Location: Colchester, Essex, England

Surnames/tags: Lumpkin Puritan Great Migration
This is a transcription of the original will of Henry Lumpkin of St Peters, Colchester, Essex. Written on 11 September 1617 and proved on 19 January 1620/21.[1]
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
Persons mentioned
- Henry Lumpkin of the parish of Sainte Peters in Colchester testator
- my beloved wife Dorathy Lumpkin
- william Lumpkin my sonne testator's son aged over 24 years of age of age - eldest son
- John Lumpkin my sonne aged under 24 years of age - second son
- Robert my sonne aged under 24 years of age - youngest son
- my grandchild Anne hewers
- Isaac Cheny tenant of testator
- Francis Russell tenant of testator
- Mr Stanton sold land to testator
- Myles Grey sold land to the testator
- my Tennante Thomas Benne
- my daughter Rose Iles
- my daughter Mary Bullocke the wife of Francis Bullocke
- the Children which my said daughter had by Joseph Hewers her former husband ( Except Anne hewers)
- my daughter dorathye Parkinson the wife of Thomas Parkinson daughter and son in law
- my Cossen william Lumpkin
- my Kinsman Francis Russell
- my daughter Iles her children and alsoe to each of my daughter Bullocke her children
- ' william March my wives brother possibly the brother of the testator's wife or related to her by marriage
- m[aste]r Newcom the minister of Saincte Peters p[ar]ish
- Mary Ansell my maide servant
- william Curtice no relationship stated possibly a man servant
- my good frend John Stephens of Colchester aforesaid Esq to be my sup[er]visor
- John Stephens witness
- Francis Richardes witness
- Thomas Danolt witness
In the name of God Amen: The Eleaventh daye of September in the
yeares of the Reigne of our Sov[er]eigne Lord James by the grace of god of England
France and Ireland Kinge defendor of the faith etc the fifteenth and of Scotland
the one and fiftieth in the yeare of our Lord god one Thowsand six hundreth and
seaventeene I Henry Lumpkin: of the parish of Sainte Peters in Colchester
beinge in perfect health of bodye and alsoe of good and perfect Remembrance Doe
give my soule unto my Creator, deseringe him to Accepte the same for the merritts
of his dearlie beloved sonne Jesus Christ my onelye Saviour and Redeemer
And my bodye to be comitted to the earth accordinge to the discrecion of myne
executor Assuredlie beleevinge at the great daie of Judgment that I shall
receive the same againe And for such worldlie wealth as it hath pleased god
to Lend me I shall willinglie leave the same when it shall please god to
call me from it desyringe him of his infinite mercie towardes me that he would
blesse and prosper my disposinge of it and that it maye be accordinge to his
pleasure and will wherof First of all I give unto my beloved wife Dorathy
Lumpkin the one halfe of all my houshouldstuffe and the one halfe of all my
plate to be equalie devided by the sup[er]visor of this my last will or by two such
honest men as shalbe named and appoynted therunto by him Alsoe I doe give
unto william Lumpkin my sonne and to the heires of his body lawfully begotten
my houses and landes scituate and beinge in the Streete called the Eaststreete
w[ith]in the liberties of the Towne of Colchester aforesaid And for default of such
Issue unto John Lumpkin my sonne and to the heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten
And for default of such issue unto Robert my sonne and the heires of his bodye
lawfullie begotten And for want of such issue unto the Right heires of me the
saide Henry Lumpkin for ever, Allso I doe give unto the said william Lumpkin
my sonne the som[m]e of fortie poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid
unto him or his assignes w[ith]in one moneth next after my decease Alsoe I
doe forgive unto him the som[m]e of fower score poundes of lawfull money which he
nowe oweth me Alsoe I doe give unto John Lumpkin my second sonne and to his
heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten at his age of fower and twentie yeares
all that my house called the Ballon with all the landes therwith nowe used and
occupied Uppon Condicion notwithstandinge that he shall paie Eight poundes
yearelie of Lawfull money of England unto my grandchild Anne hewers
duringe her naturall life at the two usuall feastes of the yeare That is to
say) at the feast of thananciacion of the blessed virgin Mary and of Saint
Michaell tharchangell by even and equall porcions The first paymente therof
to begin at the first of the said feastes which shall next come after my decease
And if he my said sonne shall faile in the paymente therof accordinglie Then
my will and my meaninge is that it shall and maye be lawfull to and for my said
Grandchilde duringe her life from time to tyme soe longe as she shall not
