Location: Hampshire, England
Surname/tag: Morley
This is a transcription of the register version of the Will of "Francisci" Francis Morley of Winchester, Hampshire, England.
The will was written on 25 August 1690 and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 16 December 1690.
- Spelling, line breaks and punctuation as per the register copy of the will.
- Capital F is rendered as such rather than ff, and ligatures and abbreviations have been expanded in [square brackets].
- Omissions and margin insertions are placed in the text where indicated.
- Bold text are my own for ease of reading.
- Italics indicate property bequests.
People mentioned:
- Francis Morley of the city of Winchester in the county of South[hampt]on Esq[uire]
- my deare and loveing wife Jane Morley
- Bishop of Winchester
- my sonne Francis Morley
- my sonne Richard Morley
- Anne Drayne Nurse to my deare Daughter Sarah
- my deare Daughter Sarah (who had died by the time Probate was granted)
- Daughter Alethea Ward
- Jane Ward (only Daughter of Alethea Ward)
- my sonne George Morley
- my deare Daughter Jane Morley
- my sonne William Morley
- my sonne Thomas Morley
- my Aunt Lawrence?
- Aunt Lawrence's? daughter Dyer and her children
- all my servants that hath lived with me above a yeare
- poore of the parish of Droxford in the County of South[hamp]ton
- poore of the parish of Bishops Waltham in the said County of South[hamp]ton
- poore of the parish of East Knoyle in the County of Wilts
- poore of the City of Winchester
- poore of the Soake
- sonne in Law Dr. William Harison Master of St. Crosse
- all my Grandchildren
- my brother Sr. Thomas Morley and to my Lady his Wife
- my brother Richard Morley and his Wife
- my cozen Foster? and his Wife
Executors - my two sonnes;
- Charles Morley Chancellor of the Diocese of Winchester
- Dr Francis Morley one of the Prebendaryes of the Cathedrall Church of Winchester
Places mentioned:
- City of Winchester in the county of South[hamp]ton
- Lands in Bishopps Waltham in the county of Southton
- Woodwards place belonging to the Bishopwick of Winton
- Messuages or Tenements heretofore called or knowne by the names or signes of the Barge the Bell and the Cork with the appurtenances sett lying and being upon the Banke side in the parish of St. Saviours in Southwarke
- The Mannor and Farme of Eccingswell in the County of South[hamp]ton
- Lands and Tenements lying in the Tything of Wreckelsham in the Mannor of Farnham in the County of Surrey
- parish of Droxford in the County of South[hamp]ton
- parish of Bishops Waltham in the said County of South[hamp]ton
- parish of East Knoyle in the County of Wilts
- the Soake
In the name of God Amen
I Francis Morley of the city of Winchester in the county of - -
South[hamp]ton Esq[uire] being at present thanks be to God in perfect health of body mind
and memory Doe make and ordaine my last will and Testament in manner
and forme following first I give and bequeath my soule to God who gave
it And my body I committ to the earth to be decently buryed in the Vault -
which I caused to be made in the parish Church of Droxford with the office
appointed by the Church for the buryall of the dead without any funerall sermon
And as concerning my worldly estate which it hath pleased God to bestow upon
me I dispose thereof of as followeth Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my deare
and loveing wife Jane Morley the sum[m]e of One Thousand pounds of - -
lawfull money of England and my plate lynnen goods and household stuffe my
Coaches and Coach horses Whereas I am possessed of a certaine Farme -
and Lands in Bishopps Waltham in the county of Southton for the residue
of a terme of one and twenty yeares granted unto me therein by Lease -
from the Bishop of Winchester I doe hereby give and bequeath the said
Farme and Lands and my estate therein unto my sonne Francis Morley
hee the said Francis Morley his Heires paying yearly out of the said -
Farme and Lands unto my said wife Jane Morley during her naturall
life One Annuity or yearly rent of Fifty pounds of lawfull money of - -
England to be paid unto her at the two most usuall feasts or termes in the
yeare that is to say The feasts of the Annunciacon[1] of the blessed Virgin
St. Mary and St. Michael the Archangel by even and equall porcons The
first payment thereof to be made at such of the said feasts which shall first
and next happen after my decease And for the better assuring unto my -
said Wife Jane Morley the Annuity or yearly rent of fifty pounds I doe
hereby give power and authority unto my said Wife Jane Morley from
time to time soe often as the yearly rent of fifty pounds or any parte -
thereof shall be unpaid or be behind by the spare of thirty dayes next -
after any or either of the said feasts or dayes of payment on which the
said ought to be paid as aforesaid to enter into the said farm and - -
Lands soe devised unto my said sonne Francis Morley aforesaid to - -
distraine for the same and the distresse and distresses then and there -
found and taken to leade drive take and carry away and impound and
the same in pounds to detaine untill the said Annuity or yearly rent of
fifty pounds and arreares thereof if any shall be shall be fully satisfyed
and paid And alsoe that the said Francis Morley his heires pay -
yearly out of the said farme and lands unto my sonne Richard Morley
oue Annuity or yearly rent of forty pounds of lawfull money of England
