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Will of John Barne, coat seller of St Martin in the Fields 1692

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: St Martins in the Fields, London, Englandmap
This page has been accessed 36 times.

The Will of John Barne, coat seller of St Martin in the Fields was written on 11 December 1691 and proved on 7 June 1692.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People in the will in the order that they appear:

  • John Barne (testator)
  • Alice Barne (wife)
  • George Barne (son)
  • John Narme (son)
  • William Barne (son)
  • Miles Barne (son)
  • Henry Barne (son)
  • Alice Barne (daughter)
  • Francis Barne (nephew)
  • Robert Barne (brother, father of Francis)
  • Myles Barne (brother)
  • Ann Gibband (sister)
  • Hester Singleton (sister)
  • Antony Barne (brother)
  • Elizabeth Barne (it's unclear if this is a sister or sister in law)
  • John Barne (godson)
  • George Billen (brother in law?)
  • John Billen (brother in law?)
  • Francis Billen (brother in law?)
  • William Barne (brother)
  • Thomas Brinston (friend)
  • Witnesses: James Harding, Robert Rolfe, Martha Lane

In the name of God Amen
the eleaventh day of December One Thousand, Six hundred, Ninety
One. And in the third yeare of the Raigne of our Sovereigne Lord and
Lady King William and Queene Mary &c. I John Barne Coat Seller
in the Parish of St Martins in the Feilds being of sound and perfect memory
praised bee the Lord for the same And calling to mind the uncertaine State
of this transitory life and being desirous to Settle things in order doe
make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
revoakeing all other Testaments and Wills heretofore by mee made
or declared either by word or writeing and this to bee taken for my last
Will and Testament Imprimis I resigne my Soule to God that gave
me it And as touching such temporall Estate as the Lord hath beene
pleased to bestowe upon mee my debts and funerall Expences being
first paid and satisfyed by my Executrix hereafter named I doe order
give devise and bequeath to my Loveing Wife Alice Barne the
summe of threescore pounds a yeare to bee paid unto her at Michaelmas
and Lady day yearely dureing her naturall life by my Son George
Barne his Heires or Assignes out of my Lands and Tenements in Guillon[2]
Towne in Ash Parish in the County of Kent without any manner of
charge to bee allowed by my said Wife Alice Barne Item I give devise

[Page 2, Fo. 31 or 34]
and bequeath unto my said son George Barne and his Heires for ever
all that my Land and Tenement in Guillon Towne aforesaid in the said County
of Kent To hold and Enjoy the same to him the said George Barne amd his
Heires for ever Hee the said George Barne his Heires and Assignes paying
to my said loveing Wife Alice Barne dureing her naturall life at the times
before mentioned the Annuity or said yearely summe of threescore pounds
before mentioned out of the rents issues and profits of the said Lands And
that if the said George Barne his Heires or Assignes shall make default
or refuse to pay the said Annuity to the said Alice Barne that then my will
and meaning is that it shall and may bee lawfull to and for the said Alice
Barne to enter upon the said Land and tenements and receive the rents
issues and profits thereof to her owne use And my will and meaning is that
my son George Barne or his Heires when either or any of them shall come
to enjoy the said Lands shall pay the said Annuity of threescore pounds
before mentioned to my said loveing Wife Alice Barne dureing her naturall
life as before expressed Item I give to my son George Barne the
summe of three hundred pounds to bee paid by my Executrix hereafter menc[i]o[ne]d
within one yeare after my death Item I give and bequeath to my son John
Barne the summe of six hundred pounds to bee paid by me Executrix here=
=after mencioned when hee shall attaine to the age of one and twenty yeares
Item I give and beqyeath to my son William Barne the summe of Six
hundred pounds to bee paid by my Executrix hereafter mentioned when
hee shall attaine the age of one and twenty yeares Item I give and bequeath
to my son John Barne the Lease of the Shopp in the Exchange hee paying
to my loveing Wife the summe of twenty pounds per Annu[m] dureing the said
Lease if shee shall soe long live but my will and meaning is that my shopp
shall not bee in the possession of my Son John Barne till my Loveing wife
thinke fit to leave of trade Item I give and bequeath to my Son William
Barne the summe of two hundred pounds to bee paid him after the death
of my said Wife Item I give and bequeath to my son Miles Barne the
Land in Burrough in the County of Leicester which I bought of Sir Robert
Smith and alsoe the Summe of two hundred pounds in money to be paid
to him by my Executrix when hee shall attaine the age of one and twenty
yeares Item I give to my son Henry Barne and my daughter Alice
Barne equally betweene them all my Land in Burrough aforesaid in the
said County of Leicestershire which I bought of Mr Latch[...]llier Item
I give and bequeath unto my son Henry Barne and to my daughter
Alice Barne one hundred pounds apeece to bee paid them by my Executrix
hereafter named when they shall attaine the age of twenty and one yeares
Item I give and bequeath to my Nephew Francis Barne son of my brother
Robert Barne the summe of ten pounds to bee paid him at the age of twenty
and one yeares Item I give and bequeath to the Corporation of the
Ministers Sons the summe of ten pounds and to the Parish of Limidge?
in Kent the summe of three pounds for six poore widdowes equally
divided and to the Parish of Saint Martins in the Feilds in the County of
Middlesex the summe of six pounds for twelve poore men and women such
as my Executrix and Trustees shall thinke fitt Item I give and bequeath
to my brother Myles Barne [several words deleted] my
sister Ann Gibband my sister Hester Singleton my bro[the]r Antony
Barne my sister Elizabeth Barne five pounds each to buy them mourning
Item I give and bequeath my Godson John Barne twenty shillings
to buy him a ring and to the daughter of my sister Ann Gibband the

[Page 3]
foure children of my sister Singleton the three children of my sister
Elizabeth Barne ten shillings a peece each to buy them a ring if they have
not one at my funerall Item I give to my bro[ther] George Billen my brother
John Billen my brother Francis Billen each of them a ring of fifteen
shillings at my funerall and in their absence to bee sent them and Lastly
I doe make constitute and ordaine and appoint my said loveing wife Alice
Barne Executrix of this my last Will and Testament to whom I bequeath
all the remainder of my [several words deleted] goods
and chattells moveable and immoveable after the satisfaction of my debts
and payments of the Legacyes above by mee bequeathed and to her care
and tuition alsoe I leave my children And I doe hereby nominate
appoint my said wifeTutrix to them and either of them that are under
age but untill such time as they shall severally attaine the ages of twenty
and one yeares And I doe desire and appoint my loveing brother
William Barne and my good freind Thomas Brinston in the Exchange
to bee Overseers of this my last Will and testament and to bee ayding
and assisting my Executrix in the performance and execution of this
my last Will and Testament and doe give and bequeath unto them
ten pounds a peece to buy them mourning and five pounds to my
loveing brother William Barne to but him a ring In Witness whereof I have
hereunto put my hand amd seale the day and yeare first above
written. John Barne. Signed, Sealed, Delivered, Published, and
Declared for the last Will and Testament of the said John Barne
In the presence of us James Harding, Robert Rolfe, Martha Lane

Probate [In Latin] and administration granted at London on 7 June 1692 to Alice Barnes the Relict in the Prerogatice Court of Canterbury


  1. PROB 11/410/93 Description: Will of John Barne, Coat Seller of Saint Martin in the Fields, Middlesex Date: 06 June 1692 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
  2. Perhaps Gilton

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