Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: McKinney
Contents |
This page contains extended research and transcriptions pertaining to Calvin McKinney (born in Tennessee) and Roena Gilmore (born in Missouri) who were married in Cole County, Missouri in 1838, and resided in Texas County, Missouri.
These are the known children of Calvin and Roena (Gilmore) McKinney:
- Thomas Benton McKinney (1839-)
- John B. McKinney (1842-)
- Mary McKinney (1844-)
- Sarah M. (McKinney) Chambers (1846-)
- James W. McKinney (1850-1899)
- Rebecca McKinney (1851-)
- Gates O. McKinney (1854-1898)
- Meldon P. McKinney (1856-abt.1932)
- Margaret C. McKinney (1860-)
Timeline and Sources
1816 (Birth of Calvin)
Calvin McKinney was born on 15 Sep 1816 to James William McKinney and Sarah Gouge. This information was recorded in the family bible and was published by the Houston Herald newspaper on 22 Mar 1945. Both the 1850 and 1860 United States census records note Calvin's place of birth as Tennessee.
- Newspapers.com: "Mrs. Mattie McKinney Adds To McKinney History," Houston, MO: The Houston Herald, 22 Mar 1945, p6. https://www.newspapers.com/clip/40874953/james_mckinney (newspapers.com : accessed 31 Dec 2020).
1838 (Marriage)
Calvin McKinney and Roena Gilmore were married in Cole County, Missouri on 7 Jan 1838.
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- "Missouri, County Marriage, Naturalization, and Court Records, 1800-1991," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:WGRN-J2T2 : 1 October 2019), Calvin McKinney, 7 Jan 1838; citing Marriage, Cole, Missouri, United States, Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City; FHL microfilm 007423859.
- "Missouri, County Marriage, Naturalization, and Court Records, 1800-1991," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:WGRX-WMPZ : 1 October 2019), Colvin McKinny, 7 Jan 1838; citing Marriage, Cole, Missouri, United States, Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City; FHL microfilm 007423860.
1850 (Census)
On 14 Aug 1850, Calvin and Roena were enumerated in the United States census, residing in District No. 98, Texas County, Missouri, where Calvin was a farmer. Value of Real Estate owned was nil. No disabilities were recorded in the household.
Household (as transcribed on Family Search):
- Calvin McKinney, Male, 33, Tennessee
- Rianna McKinney, Female, 32, Missouri
- Benton McKinney, Male, 11, Missouri
- John B McKinney, Male, 8 Missouri
- Mary B McKinney, Female 6, Missouri
- Sarah M McKinney, Female, 4, Missouri
- James W McKinney, Male, 1, Missouri
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- "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V5P8-RP7 : 22 December 2020), Calvin McKinney, Texas, Missouri, United States; citing family , NARA microfilm publication (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
1860 (Census)
On 20 Jun 1860, Calvin and Roena were enumerated in the United States census, residing in Piney Township, Texas County, Missouri. Calvin was a farmer. Value of Real Estate was $350 and Value of Personal Estate was $625.
Household (as transcribed on Family Search):
- Calvin Mc Kinney , Male, 43, Tennessee
- Roseamy Mc Kinney, Female, 42, Missouri
- Benton B Mc Kinney, Male, 21, Missouri
- John B Mc Kinney, Male, 18, Missouri
- Mary L Mc Kinney, Female, 16, Missouri
- Sarah M Mc Kinney, Female, 14, Missouri
- James W Mc Kinney, Male, 11, Missouri
- Rebecca S Mc Kinney, Female, 9, Missouri
- Gates R Mc Kinney, Male, 6, Missouri
- Mildon P Mc Kinney, Male, 3, Missouri
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- "United States Census, 1860", database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MHZV-ZDR : 11 November 2020), Calvin Mc Kinney, 1860.
1861 (Death of Calvin)
Calvin passed away about 1861.
1870 (Census)
In Jul 1870, Roena was enumerated in the United States census, residing in Cass Township, Texas County, Missouri. Value of Real Estate was $250 and Value of Personal Estate was $200.