(untill such time as the Woodwards place belonging to the Bishopwick of
Winton shall happen to fall to him and noe longer) to be paid unto him
at the two most usuall feasts or termes in the year that is to say The -
Feasts of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin St. Mary and St. - -
Michael the Archangell by even and equall porc[i]ons The first payment
thereof to be made at such of the said feasts which shall first and next
happen after my decease And for the better assuring unto the said - -
Richard Morley the Annuity or yearly Rent of forty pounds I doe
hereby give power and authority to the said Richard Morley from
[Page 2]
time to time soe often as the yearly rent of forty pounds or any parte -
thereof shall be unpaid or behind by the spare of thirty dayes next -
after any or either of the said feasts or dayes of payment on which
the said ought to be paid as aforesaid to enter into the said Farme and
Lands soe devised unto my said sonne Francis Morley as afore said - -
and to distraine for the same and distresse and distresses then and there -
found and taken to leade drive take and carry away and impound and
the same in pound to detaine ~ ~ ~ ~ untill the Annuity or Yearly Rent
of forty pounds and arreares thereof if any shall be shall be fully --
satisfyed and paid And likewise that the said Francis Morley his -
Heires pay yearly out of the said Farm and Lands unto Anne --
Drayne Nurse to my deare Daughter Sarah [^deceased] during her life one -
Annuity or yearly rent of Tenne pounds of lawfull money of England
to be paid unto her at the two most usuall feasts or termes in the yeare
(that is to say) The feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin St. -
Mary and St. Michael the Archangel by even and equall porc[i]ons The first
payment thereof to be made at such of the said feasts which shall first
and next happen after my decease And for the better assuring unto -
the said Ann Drayne the Annuity or Yearly Rent of Tenne pounds
I doe hereby give power and authority unto the said Anne Drayne
from time to time soe often as the ~ ~ ~ ~ yearly rent of Tenne pounds
or any parte thereof shall be unpaid or behind by the spare of - -
thirty dayes next after any or either of the said feasts or dayes of paym.t
on which the said ought to be paid as aforsaid to enter into the said - -
Farme or Lands soe devised unto my said sonne Francis Morley as -
aforesaid and to destraine for the same and distresse and distresses then
and there found and taken to leade drive take and carry away and - -
impound and the same in pounds to detaine untill the said Annuity or - -
Yearly rent of tenne pounds and the arreares thereof if any shall be -
shall be fully satisfyed and paid And whereas I am seized to use and
my Heires during the lives of my Daughter Alethea Ward Jane - -
Ward her only Daughter and my sonne George Morley and the lives
of the longest liver of them by virtue of a Lease granted unto me by the
Bishop of Winchester of certaine Messuages or Tenements heretofore
called or knowne by the names or signes of the Barge the Bell and the Cork
with the appurtenances sett lying and being upon the Banke side in the parish of -
St. Saviours in Southwarke I doe give and bequeath unto my said deare Daughter
Alethea Ward and her Heires during the whole terme and estate which I have
therein of all the said Messuages or Tenements soe leased to me And whereas
I am seized to me and my Heires during the lives of my sonnes Francis George
and Richard Morley and the lives of the longest liver of them by vertue of a
Lease granted to me by the Bishopp of Winchester of and in the sorte of
the Mannor and Farme of Eccingswell in the County of South[hamp]ton aforesaid -
I doe give and bequeath unto my said sonne George Morley and his Heires
during the whole terme and estate I have therein of all the said scite Farme -
and Lands soe leased to me I do alsoe give and bequeath unto my said sonne
George Morley the sum[m]e of six Hundred pounds of lawfull money of - -
England I do give and bequeath unto my said sonne Richard Morley the
sum[m]e of Fifteene Hundred pounds of lawfull money of England I do give -
and bequeath unto my sonne Thomas Morley the sum[m]e of fifteene hundred
pounds of good and lawfull money of England I doe give and bequeath unto
my sonne William Morley sum[m]e of Two Thousand pounds of lawfull
[Page 3]
money of England I will and direct shall be paid unto my said sonnes [^Richard] Thomas -
and William respectively by my Executors here[^in] after named at their respective
ages of foure and twenty yeares and not before and in the meane time that my
said Executors shall lett out at interest the said respective porcons on such
securityes as can be gotten for the same and shall from time to time pay the -
interest and product thereof as they receive the same unto my said sonnes
respectively towards their respective maintenance and educations And
I doe give and bequeath unto my deare Daughter Jane Morley the full sum[m]e of
Two Thousand and Five Hundred pounds of lawfull money of England -
to be paid unto her at her day of marryage or age of Foure and twenty -
yeares which shall first happen And whereas I have surrendred my Copyhold
Lands and Tenements lying in the Tything of Wreckelsham in the Mannor
of Farnham in the County of Surrey to the use of my last Will and Testament
I doe hereby now give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Jane Morley -
and her Heires the said copyhold Lands and my Estate and interest therein
