Deputy son of my brother Joshua Deputy deceased him his heirs and assigns forever.
Item 5 – I hereby constitute and appoint James Henry Deputy, son of my brother Sylvester, to be my sole executor of this my last will and testament as witness my hand and seal this twenty first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three 1843.
Zachariah Deputy (seal)
Witnesses present:
Alfred Lofland
Isaac Carpenter

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