Household (as transcribed on Family Search):
- Rena McKinney, Female, 52, Missouri
- Thomas B McKinney, Male, 31, Missouri
- Mary A McKinney, Female, 25, Tennessee (note: wife of Thomas B)
- Rebecca A McKinney, Female, 18, Missouri
- Gaytes A McKinney, Male, 16, Missouri
- Melden P McKinney, Male, 13, Missouri
- Margarett C McKinney, Female, 10, Missouri
- George McKinney, Male, 0, Missouri (note: son of Thomas B and Mary)
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- "United States Census, 1870", database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M4F7-XWZ : 19 March 2020), Rena McKinney, 1870.
1873 (Land Patent)
On 1 Nov 1873, a land patent was granted to "Roeana McKinney, widow of Calvin McKinney" at the Ironton Land Office in Missouri.
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- "General Land Office Records," database with images. Entry for McKinney, Roeana; Ironton Land Office, 1 Nov 1873. Accession Nr: MO4270__.431, Document Type: State Volume Patent, State: Missouri. https://glorecords.blm.gov/details/patent/default.aspx?accession=MO4270__.431&docClass=STA&sid=m3rmeenl.ctb#patentDetailsTabIndex=0 U.S. Department of the Interior: Bureau of Land Management (glorecords.blm.gov : accessed 27 May 2021).
1880 (Census)
On 17 Jun 1880, Roena, widowed, was enumerated in the United States census, residing in Cass Township, Texas County, Missouri. Place of Birth of the Father and Place of Birth of the Mother were both recorded as Kentucky.
Household (as transcribed on Family Search):
- Roina Mc Kinney, Self, Female, 61, Missouri, United States
- Gates O Mc Kinney, Son, Male, 26, Missouri, United States
- Melvin P Mc Kinney, Son, Male, 23, Missouri, United States
- Marget C Mc Kinney, Daughter, Female, 19, Missouri, United States (sick with bronchitis)
- James E Walls, Grandson, Male, 8, Missouri, United States
Includes neighboring household of John Proe, who married Thomas Benton McKinney's wife Mary after he passed away. Click to view enlarged image. |
- "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M6NF-4KJ : 16 August 2017), Roina Mc Kinney, Cass, Texas, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district ED 128, sheet 350C, NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm 1,254,739.
1900 (Census)
On 19 Jun 1900, Roena, widowed, was enumerated in the United States census, residing in Cass Township, Texas County, Missouri, in the household of her son Meldon. Her month of birth was recorded as Oct; the year is unclear (appears to be either 1817, 1818 or 1819). Place of Birth of Father was recorded as Virginia and Place of Birth of Mother was recorded as Kentucky.
Household (as transcribed on Family Search):
- Meldon P Mckinney, Head, Male, 44, Missouri
- Josephine Mckinney, Wife, Female, 31, Missouri
- Nettie Mckinney, Daughter, Female, 12, Missouri
- Freddie Mckinney, Son, Male, 10, Missouri
- Bert Mckinney, Son, Male, 8, Missouri
- Ella M Mckinney, Daughter, Female, 3, Missouri
- Nellie E Mckinney, Daughter, Female, 0, Missouri
- Roena Mckinney, Mother, Female, 82, Missouri
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- "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M3HZ-1D8 : accessed 30 December 2020), Roena Mckinney in household of Meldon P Mckinney, Cass Township, Texas, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 138, sheet 18A, family 300, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,240,905.
1905 (Death of Roena)
Roena passed away in Texas County, Missouri on 16 Apr 1905. She was survived by her son Meldon. A tribute was submitted to the Houston Herald newspaper by "Little Ted" under the section Samoa Scraps. Here Roena's cause of death was noted as paralysis. Interment took place at Ozark Cemetery in Houston on 17 Apr 1905. Transcribed by Dale Mutter.
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- Died: On the 16th, at 10 o'clock, the
- aged mother of Mel McKinney, of near
- Tyrone; her remains were laid to rest at
- Ozark the 17th. Aunt Rhoaine, as she
- was familiarly called, had been a resi-
- dent of this county for fifty-eight years.
- She was 88 years and 6 months of age
- when she died. Her family, of which
- there were seven children, had preceded
- her across the dark river of death, ex-
- cept one son, with whom she made her
- home. Her husband also died several
- years ago. She was a lady of excellent
- character, well known and well beloved
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- by all who knew her. It is with a sad
- heart that we write the sad tidings of
- her death, which was caused by paraly-
- sis. Although so very old her mind was
- still bright and memory good. She paid
- us a visit last fall, which was enjoyed
- very much by us. She was very inter-
- esting; told us many stories of pioneer
- life and many interesting events of the
- war and was so pleasant and cheerful
- that it was with regret we parted with
- her. But she had bid adieu to earth and
- earthly things and gone to join those of
- her family who have already joined the
- angels on that bright shore where there
- will be no more sickness or death.