Alyen or grant awaie the said Annitie to enter into the said house and lands
[Page 2]
formerlie given unto my said sonne John and there to distraine for such Arrerayes
is shalbe dewe and payable unto her the said Anne at anie tyme duringe her life
and the said distres soe taken and deteyned by the space of seaven daies And the
Arrerayes unsatisfied That then it shalbe lawfull for her the said Anne hewers
to make sale of the said distresses by the aprizinge therof by two honest men
and to Keepe and deteine soe much therof as shalbe anie wise behinde and
dewe unto her rendringe backe the Overplus unto the Owner or Owners
of the distresse and distresses I doe alsoe give unto my sonne John Lumpkin
and to the heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten at his said age of fouer and
twentie yeares by my house by the north Gate in Colchester aforesaid with
And also my house in the p[ar]ish of St Marie wherin nowe dwelleth
Thappurtennces wherin Isaac Cheney' nowe dwelleth with thappurtenances and
the halfe of the well and the halfe of my stable there beinge next adioyninge
I doe alsoe give unto my sonne Robert Lumpkin at his age of fower and twentie
yeares and to the heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten my house in waldingfield
withall the landes therunto nowe used and all other Thappurtenances whatsoev[er]
therunto belonginge togither alsoe w[i]th my house with thappurtenuces in saincte
Maries p[ar]ish aforesaid wherin Francis Russell nowe dwelleth with the other
halfe of the well there beinge And that other halfe of my Stable which adioyneth
next unto the said house to be devided at the equall charges of them my said
sonnes John and Robert with free libertie to drawe water in the said well
there beinge each of them. and their heires beinge at the equall charges of
Repairinge the same and of findinge buckettes and Roapes from tyme to tyme
as neede shall require I doe alsoe give all that parcell of Land called
longe croft w[hi]ch I bought of m[aste]r Stanton lyeingein near Colchester aforesaid unto
my sonne Robert att his age of fower and twentie yeares and to the heires
of his bodye lawfullye begotten And alsoe I give unto my sonne Robert my
howsen in magdalen greene scituate and beinge in the suburbes of the said towne
in Colchester and to the heires of his bodye lawfullye begotten at his said age
of fower and twentie yeares And if it shall happen that my sonne Robert
doe die without heires of his bodye lawfullye begotten Then I give all the said
howsen and p[ar]cells of land with all their and ev[er]ie of their Appurtenances unto my
sonne John at his said age of fower and twentie yeares And to the heires
of his bodye lawfullie begotten And for want of such issue to my right
heires for ever I doe alsoe give unto my sonne Robert his executors and
assignes at his said age of fower and twentie yeares the lease for yeares
of the Barne which I latelie bought of Myles Grey scituate and beinge
in the said parish of Saincte Mary Alsoe my will and meaninge is that my
Sup[er]visor unto this my last will shall receive and take all the Rentes and p[ro]fittes
of all those housen and landes which I have given unto my sonne John untill
[page 3]
he shall Accomplishe his said age of fower and twentie yeares And at his said
age shall paie and deliv[er] the same unto him or his assignes And alsoe that
my executor unto this my last will shall alsoe receive and take all the Rents
and p[ro]fittes of all those housen and landes which I have given unto my sonne
Robert untill he shall Accomplish his said age of fower and twe'ntye yeares
And at his said age shall paie and deliv[er] the same unto him or his assignes
Notwithstandinge my will and meaninge is that all the Rentes and p[ro]fittes of the
said howsen and landes bequeathed unto my sonnes John and Robert which shalbe
dewe and paiable at the feast of Saincte Michaell Tharchangell next and
insewinge the date of this my last will shalbe received and taken by my
said sup[er]visor and executor for and towardes the discharginge of my fun[er]all
expenses and other legacyes hereafter mencioned And that neither my said
sup[er]visor nor executor shalbe chargable therwith upt upon any Accompte to be
made unto my said sonnes or their assignes I doe alsoe give unto my sonne John
two hundreth poundes of lawfull money of England the which said sum[m]e I have
putt into the handes of my Tennante Thomas Benne to whome I have
demysed the aforesaid house and landes called the Balkon which I have given
unto him my said sonne to be alsoe paid unto him my said Tennante accordinge
to an agrement made betweene my said Tennant and my selfe I doe alsoe
give unto my said sonne John Twentie poundes of like lawfull money to be
paid vnto him or his assignes at his said age of fouer and twentie yeares
