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W. C. Heiss, Abstracts of the records of the Friends Society in Indiana: Sarah Ann Small

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Sarah Ann Small appears twice in W. C. Heiss's Abstracts of the records of the Friends Society in Indiana
The first appearance is in the abstracts of the Chester Monthly Meeting (Part 1 page 280.)[1]
Heiss, W.C., Abstracts of the records of the Friends Society in Indiana, Pt. 1, Pg. 280 [1]
In this entry Sarah Ann Small's death date is given as 30 Sep 1831 with an age of 7y 1m. This is in agreement with the original record.[2]
Sarah Ann Small's second appearance is in the abstracts of the Mississinewa Monthly Meeting (Part 3, page 15).[3]
Heiss, W.C., Abstracts of the records of the Friends Society in Indiana, Pt. 3, Pg. 15[3]
In this entry we find the birth and death dates for Amos and Rachel's family. Sarah Ann Small's record indicates that she was born 1 Feb 1824, died 1 Oct 1831 and was buried in the Mississinewa friends burial ground. With the exception of the birth date this information is in agreement with the original documents.[4][5]
  • Citation:
<span id='WCHeiss'></span>Heiss, W. C.,[[Space:Abstracts_of_the_records_of_the_Friends_Society_in_Indiana_Sarah_Ann_Small| ''Abstracts of the records of the Friends Society in Indiana'']]: Sarah Ann Small
  • Heiss, W. C., Abstracts of the records of the Friends Society in Indian: Sarah Ann Small
  • In-line Citation
<ref name='WCHeissAbstracts'>Heiss, W. C., [[#WCHeiss|''Abstracts of the records of the Friends Society in Indiana'']]: Sarah Ann Small</ref>


  1. 1.0 1.1 Heiss, W, C., (1962), Part 1, page 280.
  2. Chester Monthly Meeting, Birth and Death Records - Book A: Sarah Ann Small
  3. 3.0 3.1 Heiss, W, C., (1962), Part 3, Page 15.
  4. Mississinewa Monthly Meeting, Birth and Death Records - Volume A: Family of Amos and Rachel Small
  5. Mississinewa Monthly Meeting, Menbership Book: Family of Amos and Rachel Small
  6. Heiss, W. C., Abstracts of the records of the Friends Society in Indiana: Sarah Ann Small

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