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Confederate Slave Payrolls, Bedford County, Virginia, to Richmond Defenses, 1862-1864

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Date: 1862 to 1864
Location: Bedford, Virginia, United Statesmap
This page has been accessed 353 times.



This page is part of a project to further organize the National Archive's recently digitized Confederate Slave Payrolls. See:

Transcription notes: I generally spelled out name abbreviations, such as Samuel where the writing says Sam'l. Weatherall-96 23:23, 24 May 2021 (UTC)

Combined Payrolls for Bedford County to Richmond defenses

NARA payroll numbers: 3, 545, 548, 549....

Payroll 3

Begin transcription for Payroll 3, excluding cover page: [1] We, the subscribers, acknowledge to have received of J B Stanard Capt, Corps of Engineers, the sums set opposite our names.
Slaves at _ Mar Richmond during the months of Nov Dec 1862 and Jan 1863, having signed duplicate receipts.

From Whom HiredName and OccupationTime EmployedRate of WagesAmt for each slaveAmt rec'dSignature
Robertson John JTom Labourer60 days32CW Purcell, atty
Thompson, N AMilton60
Oliver6032.0064John Gooch Sr [?], atty
Armistead, L John OAlbert6032.0050.66Samuel M Williamson, atty
Armistead, James HHenry9535.66Samuel M Williamson, atty
Jeter, Nannie JJerry9550.66 shoes 1535.66F H Jeter, atty
Mennis (?) Est of Wm CJim95 50.66 shoes 1550.66J F Johnson, atty
West, John WHarvey6032J F Johnson, atty
Gibbs (?) Joel, CuratorHenry6032J F Johnson, atty

Payroll 545

Begin transcription Payroll 545: [2]
Bedford Co
We, the subscribers, acknowledge to have received of J B Stanard Capt, Corps of Engineers, the sums set opposite our names.
Slaves at Mar Richmond during the months of Feb Mch Apl 1864 having signed duplicate receipts.

From Whom HiredName and OccupationTime EmployedRate of WagesAmt for each slave, and rations furnishedAmt rec'dSignature
James, Isaac JrJesse61 Days$20 pr mo40.66
29lb Bacon 87.00127.66J A Burton, atty
Whitlow, J. H. Reuben6140.66
15 1/2 46.50
Ups(?) shoe 50.0037.16J A Burton, atty
Armistead, J. W.Phil6140.66
15 lb Bacon 45.0085.66J A Burton, atty
Moorman, G. L.Davy6140.66
7 ' ' $3 21.0061.66J A Burton, atty
Everett, John F.Thomas6140.66
22 $3 66.00106.66J A Burton, atty
Horsley E.W., AdmRiver6140.66
24' ' $3 72.00112.66J A Burton, atty
Radford M WNed6140.66
30 ' ' $3 90.00130.66J A Burton, atty
Brown, G. L. gdn(?)Lewis6140.66
14 ' ' $3 42.0082.66J A Burton, atty
Rucker, J. M.Stephen6140.66
28 ' ' $3 84.00124.66J A Burton, atty
Mead, Oliver G.George6140.66J A Burton, atty


  1. National Archives Identifier: 24485967. Creator(s): War Department. The Adjutant General's Office. War Records Office. 1874-7/1/1899 (Most Recent). From: Series: Confederate Slave Payrolls, 1874 - 1899. Record Group 109: War Department Collection of Confederate Records, 1825 - 1927 Payroll 3 at NARA
  2. National Archives Identifier: 24489567 Creator(s): War Department. The Adjutant General's Office. War Records Office. 1874-7/1/1899 (Most Recent). From: Series: Confederate Slave Payrolls, 1874 - 1899. Record Group 109: War Department Collection of Confederate Records, 1825 - 1927Payroll 545
  • transcriptions by Elaine Weatherall, May 2021, from the online images provided by NARA

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