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Slaves of Emeline (Owen) Allen, Chambers County, Alabama

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Chambers, Alabama, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Owen Slavery black_heritage
Profile manager: Karen Allman private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 252 times.



This introduces Emeline (Owen) Allen's slaves, both named and unnamed.

Named Slaves

These are the named slaves that are associated with Emeline (Owen) Allen of Chambers County, Alabama and later Butler County, Alabama.

Slaves Inherited From Father

When Robert Owen died in 1850, he bequeathed to his daughter Emeline (Owen) Allen the following slaves:[1]

Emeline E. Allen
30Laura child of Teanor
34Mariah child of Isabel
Elizabeth Erwin and
Emeline E. Allen
40Sal (F)
41Hardy child of Sal
42Alice child of Sal

1856 Transaction

In documentation of the Robert Owen estate sale.[2], dated 18 Mar 1856, image 630 in the probate file we see the following information:

Named PropertyPurchaser's Name
2 Negro men Tailor and George51.00N.G. Owen
1 Negro woman Comfort20.00P Owen
1 Negro woman Julia149.00W E Allen
1 Negro man Thom130.00Howell Peebles
1 Negro woman Kitty5.00R Lumpkin

With Respect to Sal and her children bequeathed to Elizabeth and Emeline, the following information comes from image 624 in the probate file of Robert Owen.

The State of Alabama, Chambers County}

Received this (3) third day of February 1857 of Allford Gandy + Phil Owen Executors of Robert Owen (?) a certain negro woman named "Sal" or Sarah & her children four in number, to wit, Hardy, Cicero, George & "Jeff". We receipt Said Executors for the whole interest in Said negroes, having purchased the one half interst of Elizabeth Erwin in 2 of said property.
Given under our hands this day & year above written.
W. E. Allen
Ema S Allen

Possible Ex-Slaves from 1866 Alabama State Census

Insert Table Here

Unnamed Slaves

1860 U.S. Census (Slave Schedule)

For contrast, in 1850 her husband William E Allen was recorded with the following information:

Name William E Allen
Residence Date 1850
Residence Place District 19, Chambers, Alabama, USA
Number of Enslaved People 10
Role Slave Owner

Wm was recorded in a slave schedule in 1860 in Precinct 1, Butler, Alabama, United States as a slave owner of 23 enslaved people.[3]

All Enslaved People

(Gender) Age
Female 60
Male 50
Female 45
Male 40
Male 38
Male 35
Male 30
Male 28
Female 19
Male 18
Female 14
Male 13
Male 12
Female 12
Female 12
Male 11
Male 10
Male 6
Male 6
Male 6
Female 3
Male 3
Female 1


  1. Will of Robert Owen, Chambers County, Alabama
  2. Probate: "Alabama, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1753-1999"
    Estate Files and Index, 1832-1915, Chambers County, Alabama; Author: Alabama. Probate Judge (Chambers County); Probate Place: Chambers, Alabama
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 8799 #9796339 (accessed 30 July 2023)
    Robert Owen probate in 1832-1915 in Chambers, Alabama, USA.
  3. Slave Schedule: "1860 U.S. Federal Census - Slave Schedules"
    The National Archives in Washington, DC; Washington, DC, USA; Eighth Census of the United States 1860; Series Number: M653; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 7668 #91481201 (accessed 13 August 2023)
    Wm E Allen, slave owner of 23 enslaved people, in 1860 in Precinct 1, Butler, Alabama, USA.

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