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Jesse Walton in RevWarApps

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Surnames/tags: Walton Revolutionary War
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Some Revolutionary War Pension applications that may reference Jesse Walton of North Carolina and Georgia:

(With deepest appreciation to Will Graves for the transcriptions.)

Inspiration: SEE


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There is possibly an additional one--George Baker who initially says he served under Capt Hightower, but later says he was mistaken and it was Walton. The transcription includes in parentheses (Jesse Walton), a notation by the transcriber Will Graves.

Court records: State of Indiana, Morgan Probate Court November Term 1832 and an additional date of an affidavit of 9 July 1833 (which would be the one including "Walton"). The court date and source for 2nd affidavit being ?

source: Southern Campaigns American Revolution Pension Statements & Rosters Pension application of George Baker S17249