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Location: Witney, Oxfordshire, England
Surnames/tags: wenman farmer
PROB 11/25/267; The National Archives, Kew, London
Transcribed by Nicholas Adams
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In the name of god Amen the xxti Daie of Octobre the yere of our Lord god a[nno] mt v C
xxxiijti ./ And in the xxvti yere of the reigne of our soueraigne lord Kinge Henry the Eight I Richarde
Wenman of Wittney in the countye of Oxforde, merchannte of the staple at Caleys hole of mynde and in
good memorye, beinge lawde be unto almightie god, make and ordeigne this my p[rese]nte testament contey
nynge my last will in the manner and fourme followinge that is to saie ffurste and princypally I
bequeth and rec[c]omende my soule unto almightie J[es]hu my Redemer and Savio[u]r, and to our blissed ladye
sainte Mary the virgin his moste glorious mother, and to all the holly companye of hevin and my bodye
to be buried in the chapell of the moste glorious resurrection of our Saviour J[es]hu Criste sett in the
p[ar]ishe churche of Wytney aforesaide And I bequeth unto the high aulter of the same p[ar]ishe churche
of Wittneye for my tithes and offerings forgotten or necligently w[i]tholden in discharge of my soule
and conscience and that the Curat there will haue my soule rec[c]omendyd in his devoute praiers
xiijs iiijd sterlinge ./ It[em] I bequeth to the cathedrall churche of Lincoln xijd It[em] I bequeth to euery
stondinge light in the said churche of Wittney three poundes wex, reddy made there to berne at
the tyme of my exequies and funerall s[er]uice, and other festiuall daies as longe as they maye
therunto endure It[em] I bequeth towardes the rep[ar]acons of the bells in the steple of the p[ar]ishe churche
of Wittney aforesaid xls It[em] I bequeth to eueryche of five score poure men and women vj yardes of
cotton of the price of six pence st[erlinge] euery yarde, to make eueryche of them a gowne and iiijd fore
the makinge of euery of the same gownes s[o]m[e] xvjli xiijs iiijd It[em] I bequeth to euery of the iiij orders
of ffrears in Oxforde to praie for my soule, the soules of my father and mother, our benefactours
soules and all [Christi]en soules six poundes thirtene shillings and foure pence sterlinge / to be distributed and
deliuered unto them in vitayles w[ith]in the space of five yeres next ensuynge after my disceas /that
is to saie/ to euery of the same foure orders at cristmas and lent xxvjs viijd S[o]m[e] xxvjli xiijs iiijd st[erlinge]
Item I bequeth unto the poure prisoners in the castell of Oxforde fifty shillings in vytayles to be distributed
to and amonge them w[ith]in the space of five yeres next ensuynge after my disceas /that ys to saie euery
yere xs./ at the feast of Cristmas and lent by evin porcons It[em] I bequeth towardes the amendinge of the
high wayes lyinge and beinge betwyne Milton and Abingdone xiijli vjs viijd And where as I the same
Richarde Wenman haue and hold by Indenture of the lease of the Prio[u]r of huntingdon and covente
of the same place their p[ar]sonage of Evenly in the countie of Northampton for certeyne yeres as
more playnely apperith in the same Indenture the whiche berithe date in thear chapite house
the xxviijti daye of ffebruarye the fourthe yere of the Reigne of our Soueraigne Lorde Kynge Henry the viijth I
woll that the terme of yeres of the same p[ar]sonage of Evenly whiche shalbe to come at the tyme of my
disceas shall frome thensfourthe remayne unto the vycar and churchewardens of the same churche of
Wittney and their Successours vicar and wardens of the same churche for the tyme beinge to thuse