And I doe hereby will and direct my said Executors herein after men[t]ioned -
shall receive the rents issues and profitts of the copyhold Lands and - - -
Tenements untill my said Daughter shall attaine her age of foure and -
Twenty yeares or be marryed and shall alsoe lett out the said porcon of two -
Thousand and give Hundred pounds by me devised unto my said Daughter
Jane Morley and shall from time to time untill my said Daughter shall -
attaine her age of foure and twenty yeares or be marryed yearly pay and -
allow to my said Daughter out of the rents issues and profitts of the said -
moneys soe much money for her maintenance and education as my said -
Executors shall thinke fitt and the residue of the said yearly profitts and -
interest of the said moneys I will that my said Executors lett out and -
improve for the increase of my said Daughters porc[i]on and to be paid her at
such time when her said porcon is herein before limitted to be paid unto her And in
case any or either of my said sonnes Richard Thomas William or my Daughter
Jane shall happen to dye before the ages of foure and twenty yeares or dayes -
of marryage That then I will and direct the estates and money herein before -
devised by me unto such of them which shall happen to departe this life shall -
equally be divided among my said sonnes Richard Thomas William and my
Daughter Jane And I doe hereby give and bequeath the Guardianshipp -
and custody of my daughter Jane unto my deare and loving wife Jane -
Morley untill shee shall attaine the age of one and twenty yeares I doe -
give and bequeath all my venture to Chili to all my children to be divided -
amongst them equally share and share like Alsoe I give and bequeath -
unto my Aunt Lawrence? the sum[m]e of Tenne pounds And I doe also give
and bequeath unto her daughter Dyer and her children Tenne pounds -
apeece I doe alsoe given and bequeath unto all my servants that hath lived
with me above a yeare unto every one of them a yeares wages over and above
the wages that shall be due to them at my death Alsoe I give and bequeath
unto the poore of the parish of Droxford in the County of South[hamp]ton the sum[m]e of
Twenty pounds And I alsoe give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of -
Bishops Waltham in the said County of South[hamp]ton the sum[m]e of Tenne pounds
I doe alsoe give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of East Knoyle
in the County of Wilts the sum[m]e of Twenty pounds I alsoe give and bequeath
to the poore of the City of Winchester the sum[m]e of Five pounds And [^un]to the
poore of the Soake Five pounds which said severall sum[m]es of money soe - -
devised by me as aforesaid unto the said respective parishes and places I
will and direct to be paid by my Executors within two moneths after my -
[Page 4]
decease and to be distributed amongst them as my Executors shall thinke fitt -
Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my Wife and to all my sonnes and daught[ers]
who shall survive me mourning And alsoe to my sonne in Law Dr. William
Harison Master of St. Crosse and to all my Grandchildren Alsoe I give -
and bequeath morning to my brother Sr. Thomas Morley and to my -
Lady his Wife And alsoe to my brother Richard Morley and his Wife -
And I alsoe give mourning to my cozen Foster? and his Wife And all the
rest of my goods chattells and other personall estate not herein before by -
me bequeathed after my debts legacies and funerall expenses shall be -
paid and discharged I give and bequeath unto my two Sonnes Charles -
Morley Chancellor of the Diocese of Winchester and Dr Francis - -
Morley one of the Prebendaryes of the Cathedrall Church of Winchester
to be equally divided betweene them whom I doe hereby make and - -
constitute my Executors of this my said Will In witnesse whereof I
the said Francis Morley have to this my last Will and Testament written
with my owne hand containing seaven sheets of paper to each of them -
have sete my hand and hereunto affixed my seale this five and twentyeth -
day of August in the second yeare of the reigne of King William and -
Queene Mary King and Queene of England Scottland France and -
Ireland Annoq[ue] Domini One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety. Fran: -
Morley Signed sealed and published by the said Francis Morley in the
presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto in
the presence of him the said Francis Morley Tho: Brewer Stanford
Wallace Daniel Lee Thomas Smith./.
- ↑ Wikipedia contributors, "Feast of the Annunciation," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Feast_of_the_Annunciation&oldid=1093023307 (accessed July 24, 2022).
- Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 402
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #834499 (accessed 28 June 2022)
Will of Francisci Morley of Winchester, Hampshire, England, granted probate on 16 Dec 1690. Died Abt 1690. - England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
PROB 11: Will Registers > 1688-1696 > Piece 402: Dyke, Quire Numbers 173-213 (1690) >image 279 of 338
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 28 June 2022) - England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
PROB 11: Will Registers > 1688-1696 > Piece 402: Dyke, Quire Numbers 173-213 (1690) > image 280 of 338
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 28 June 2022)
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