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Cherokee Lineages

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Surname/tag: Hicks
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James R. Hicks, "[[Space:Cherokee Lineages|Cherokee Lineages]]," (Genealogy.com [http://www.genealogy.com/ftm/h/i/c/James-R-Hicks-VA/index.html User Home Page]), last updated (insert last update page on web page); accessed (insert date you accessed the web page)

Some sources provided.


"James R Hicks set out to update and document all the individuals in Emmet Starr’s Old Cherokee Families genealogies, originally complied between 1890-1920. Hicks was assisted by Jerry Clark, a Cherokee citizen and archivist who worked at the National Archives. Hicks and Clark correlated information from Dawes Commission applications, Eastern Cherokee applications, Baker Roll applications, Cherokee censuses, payment rolls, and numerous other records. There is a wealth of information for Cherokee born in the 19th century and Hicks' trees can be a helpful resource for finding people in the many records. Hicks stopped working on this project about 2005.
"Unfortunately, Hicks decided to add to Starr’s families individuals from the 18th and 17th centuries for whom there is little to no documentation of any kind. These people are only documented in colonial records and personal recollections of white men who lived with, traded with, fought with, or otherwise interacted with the Cherokee. These are historical records, not genealogical records.
"Hicks theorized that most of the prominent Cherokee leaders were members of one family. He created a lineage, without any proof, to support that theory just as others have created fictional trees leading back to European royalty.
"Because much of the Hicks information is documented and accurate, people assume that it all is." -- K. Forbes, 25 Jan 2018

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I had no such theory about the leaders being from one family. The colonial records were particular to prominent leaders and that's the only reason my trees went back to these individuals. I compiled the book depicting these individuals and their descendants according to the documentation available and annotated the documentation throughout.
posted by [Living Hicks]
Hi, is the book available for purchase? I can't seem to find it. Thank you.
posted by J (Kuykendall) C