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Jewetts of America

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Surname/tag: Jewetts
This page has been accessed 49 times.

TITLE: History and genealogy of the Jewetts of America : a record of Edward Jewett, of Bradford, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, and of his two emigrant sons, Deacon Maximilian and Joseph Jewett, settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts, in 1639, also of Abraham and John Jewett, early settlers of Rowley, and of the Jewetts who have settled in the United States since the year 1800

AUTHOR: Frederic Clarke Jewett, MD

Vol 1 Edward Jewett (First Generation) through Eight Generations (1908)


Vol II Eighth Generation (continued) through Eleventh Generation (1908)


Vol III Supplement III (Year Book 1912-1913)


AUTHOR - Theodore Victor Herrman

Continues Frederic Clarke Jewett's two volume work, History and genealogy of the Jewetts of America, originally published: New York : Grafton Press, 1908. The continuation covers the years 1908-1995 and is numbered "Volume III" and Volume IV" in reference to the earlier work.


Vol IV

[https://archive.org/details/historygenealogy01jewe/page/n10 Jewett, F. C. (1908). History and genealogy of the Jewetts of America: A record of Edward Jewett, of Bradford, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, and of his two emigrant sons, Deacon Maximilian and Joseph Jewett, settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts, in 1639, also of Abraham and John Jewett, early settlers of Rowley, and of the Jewetts who have settled in the United States since the year 1800. New York. Grafton Press.]

History and genealogy of the Jewetts of America: A record of Edward Jewett, of Bradford, West Riding of Yorkshire, England (History and genealogy of the Jewetts of America: A record of Edward Jewett, of Bradford, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, 1908): Vol #, p.#

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