- Little Ted, "Samoa Scraps," Death of Aunt Rhoaine; Houston, MO: The Houston Herald, 20 Apr 1905, p4. https://www.newspapers.com/clip/40968268/rowena_gilmore_mckinney (newspapers.com : accessed 30 Dec 2020).
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- One By One They Pass Away.
- Aly McKinney was in town
- Tuesday and reported the death of
- his aunt, Mrs. Roeni McKinney.
- Mrs. McKinney was the widow of
- Calvin McKinney, a sister of Wil-
- liam Gilmore, the auntof Aly, Doc,
- Jim, Lee and Perry McKinney,
- and was 88 years 6 months and 1
- day old at time of death, which
- occurred at the home of her only
- child, Mell McKinney, Sunday
- April 16. She was born in St.
- Francois county and had been a
- resident of this county for 58 years.
- The remains were intered in the
- Ozark Cemetery Monday.
- "One By One They Pass Away." Houston, MO: Texas County Star, 20 Apr 1905, p8. https://www.newspapers.com/article/texas-county-star-roena-gilmore-mckinney/147180442 (newspapers.com : accessed 13 May 2024).
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- Rhoaine McKinney was born
- October 15, 1817, died April 16,
- 1905. She came to this county a-
- bout the year 1847, was one among
- the oldest settlers, and could tell
- many interesting stories of pioneer
- life. She was the mother of nine
- children, only one of whom survived
- her. The others with her husband
- having preceded her to the eternal
- world. She claimed a hope in
- Jesus, and was dearly loved by
- those who knew her: she was of a
- jovial disposition and always had
- a kind word for those she loved.
- Aunt Rhoaine, as she was com-
- monly called, had been somewhat
- feeble for the past three years hav-
- ing received a fall from which she
- never fully recovered. Friday
- April the 14, she felt uncommonly
- well; Saturday morning she was
- stricken with paralysis and died
- Sunday about 10 o'clock a.m. She
- never spoke again but seemed
- conscious of all around until just
- before she died. She leaves a son,
- a number of friends and relatives
- to mourn their loss. The remains
- were laid to rest in the Ozark
- Cemetery.
- Peaceful be thy silent slumber,
- Peaceful in thy grave so low,
- Thou no more will join our number,
- Thou no more our sorrows know.
- Yet again we hope to meet thee,
- When the day of life is fled,
- And in heaven with joy to greet thee,
- Where no farewell words are said.
- Obituary for Rhoaine McKinney; Houston, MO: Texas County Star, 27 Apr 1905, p5. https://www.newspapers.com/article/texas-county-star-roena-gilmore-mckinney/147180542 (newspapers.com : accessed 13 May 2024).
1918 (Land Dispute)
From the Houston Herald, Houston, Texas County, Missouri, 14 Feb 1918. Also published 21 Feb, 7 Mar and 14 Mar 1918. Transcribed by Dale Mutter.
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- State of Missouri,
- County of Texas,
- In the circuit court for Texas county, April
- term, 1918.
- Rebecca Sherwood, Flavius M. Sherwood,
- Maude A. Sherwood, Alson C. Sherwood
- and Alma L. Morris, plaintiffs against James
- Raper; Unknown consort, heirs, devisees,
- alienees, and immediate, mesne and
- remote, voluntary and involuntary grantees
- of the said James Raper; William Raper;
- Unknown consort, heirs, devisees, donees,
- alienees, and immediate, mesne and remote,
- voluntary and involuntary grantees of the
- said William Raper; Unknown consort, heirs,
- devisees, donees, alienees, and immediate,
- mesne and remote, voluntary and involun-
- tary grantees of Rowena McKinney, deceas-
- ed; Walter Daniels and Teresa Daniels, his
- wife; Minnie Martin and Thomas T. Martin,
- her husband; Ollie McKinney and Mansard
- Mckinney, her husband, defendants -Quiet
- title.
