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The Slaves of Bernard M Campbell

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: slavery black heritage
Profile manager: Gina Jarvi private message [send private message]
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Bernard Moore Campbell was born about 1805 in Georgia. Bernard M. Campbell, aka, B. M. Campbell on Slave Manifests, was a slave trader[1]. He traded at times with associate and possible brother, Walter L. Campbell.


Ship Manifests

As a trader, he was involved in the transport of enslaved people to locations usually further south. In these transports, the manifests for each ship had to include a first and last name. Often there were more than one trader/owner on these manifests. On the following space page are two transports with the names of the enslaved traded by B M Campbell.


Slave Schedules

In the 1850 Slave Schedule for Baltimore City, Baltimore, Maryland, Ward 13, he is recorded as B M Campbell owner of 35 slaves.[2]

Slave OwnerAgeYOBGenderRace
B M Campbell451805MaleBlack
B M Campbell301820FemaleBlack
B M Campbell21848FemaleBlack
B M Campbell1/121850MaleBlack
B M Campbell351815FemaleMulatto
B M Campbell261824FemaleMulatto
B M Campbell251825FemaleBlack
B M Campbell221828FemaleBlack
B M Campbell201830FemaleBlack
B M Campbell1/121850MaleBlack
B M Campbell221828FemaleBlack
B M Campbell181832FemaleBlack
B M Campbell151835FemaleMulatto
B M Campbell251825FemaleBlack
B M Campbell2/121850MaleBlack
B M Campbell251825FemaleBlack
B M Campbell41846FemaleBlack
B M Campbell21848FemaleBlack
B M Campbell181832FemaleBlack
B M Campbell11849MaleMulatto
B M Campbell251825MaleBlack
B M Campbell301820MaleBlack
B M Campbell261824MaleBlack
B M Campbell231827MaleBlack
B M Campbell201830MaleBlack
B M Campbell1/121850FemaleBlack
B M Campbell201830MaleBlack
B M Campbell301820MaleBlack
B M Campbell251825MaleBlack
B M Campbell201830MaleBlack
B M Campbell101840MaleBlack
B M Campbell101840MaleMulatto
B M Campbell181832MaleMulatto
B M Campbell141836MaleMulatto
B M Campbell201830MaleMulatto

In the 1860 Slave Schedule for Baltimore City, Baltimore, Maryland, Ward 13, he is recorded as the owner of 50 slaves.[3]

Slave Owner NameAgeYOBGenderRaceFugitive
Bernard Campbell261834FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell241836FemaleMulattoX
Bernard Campbell6/121859FemaleMulattoX
Bernard Campbell221838FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell251835MaleMulattoX
Bernard Campbell241836FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell61854MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell41856MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell191841MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell261834FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell81852FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell41856MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell31857FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell11859MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell181842FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell231837MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell181842FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell231837MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell351825MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell301830MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell141846FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell161844FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell171843FemaleBlackElizabeth Dorsey?
Bernard Campbell91851FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell71853FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell381822MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell241836FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell231837FemaleMulatto
Bernard Campbell8/121859FemaleMulatto
Bernard Campbell281832MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell241836MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell251835MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell231837MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell191841MaleMulatto
Bernard Campbell201840FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell11859MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell191841FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell201840MaleMulatto
Bernard Campbell251835FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell191841MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell211839MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell161844FemaleBlack
Bernard Campbell211839MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell131847MaleMulatto
Bernard Campbell121848MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell171843FemaleBlackElizabeth Dorsey?
Bernard Campbell211839MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell101850MaleMulatto
Bernard Campbell481812MaleBlack
Bernard Campbell351825FemaleMulatto

Slave Sale and Manumission of Elizabeth Dorsey

Transcription of document: “I, Bernard M Campbell, of the city of Baltimore in the State of Maryland in Consideration of Five hundred dollars paid me by Lewis Magruder of Prince George’s County State aforesaid do hereby bargain and sell to the said Lewis Magruder the following property. My negro Servant named Elizabeth Dorsey born on the ninth day of February eighteen hundred & forty three, to serve until the ninth day of February eighteen hundred and seventy eight, when she is to be free and manumitted. She being the negro Servant named and described in a Bill of Sale from Richard Grooms to Bernard M Campbell bearing date the Seventeenth day of September 1859 and recorded among the Chattle Records of Baltimore City in Liber E D No 16 folios 365 g.c. (?). the said negro not to be sold out of the State of Maryland. Witness our hands and seals this thirty first day of December in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Seven. Bernard M Campbell {Seal} Lewis Magruder {Seal} [4]


  1. https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-2000-07-12-0007120236-story.html
  2. The National Archive in Washington DC; Washington, DC; NARA Microform Publication: M432; Title: Seventh Census Of The United States, 1850; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29
  3. The National Archives in Washington DC; Washington DC, USA; Eighth Census of the United States 1860; Series Number: M653; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29
  4. Records of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Relating to Slaves, 1851–1863. NARA microfilm publication M433, 3 rolls. Records of the District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.

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