Location: England

Surname/tag: Harris
Transcript of the PCC Will of George Harris of Westover, Charles County, Virginia, 1674.[1]
Memorandum that on or about the foure and twentieth day of March one thousand six hundred seaventie two (English Style) George Harris late of the Parish of Westover in Charles Countie in Virginia the pa[rt?] beyond the Seas deceased, being then of sound and perfect and disposing mynd and good understanding and having a full intent and purpose to make his last Will and Testament and dispose of his Estate called unto Henry Martin John Royston and Anne Dunkan who were then in the roome with him and had them take notice what hee should then say and uttered and declared his last Will and Testament nuncupative or by word of mouth in these words or words to this or the like effect following viz I am a dying man and not able to recite or set things to [?rights], I give unto my wife sixteene hundred pounds, with all her Clothes, Rings, Jewells and the plate, to be payd in the first place out of my Estate, I give unto my Sister two hundred and fiftie pounds; And all the rest of my Estate (my debts being payd) I give to my brother Thomas. And then the said Testator calling to his said wife had her give Henry Martin his blacke stuffe Sute, And sayd farther speaking to his said Wife, Let John Royston have my grey Sute; And then likewise sayd this poore wench Nann (meaning Ann Dunkan) hath taken a great deale of paines with mee in my Sickness I give her three hundred and sixty pounds of Tobacco Mr Gower oweth mee: Which words or the like in effect hee uttered and declared as his last Will and Testament being then of perfect mynd and memory in the presence and hearing of John Roch als Royster and Anne the wife of William Gower.
Vicesimo die mensis August Anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septuagesimo quarto [20 Aug 1674] .. Sara Greendon alias Harris relicta et Legatarice principalj nominata Testamento … [Sara Greendon, surviving widow and principal legatee]
- ↑ Will of George Harris of Westover Charles County Virginia, North America. 20 Aug 1674. PROB 11/345/509. National Archives.
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