and intente hereafter followinge ffurst that the vicar and churche wardens of the same churche for
the tyme beinge, shall yerely after my disceas, duringe the rest of the terme of yeres than to come
of and in the same p[ar]sonage, record levy gather and p[er]ceiue all the clear issues Reuenues and profutes
commynge of the same p[ar]sonage of Evenly ouer and aboue the yerely rent or forme to be due unto the said priour
and Covent of and for the same And that the same churche wardens for the tyme beinge, duringe the residue
of the said terme of yeres than for to come shall yerely expende distribute and dispoase of the same the some
of xijli viijs ijd st[erlinge] of and for and unto certeyne almesse deades, and kepinge of a solempne obite or Anniu[er]sarye
by note in the same p[ar]ishe churche of Wittney, abowte suche tyme of the yere as it shall happen me to dep[ar]te
owte of this transitorye lif /that is to saie/ Placebo dirige on[e] night and masse of Requiem the morrowe
than next ensuynge for my soule; the soules of my father and mother our benefactours and frinds soules
and all [Christi]en soules, in this wise followinge./ ffurst unto iiij poure almes men of good name and fame
clene of bodye aboue thage of threescore yeres, dwellinge in the same p[ar]ishe; euery Saturdaye at evensong
tyme iijs iiijd st[erlinge] that is to saie everyche of the same iiij poure men tenne pence st[erlinge] And all the whiche
pouer almes p[er]sonnes. I will from tyme to tyme duringe the residue of the said terme of yeres shalbe unto the
vicar and churche wardens of Wittney abouesaid, by and thrughe thadvise of my heares and assignes
named and assigned in that behalf And also that the said iiij poure almes men to be at the p[ar]ishe churche
of Wittney every daie in the yere, bothe winter and soummer, at vij a clocke in the mornynge and
their to abide and tarry unto x of the clocke, and euery of them to saie threis our ladies sawter or dirige if
he be letterid, to saie twyes in the wike And in the after none; they to be at churche at ij of the clocke
unto iiij and eueriche of them to saie twyse our ladies sawter if they be in helthe and able to come thither
It[em] I woll that the vicar, and churche wardens, and their Successours vicar and churchewardens of
the same churche shall yerely kepe my said obite or Anniu[er]sarie, as is abouesaid, duringe the said terme
of yeres, and shall paie of and for the same yerely obite in this wise ffurst to the Curate of the said
churche beinge present at the same viijd to everyche of iiij pristes helpinge and beinge p[rese]nte there
iiijd It[em] to either of the ij clarks there iiijd to iiij children iiijd to the belleman iijd to suche a p[er]sone
whiche shall fortune to ringe the bell to the dirige and masse of Requiem iiijd for Cakes and drinke
to the prists and clarks and other p[er]sonnes of the p[ar]ishe beinge at the said yerely obite, after dirige
xijd in halfe penny breade, And to distribute to poure people xviijs st[erlinge] that is to saie, to euery poure
bodye; one halfe penny loffe, to the Rode light for iiij tapers of wex, to bren aboute the herse the tyme
of myne exequies xxd for iiij torches of the said churche to brene the tyme of the dirige and masse
of Requiem xvjd for offeringe jd to iiij poure men, holdinge the same iiij torches, to eueryche of them
ijd And yerely to the Officyall or com[m]issarye of the deanry there, to see that the yerely Obite or
Anniuersarye aforesaid be kept and truly p[er]fourmed after the manner and fourme abouesaide
when he shall come in visitacon to the same p[ar]ishe churche of Wittney iijs iiijd /st[erlinge]/ to see it dewly
