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Lancaster Miscellaneous Books, vol 1768, pg 20

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Date: 2 Mar 1768 [unknown]
Location: Lancaster County, Pennsylvaniamap
Profile manager: Doug Reider private message [send private message]
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[Lancaster Miscellaneous Books, vol 1768, pg 20 transcription.[1]]

March 2, 1768

Jacob Reiter

PURSUANT TO an Order of this Court, The Sheriff of the
County of Lancaster, to wit, James Webb, the Younger, Esquire returns the same order
with an Inquisition thereto Annexed taken on the Oath & Affirma-
tion of twelve good and lawful Men of the Bailiwick of the same
Sheriff who upon their respective Qualifications do say that
they have viewed the Real Estate Land and Tenements of Jacob
deceased, and they do find that the said Real Estate
Consisting of a Tract of Land contg [page break]

Containing one hindred [sic] Acres be the same more or less
cannot be divided to and among the Widow and Children of the
deceased without injury to and spoiling of the whole and the said
Inquest do value and Appraise the said Real Estate at and for
the Sum of four hundred and twenty pounds lawful Money of
Pennsylvania which the Court allows and Confirms and Michael
the eldest Son of the said deceased being desirous to
hold and enjoy the said Tract of Land and pay the several and
respective Shares out of the Valuation aforesaid. Thereupon the
Court Orders that the said Michael Reiter do on paying or
securing to be paid the Widow and Children of the deceased
within one year their respective Shares of the Valuation aforesaid
hold and enjoy the Premises aforesaid in Fee Agreeable to the
Acts of Assembly of this Province in such Case made and
provided And it Appearing to the Court that Jacob Reiter and
Mary his Wife late Mary Reiter Widow of the deceased has
relinquished & remounced [sic] her Right of Dower of in and to
the Real Estate of the deceased by Deed Poll bearing Date the
ninth Day of December Anno Domini 1767 [9 Dec 1767]. The Court Orders that one
hundred and forty pounds the one Third of the said Valuation
be and remain charged on the Premises & be distributed after the
Death of the said Mary the late Widow of the Intestate to and
amongst his Children & Their Representatives Agreeable to
Law and the remaining Sum of two hundred and eighty pounds
be paid and distributed as follows.

That the said Michael retain for his own share £ 80..0..0
That the pay to Martin Hoe & Elizabeth his Wife 40..0..0
That he pay to George Hoe & Magdalena his Wife 40..0..0
That he pay to Mary Reiter 40..0..0
That he pay to Barbara Reiter 40..0..0
That he pay to Margaret Reiter 40..0..0

AND the expences arising on the Valuation and Confirmation
aforesaid be equally born by all the Parties concerned.


  1. Orphans' Court (Lancaster County), "Miscellaneous books, 1742-1867," images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C9B2-LQQV-N : 1 January 2018), image 13 of 545; County Courthouse, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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