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Luzerne County Pennsylvania Land Records-Campbell

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This page has been accessed 37 times.


The purpose of the The Campbells of Luzerne County Pennsylvania is to identify the various Campbell families that settled or passed through Luzerne County. The long-term goal of this project is to collect male Y-DNA from Campbell male descendants of these Campbell male settlers.

In an effort to untangle the genealogies of the Campbells of Luzerne County we are collecting marriage, land and probate records of the Campbells of Luzerne County. This page has the Campbell Land Records for the years 1792-1829.

If your Luzerne County Campbell ancestors WikiTree profile has not been attached in the table, please post a comment or send us a private message with the WikiTree ID number and we'll attach it. If your Luzerne County ancestors profile does not have a Y-DNA test attached we encourage a descendant to take a Y-DNA test so we can properly document the line for posterity.

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

Luzerne County Deeds (Grantor)-Campbell

Luzerne County
Land Records (Grantor)
Updated: 15 Dec 2024
Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name To Book Page Comments Doc_Image
1792 Campbell James Andrew Lee 2 208 1/2 his part of 10 acres in Newport Twp. and 1/3 of his part of 10 acres in ditto Doc Image
1795 Campbell James and Margaret Matthias Hollenback 3 481 Lot No. 4 in Hanover Twp. Doc Image
1797 Campbell James et al Lord Butler 5 52 Lot No. 14 in Hanover Twp. Doc Image
1798 Campbell James and Margaret Pelatich Fitch 5 435 Half of Lot No. 16 in Hanover Twp. Doc Image
1799 Campbell Samuel and Anne Gilbert Roberts 6 234 306 acres in Litchfield Twp. Doc Image
1795 Campbell Isaac (of Windham Co, CT) Nathan Whipple 7 68 His right to Lot 1 in Newport Doc Image
1800 Campbell Peggy and Hannah et al Eleazer Marble 8 151 All their right to 50 acres in Newport Doc Image
1806 Campbell James and Margaret Jacob Romback et al 11 372 30 acres in Newport Township Doc Image
1810 Campbell Mary (of Philadelphia Co, PA) Jacob Weise 12 85 12 ltos of land Doc Image
1811 Campbell James George Ewatt 13 377 50 acres in Susquehanna County Doc Image
1810 Campbell James and Margaret George Foltz 14 60 26 acres total in Northumberland County Doc Image
1809 Campbell James Redmond Conyngham 14 455 1/2 an acre in Conyngham Township Doc Image
1814 Campbell James and Margaret Robert Patton 15 278 120 acres Doc Image
1816 Campbell James John Clinetob 17 108 Lots 47-49 in Salem Township Doc Image
1814 Campbell James and Margaret Henry Hepler 18 109 2 island in the Susquehanna River Doc Image
1821 Campbell James Elias Dodson 20 164 Lots 11 and 14 in Huntingdon Township Doc Image
1821 Campbell James Fletcher Bowman 20 259 Part of lot 13 in Huntingdon Township Doc Image
1824 Campbell James Horace Preston 23 113 29 acres in Huntingdon Township Doc Image
1827 Campbell James and Margaret Catherine Carroll et al 24 306 3 acres in Salem Township Doc Image
1829 Campbell James Nathan Pinrose 26 333 Privelage of a road near the PA Canal Doc Image

Luzerne County Deeds (Grantee)-Campbell

Luzerne County
Land Records (Grantee)
Updated: 15 Dec 2024
Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name From Book Page Comments Doc_Image
1801 Campbell William Thomas Clifford 7 400 116 acres on Tunkhannock Creek Doc Image
1802 Campbell James Lydia Pea 8 144 50 acres in Newport Township Doc Image
1808 Campbell James Benjamin Rush 10 520 26 acres in total in the county Doc Image
1809 Campbell Jonas Joseph Sweat 12 475 50 acres in Clifford Township Doc Image
1812 Campbell James Henry Hepler 14 22 100 acres in Salem Township Doc Image
1813 Campbell James Daniel Morse et al 15 276 120 acres of Green Park in Salem Township Doc Image
1813 Campbell James George P. Ransom 15 275 120 acres Doc Image
1816 Campbell James Horace Reston 17 187 213 acres in Huntingdon Township Doc Image
1822 Campbell James Orlando Porter 22 127 56 acres in Salem Township Doc Image



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