kepte to the churche wardens of the same churche; for their yerely attendannce and laboure
in that p[ar]tie to be hadd and done xiijs iiijd st[erlinge] And I will that xxs to be paied euery seconnde yere
to make the poure men gownes. The Residue of the same yerely rents revenues and profutes of
the same p[ar]sonage of Evenly shall remayne in the churche of Wittney in a cheste havinge two
locks and ij seuerall kayes, sufficient of the whiche ij keyes I will that the one shall remayne
in the custodye of the said churche wardens for the tyme beinge And thother key in the kepinge of
the Bayliffes of the burgh of Wittney aforesaid for the tyme beinge, to the only use of the same
churche of Wittney towardes the rep[ar]acons of the bodye of the said churche./ And if anny dysines
fortune or happe to be grannted unto the Kings grace durynge the said terme, that I woll that the
churche wardens of the said churche for the tyme beinge shall paie of the same monnye so
remaynynge in the said box or cheste, of and for euery suche hole dysine xxvjs viijd st[erlinge] whiche ys
a hole dysine for the same p[ar]sonage of Evenley/ Also I wolle that for lacke of payment of the yerely
Reuenues Rents and clere profutes of the said p[ar]sonage of Evenly, and of euery p[ar]te and p[ar]cell thereof att
dayes of payment thereof expressed in the said lease, it shalbe lefull unto the saied vicar and churche
wardens of Wittney for the tyme beinge, or to their assignes into the said p[ar]sonage of Evenlye to
entre and distrayne and the distreat there so taken leefully to bere leade dryve and carry awaye as often and whan
as suche case shall require, accordinge to the due fourme of the lawe in that p[ar]tie requisite And
I will charge and require myne heires and executo[ur]s under written that they and either of them
from tyme to tyme shalbe aydinge maynteynynge and supportinge the same vicar and churche
wardens of Witney aforesaid, for the tyme beinge of and for the full p[er]fouremynge and due
kepinge of my said yerely obyte or Anniu[er]sarye and other the premisses as is aforesaid And
theruppon I will that the saide lease or Indenture of the said p[ar]sonage of Evenly shall remayne
in the custodye and kepinge of myne executo[ur]s unto the use abouesaid duringe the said terme of
yeres next ensuynge after my disceas w[ith]oute anny delaye in anny wise And I woll and
ordeigne by these my p[rese]nte testament, that if the same churche wardens for the tyme
beinge; do not well and trulye obsiue and kepe all and singuler the premisses aboue written
at the tyme and seasons abouesaid or w[ith]in one monneth than next ensuynge that than
Immediatlye uppon suche none obsiuynge and kepinge of the same yerely obite and other
the premisses it shalbe leefull unto my next heire to entre in and uppon the same lease
and p[ar]sonage of Evenley w[ith] thappurtenn[an]c[e]s and the same frome thensfourthe, to haue hold
and enioye unto thend and full accomplisshemente of the said terme to thuse and intente
therw[ith] to fulfill my foresaid entente as is aboue declareded w[ith]oute anny lett or contradiction
of the said vicar and churche wardens of Witney aforesaid, for the tyme beinge my
legacye aboue made or anny other thinge to the contrary, in anny wise not w[ith]standinge
It[em] I woll that whan and as often as it shall happen the vicar of Evenley abouesaid to discease
or dep[ar]te this p[rese]nte lif, owte of this tra[n]sitory worlde that than it shalbe leefull to myne
heire to pute an other vicar there It[em] I bequeth unto Anne my wife the some of a thousande
marks in reddy monnye and the one half of all and singuler my houshold Naperye brasse
