Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Hankinson, Hankins, Hankerson, New_Jersey, Virginia, Monmouth, Jamestown, Tidewater, Quaker, Presbyterian Clevenger, Sharp, Sharpe, Manson, Evelman, Evilman
Look at the bible record in the biography record of Hankinson-472
Here is a geni.com record with a list that seems to make it pretty clear that Hankinson-472 or at least some of his offspring shortened to "Hankins" because there's considerable overlap between the narrative and the bible record described in the Hankinson-472 biography. It also provides additional ancestors (again the Thomas Hankins/Jane Jean Roderick pairing). I've emailed the proponent, perhaps he has more info: https://www.geni.com/people/Edmund-Hankinson/5235935510840070005
Pay special attention to the Evilman/Evelman spouses and the Clevenger/Cleminger spouse, which confirm the overlap.
This free space profile is about locating, identifying and reconciling Hankinson/Hankins duplication and conflicts.
For a first, and perhaps most glaring case, look at Hankinson-249 and Hankins-249. Just by luck, these two seem to have the same numbers. A writer about the early New Jersey family claimed there was a family member (not named John) who moved to Virginia and raised a large family of girls. Well, here is a Hankins/Hankinson with a large family of girls, although in one case he was born there, and in the other case he is indeed born in New Jersey and was apparently lost track of. The quote in question: "The major source for this family, This Old Monmouth of Ours, mentions only one Hankinson that immigrated to Virginia: another Richard, son of Robert Hankinson, who was born about 1740. Quote from This Old Monmouth "Richard (18), who is said to have removed to Virginia and had a large family of girls."
In other cases, there seems to be confusion of Hankinses who arrived in the Tidewater area (James City, Charles City, etc), VA and lived and died in the Tidewater area of Virginia with Hankinsons who moved to the northern part of Virginia for a time (including the northern neck) and in some cases shortened their names before ultimately moving on in many cases, likely due to persecution against Quakers. These Hankins(on)s seem to have moved on to SC, then in some cases to NC or back to Virginia or even NJ before ultimately dispersing south and west. Both patriarchs of southern branches, Hankinson-472 and Hankins-59 have lines that include Richard Hankins with a numeral: in one case II and in the other III that would make sense if they shared a parent (or admittedly a grandparent or earlier ancestor) named Richard, leading to at least the supposition that rumors are correct that Hankinson-467 went south and is the actual father of these two (and that Thomas John should not be a Jr). Keep in mind that both William and Thomas would be problematic to attach to Hankinson-466 because his wife would likely have been too young, however if they are Hankinson-467's the date problem goes away. A Richard Hankins died in 1692 in NJ, and while that death has been attributed to a Tidewater family (somehow) it may well be Hankinson-467's firstborn, especially as his actual birthday is the subject of speculation and we know only that he was apparently still a minor in 1689. It would answer the question "where's there a Richard, Jr.?"
If enough of this work is done, according to logic and DNA and with due regard to the sources and their likely accuracy, we can make a lot of progress.
I just found a match to Cora Hankins on MyHeritageDNA. her line leads back to Gilbert Hamilton Hankins and further to Thomas Hankinson who landed at Monmouth. Hankins-1287 Anyone else?
I was corresponding with a descendant of the Dennis family of NJ, and something she said in passing about one of her records may explain why Hankins-467 (who I surmise married a Hannah Dennis) seems so sketchy: "Her second son son Jonathan is my 5th GGgrandfather, but no one can find proof of his birth in 1745 (or 1730 in some accounts) in Cape May (the courthouse records burned)."
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Hawkins, Thomas - A3609; Denby: 1633 (Burgess).
(from this page)
From Tyler's Encyclopedia of Virginia Biographies (this page):
Text for both Hawkins-2504 and Hawkins-8175 cite that will in profile text.
See Jamestown Muster and Living & Dead list (Thomas Hawkins on both - "Hugh Cruder" is on living/dead list also).
Is there a WikiTree profile you're referring to as the Hankins that arrived in Jamestown that you could give a link to?