Location: Nichol Forest, Cumberland, England

Surname/tag: Forster
Stonegarthside Hall was the traditional home of the Forsters of Nichol Forest from before 1580 until around 1760 when it was sold to the Holme family. At one time Stonegarthside was possibly a Pele stronghold, one of many that lined both sides of the Liddel Water, defining the border of England and Scotland in the Debatable Lands. It is thought the older part of the building has now been enclosed by two newer wings.
The dwelling first appears on a map of the debatable lands in 1590, labelled as R. Forsters, and to the north of the fortification labelled Staingarthside, also sometimes known as Stonehaugh Tower.
On the platt map of 1607 [1] the Hall is listed as Stonegarthside, with an additional property to the south, also labelled Stonegarthside, close to The Nook. It should be noted that this second property is in the location of what seems to be known in census surveys variously noted as NetherStonegarthside, High Stonegarthside or Low Stonegarthside. This farm complex consists of at least 3 farmhouses, occupied by Forsters throughout census from 1841 to 1911. These farm houses do not coincide with the earlier noted Stonehaugh Tower.
Stonegarthside Hall was enlarged in 1682, when Henry Forster made the Hall more suitable for his new wife, Christian Scott, cousin of Sir Gideon Scott.
Stonegarthside Hall is a Grade 2 listed building. The hall was renovated and was in the Vivat Trust, available for rental, until recently. The Vivat Trust went into liquidation in 2015, however the property is still privately owned.
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