and pewter, and ou[er] that all suche p[ar]cells of plate as shall be conteyned specified and declared in
a bill written and subscribed w[ith] myne owne propre handes remaynynge in the custodye of
the saide Anne my wif/ And also the said Anne: my wif shall haue thoccupyinge and p[ro]futes
of the p[ar]sonage of Coggs and thoccupyinge and profutes of Witney parke and vj kyen And
also the yeres and profutes of the ferme of Holwell w[ith]all the cattall uppon the same farme
duringe her lif kepinge hir soole and not marry ffurthermore I woll that the said Anne my
wif haue all my lands and tenements that I haue in the burgh of Wittney and the Maner
of Carsewell w[ith] all thappurten[an]c[e]s duringe her lif It[em] I bequeth unto Thomas my sonne the some of
too thowsande marke sterlinge: and all the residue of all my houshold stuff Naperye bras and pewter and all
suche p[ar]cells of plate whiche shalbe specified and declaryd in too bills indented written and subscribed w[ith]
myne owne propre hande wherof thone p[ar]tie shalbe annexed and filed to this my p[rese]nte testament and
last will, and the other p[ar]tie shall remayne in the custody of the same Thomas my sonne./ It[em] I give
unto the saide Thomas my sone all my termes of yeres I shall haue to come after my disceas of and in
my farme of Lewe whiche I have and hold by Indenture of all my Stocke of cattell and sheepe w[hi]ch
shall than fortune to be and remayne in and uppon the groundes belonginge to the said farme of Lewe It[em] I
bequeth lykewise unto the same Thomas my sonne all terme of yeres whiche shall fortune to come after
my disceas of and in my farme of Senhampton whiche I than haue to come; the whiche I hold by
Indenture of all my cattalls and shepe whiche shall than fortune to remayne and be leefte as well uppon
my lands at canfeld weld /and in the lordeshippe of cogges/ as uppon my farme at Senhampton aforesaid
together w[ith] all the increas of the same farme cattall /and sheepe/ It[em] I bequeth unto Elizabeth ffarmer
the wif of my brother william ffarmer a Juell of and for a token of the value of tenne marks sterlinge
And to eueriche of the children of the same Richarde and Anne beinge alive at the tyme of my
disceas five marks st[erlinge] And I woll that if anny of the same children happen to disceas Than their or
his p[ar]tes shall remayne to the use of the survivours or survivour of the same children, It[em] I bequeth
to John Denesens notary for his good counsell geven in and abowte the ordre of this my p[rese]nte testa[men]t
and last will It[em] I woll that myne executour under writton, ordeigne an honest priste of good
and honest conuersacon to praie for my soule all my frindes soules, and all [Christi]en soules at the aulter
in the blissed chapell of the resurrection And he to kepe the quere all principall feasts and hollydayes/ And to
have yerely, duringe his lif iijli/ and one of the howses of the almesse men, And that the said prist be not
beneficed or otherwise promoted It[em] I bequeth unto euery poure mayden whiche shall fortune to be maryed
in the said p[ar]ishe churche of Witney w[ith]in the space of one yere nest ensuynge after my disceas xxs
in monnye and xiiijlb weight of woole to make everiche of them a garment ageinst their mariage It[em] I
bequeth towardes the amendinge and reparinge of the high waye, from begynnynge of newlande next unto
Witney and forwardes unto thende of fflemyngefelde six poundes thirtene shillings and foure pens sterlinge
It[em] I bequeth unto my cosin Richarde Humfrey xxs./ and to ffabyan his sone xls/ It[em] I bequeth unto Thomas
Newman xxs and to my cosin his wif xxs/ It[em] I bequeth to Alys Heirns my s[erv]unte xxs It[em] I bequeth to Johan.