by my said executor I doe alsoe give unto my sonne Robert twentie poundes of
lawfull money of Englande to be paid unto him for his assignes at his said
age of fower and twentie yeares by my said executor at his said age of
fower and twentie yeares Item I doe alsoe give unto my daughter Rose
Iles my halfe quarter of the shipp called the Roselyon belonginge to Colchester
haven and of the burthen of one Hundreth and sixtie Tunne I doe alsoe likewise give
unto my daughter Mary Bullocke the wife of Francis Bullocke the sum[m]e
of Twentie poundes of lawfull money of Englande and that my lease of
the groundes which her husband hath in manurance and occupyinge uppon
Condicion that she shall keepe and bringe upp the Children which my said
daughter had by Joseph Hewers her former husband ( Except Anne hewers
vntill their severall ages of one and twentie yeares I doe alsoe give unto my
daughter dortes dorathye Parkinson the wife of Thomas Parkinsonthe
wife of Thomas Parkinson Twentye poundes of lawfull money of England
to be paid unto her within one moneth next after my decease Moreover it
is my will and meaninge that if any of my sonnes shall happen to decease
or departe out of this world before such tyme as he or they shall have accomplished
such age and tymes at which tyme or tymes their said severall legacies and bequestes
[page 4]
shall growe dewe unto them Then I will and bequeath the said porcion & porcons
of such my sonne & sonnes soe deceasinge and departinge this world unto all my
other children then survivinge to be paid unto them p[ar]te and p[ar]te like at such tyme
and tymes as they should receive the severall sumes formerlie given to them or to
any of them I doe alsoe give unto the poore people of the parish of Sainct Peters
wherin I dwell the sume of tenn poundes of lawfull money to be distributed
accordinge to the discrecion of my sup[er]visor and of my executor I doe alsoe give
to the poore people of the other parishes within the said towne of Colchester
Excepte the parish of Sainct Gyles the sum[m]e of twelve poundes of like lawfull
money to be distributed alsoe at the discrecion of my sup[er]visor and executor I doe
alsoe give unto my Cossen william Lumpkin the sum[m]e of twentie shillinges
of like lawfull money And unto my Kinsman Francis Russell the sum[m]e of
Tenn poundes of like lawfull money I doe alsoe give unto each of my daughter
Iles her children and alsoe to each of my daughter Bullocke her children five
markes of the like lawfull money to be paide unto eyther of them at their
sev[er]all ages of one and twentie yeares And unto' william March my wives
brother the som[m]e of three poundes of like lawfull money I doe alsoe give unto
the minister m[aste]r Newcom the minister of Saincte Peters p[ar]ish aforesaid fortie
shillinges of lawfull money And unto Mary Ansell my maide servant the sum[m]e
of thre poundes of like lawfull money And unto william Curtice the sum[m]e
of Twentie shillinges of like lawfull money Moreover I doe give unto
my sonne in lawe Thomas Parkinson all my reddye money and all other
my debtes plate housholdstuffe and goodes whatsoever which I have
not formerlieherin given to paie my debtes legacyes and fun[er]all charges And
I doe appointe him my said sonne in lawe my sole and only executor
desyringe him faithfullie to p[er]forme discharge that trust which I doe
repose in him And for his paines to be taken therin I doe give unto him
the Overplus of all my said money debtes plate houshold stuffe and
goodes my said legacies debtes and other charges beinge first paide and
discharged Last of all I doe request and appoint my good frend John
Stephens of Colchester aforesaid Esq to be my sup[er]visor of this my
p[re]sent testamente desyringe him alsoe to take some paines therin for the
quietinge and appeasinge of all such Questions and Controv[er]ses that maye
any wayes growe by reason of this my will betweene my said executor
my wife and children And alsoe to direct and advise my said executor
wherby this my will maye be the better p[er]formed and fullfilled for whose
paines to be taken therin I do will and give unto him my said supervisor
Twentye poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him by my
said executor within one moneth next after my decease In wittnes wherof
I have unto ev[er]y sheete of this my will Conteyninge six sheetes in all putto
my marke and my seale unto the sixthe sheete therof And alsoe my seale
unto them all in the heade of them the daie and yeare first above written
In the presence of John Stephens Francis Richardes and Thomas
Danolt Henry Lumpkin the testator his marke
- ↑ https://www.essexarchivesonline.co.uk/result_details.aspx?ThisRecordsOffSet=4&id=449501 Essex Archives online, will ref D/ABW 43/43
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