Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Walton Revolutionary War
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Walton Revolutionary War
This page has been accessed 139 times.
Some Revolutionary War Pension applications that may reference Jesse Walton of North Carolina and Georgia:
(With deepest appreciation to Will Graves for the transcriptions.)
Inspiration: SEE
- Allen, Richard - Application s6490
- Burk, John - Application s16332
- Burt, Moody - Application r1511
- Childress, Mitchell - Application s2426
- Cleveland, Absalom - Application s6774
- Cunningham, John - Application w6752
- Fain, Ebenezer - Application r3421
- Gist, Thomas - Application s1762
- Gordon, Richard - Application s3404
- Gray, William - Application s31079
- Hunt, Elsi Esli - Application s7054
- Johnson, Samuel - Application w5012
- Lenoir, William - Application s7137
- Palmer Palmore, William - Application w8083
- Rose, John - Application w18824
- Rose, Sterling - Application s4132
- Sevier, James - Application s45889
- Sparks, John - Application s7580
- Tyner Tiner Tinor, Joshua - Application s32561
- Walker, James - Application s3450
- Wall, Jacob - Application s7836
- Walton, William - Application s17184
- Wheatley, George (widow, Mary) - Application w9886
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Court records: State of Indiana, Morgan Probate Court November Term 1832 and an additional date of an affidavit of 9 July 1833 (which would be the one including "Walton"). The court date and source for 2nd affidavit being ?
source: Southern Campaigns American Revolution Pension Statements & Rosters Pension application of George Baker S17249