Cooke xxs, and a todde of wolle It[em] I bequeth Turnoure my s[erv]unte tenne shillings and a todde of wolle./ And
I woll that on the morrowe after my monnethes mynde there be don masse and dirige at Eton College
for my soule; and the soules aforesaid/ And I will that if the prouoste be there p[rese]nte at the same dirige
and masse^./ xxd And to euery conducte and clarke beinge at the same dirige and masse xijd And
[margin] that he have for his labo[ur] iijs iiijd
[margin] to euery @ beinge there p[rese]nte at
[margin] said dirige and masse
to euery sholler beinge there at scole and residente at my said dirige and masse ijd And to the scole
Maister beinge likewise p[rese]nte at the same masse iijs iiijd/ And I woll that after dyner of the same
daye; the scolers there may haue a recreacon to sporte them and they shall saie for my soule and
all [Christi]en soules the psamle of de profundis/ And I woll that myn executo[ur] aswell the daie of my
buryall as at the daie of my monethes mynde shall cause to be distributed and dispoased to euery
poure p[er]sone their beinge ijd and to euery child jd It[em] I woll that I haue dayly duringe the space of
one monneth next ensuynge after my disceas, placebo dirige and masse of Requiem w[ith]oute note to be
said by two prists And that the furst bell in the same churche of Witney at every suche placebo
dirige and masse of Requiem to be rongen and for thoccupyinge so of the same bell I bequeth to
the use of the said churche of Witney aforesaid xxs /st[erling]/ The Residue of all and sing[u]l[a]r my goodes plate
reddy monnye cattalls and detts whatsoev[er] they be not bequethed after that my detts be paied my buringe
and funeralls honestly done as it apperteynith/ And this my p[rese]nte testament in all things and by all
things well and trulye accomplisshed and p[er]fo[ur]med, I give holye and frely unto the said Thomas
Wenman my sonne, to his owne propre use: he to dispoase suche p[ar]te of them in deades and works of
charitie moste acceptable; to god for the discharge of my soule/ if he be so content at the pleasure of
the same Thomas my sonne /whiche Thomas I ordeigne and make my executour/ and coadintor w[ith]
hyme I ordeyne and make my welbelovyd brothers William ffarmer and Richard ffarmer And
I bequeth to the same: William and Richarde: for their labours and busynes in this p[ar]tie to be hadd
and that they shalbe goode frindes unto the said Thomas my sonne to either of them xxli st[erlinge]/
And of the ou[er]sight of execution of the same my testament I make and ordeign Thomas Gifford
Esquier overseer, and I bequeth to hyme for his labo[ur] and busines in that p[ar]tie to be hadd and don vjli
xiijs iiijd st[erlinge] It[em] I bequeth to Mary Gifford wif of the said Thomas for a Juell v marks st[erlinge] It[em] I
bequeth to Ursula my doughter Thomas Wenmans wif for a Juell vli/ And to hir sonne Richarde Wenman
my godsone xlli And to either of his brethern Harry William and Thomas xlli/ And to Anne wenman
a hundred marks/ And Elizabeth wenman a hundred marks/ And I woll that the porcons to them and
euery of them bequethed as is aforesaide shalbe deliuered to them and euery of them assone and when as
they shall accomplisshe the age of xxj yere And eueriche of them to be others heire/ In wittnes
wherof to this my p[rese]nte testament and last will, I haue sette my seale, and subscribed my name the
daie and yere abouesaid/ I will that Thomas Wenman my cosin shall have xlli By me Richard
Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram Domino Apud Lamehith decimo octavo die
mensis Decembris/ Anno Domini Mill[es]imo quingen[tesi]mo xxxiiijmo Juramento Thome Weyneman executoris in
h[uius]mo[i] testamento no[m]i[n]at[i] in p[er]sona Thome Dacuraye no[ta]rij pu[bli]ci procuratoris sui in hac p[ar]te sufficient et
l[eg]itime constitut[o] Ac approbat[o] et insinuatum Et comissa fuit admi[ni]strac[i]o o[mn]i[u]m et sing[u]lor[um] bonorum iuriu[m]
et creditorum d[ic]ti defunct[i] prefato executori De bene &c Ac de pleno et fideli Inuentario &c conficiend[um]
Necnon de plano et vero compoto calculo sine raco[]cuno reddend[o] Ad sancta dei Evangelia in
p[er]sona dicti procur[ator]is Jurat[o]
The above written testament was proved before the Lord at Lambeth the eighteenth day
of the month of December Anno Domini 1534 By the oath of Thomas Weyneman, named
executor in this testament, in person by his proxy Thomas Dacuraye, public notary, sufficiently and lawfully
appointed to this role And approved and registered And administration was committed of all and singular the goods, rights
and loans of the said deceased of the aforesaid executor To well etc. And of a full and faithful Inventory etc. to be executed
And also of a clear and true calculated account without bias to be returned Sworn in person by the said proxy
Upon the holy Gospel of god
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