- The State of Missouri, to above named de-
- fendants -Greeting:
- Now here this 13th day of February, 1918,
- in vacation of circuit court for Texas coun-
- ty, Missouri, before April term, 1918, of
- said circuit court, come plaintiffs herein by
- attorneys of record herein, before the clerk
- of said court, and on behalf of plaintiffs file
- their duly verified petition, among other
- matters of action alleging:
- Plaintiffs further state that the title to the
- above described lands was well vested in
- Gates O. McKinney by patent from the
- United States of America March 7 1892,
- recorded in the office of Recorder of Deeds
- for Texas county, Missouri, January 22,
- 1902, in Book 33 at page 171, and that
- said Gates O. McKinney departed this life
- about the -- day of March 1898; that the
- defendants, James Raper, William Raper,
- Walter Daniels, Minnie Martin and Ollie Mc-
- Kinney, are heirs at law of said Gates O.
- McKinney, who was also known as G. O.
- McKinney and that said said heirs became vest-
- ed each of an undivided one-twenty-fourth
- interest in said real estate, and that the said
- Rowena McKinney, who departed this life
- in or about the year 1902 or 1903, was an
- heir of said Gates O. McKinney and as such
- heir became vested of an undivided one-
- eighth interest in such real estate.
- Plaintiffs further state that the defendants,
- Walter Daniels and Teresa Daniels, his wife,
- are non-residents of the state of Missouri
- and cannot be served in this state in the
- manner prescribed in chapter 21 of the Re-
- vised Statutes of Missouri of 1909 nor any
- amendment thereto; that plaintiffs have
- not sufficient information to form a belief as
- to whether the defendants, James Raper
- and William Raper, are living or dead, nor
- whether their titles or claims to said lands
- have in any way passed from them; and that
- if they or either of them are living each of
- them so living is a non-resident of the state
- of Missouri and cannot be served in this
- state in the manner prescribed in chapter
- 21 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri of
- 1909 nor any amendment thereto.
- Plaintiffs further state that they verily be-
- lieve that there are other persons interest-
- ed in the subject matter of this petition, to-
- wit: the lands aforesaid, whose names plain-
- tiffs cannot insert herein because they are
- unknown to them; and if the said James Ra-
- per and William Raper or either of them be
- dead, or if their interests or claims in or to
- said property have in any way passed from
- them, then there are other persons who
- claim to be interested in the subject matter
- of this petition, to-wit: the lands aforesaid,
- whose names plaintiff cannot insert herein
- because they are unknown to them; that
- such unknown parties are the consorts,
- heirs, devisees, donees, alienees, and im-
- mediate, mesne and remote, voluntary and
- involuntary grantees of the said Rowena
- McKinney, now deceased, and of the said
- James Raper and of the said William Raper;
- that the said Rowena McKinney acquired
- an undivided one-eighth and the said James
- Raper and William Raper, each, and undivid-
- ed one-twenty-fourth interest in fee in said
- real estate by devolution of title as above
- set forth; and that such unknown parties
- derive or claim to derive their titles and in-
- terests from said Rowena McKinney, James
- Raper and William Raper as consorts, heirs,
- devisees, donees, alienees, and immediate,
- mesne and remote, voluntary and involun-
- tary grantees of the said Rowena McKinney,
- James Raper and William Raper, respective-
- ly, by inheritance, grant, devise, or opera-
- tion of law, under and by virtue of the devo-
- lution of title aforesaid; and that the fore-
- going describes the titles, claims and inter-
- ests of said unknown parties and how such
- titles, claims and interests are derived so
- far as known to plaintiffs.
- It is therefore ordered by the said clerk that
- said defendants, James Raper, Unknown
- consort, heirs, devisees, donees, alienees,
- and immediate, mesne and remote, volun-
- tary and involuntary grantees of the said
- James Raper; William Raper; Unknown con-
- transcription not yet complete
- Newspapers.com: Order of Publication; Houston, MO: The Houston Herald, 14 Feb 1918, p4. https://www.newspapers.com/clip/24492417/mckinney https://www.newspapers.com/clip/24492440/mckinney (newspapers.com : accessed 29 Dec 2020).
- Descendants of Calvin Wayne McKinney
- Dynamic Tree by Topola
- DNA Descendants for Calvin Wayne McKinney
- DNA Descendants for Roena (Gilmore) McKinney
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