Location: Acton, Middlesex, England
The Will of John Lane, Usher to the Kings Chamber of Acton, written on 20 January 1549/50, proved on 6 June 1597 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury,(see probate below)[1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading. Good, clear copy.
People mentioned in the Will.
- John Lane (testator)
- John Lane (son)
- Margarett (daughter)
- Marie (Mary Umbrevile in probate, daughter)
- Hamon (servant)
- George Lane
- Sir Symon Essexe
- William Lane (brother)
- Sibell (wife)
- William Rope (supervisor)
- Witnesses: Symon Essexe, John Phillippe citizen and surgeon of London, Thomas Jenninges of Acton, William Edwynne, John Anwicke, William Clerke, Raphe Gibbons & Thomas Darbie smith
In the name of god Amen The seaven and
twenteth daie of Januarie in the yere of our Lord God a thousand five hundred
fortie nine. I John Lane yeoman Usher of the Kings maiesties chamber this doe
ordaine and make my Testament and last will in manner and forme followinge
First I bequeath my soule to Almightie God and to all the companie of heave[n]
and my bodie to be buried in the chancell of Acton church . Item I give & bequeath
to John Lane my sonne six poundes thirteene shillinges fouer pence to finde him to
schole soe that he wilbe ruled and governed by his mother or els to be at her
findeinge . Item I give and bequeath to the said John Lane when he cometh to
the full age of two and twentie yeeres my lease of Sutton Court with all the
proffittes and commodities there unto belongeinge dureinge the time then to come
Soe that when he cometh to his full age then to give his mother tenne poundes
every yeere dureinge her life . Item I give and bequeath to the saide John my sonne
my howse in Wotton Basset beinge in the countie of wilsheire with all the
appurtenances there to the same belonginge Soe that his mother shall have
the saide house with thappurtenances dureinge her life . Item I give & bequeath
to the saide John halfe the stocke of sheepe goeinge at Sutton court when he
cometh to his lawfull age . Item I give and bequeath to the same John my sonne
my greate ringe . Item I give and bequeath to Margarett my daughter to her
mariage soe that she be ruled and ordred by her mother and hundreth markes of
readie monie . Item I give and bequeath to Marie my daughter to her mariage
soe that she likewise be ruled and ordered by her mother an hundreth markes
of redie monie . Item I give and bequeath to Hamon my servant two ewes
and lambes to be delivered at the minde of his M[istres]s? . Item I give and bequeath
to George Lane three poundes which my father gave me and is in the hands
of my brother William Lane . Item I give and bequeath to Sir Symon Essexe
three shillinges to praie for my soule and all christian soules Provided
alwaies that John my sonne shall not alienate change o^ner sell the yeeres of Sutto[n]
Court, and if the said John fortime to die before his mother and sisters the
the yeeres to his mother And after his mothers decease to remaine to his
sisters and they both wyntelie to occupie together All other my goodes cattell
and leasses not given nor bequeathed I give to Sibell my wife whome I
constitute ordaine and amke my sole executrix And my Supervisor Mr
William Roper and to have for his paines and labors to see my will and
Testament to be trulie performed and fulfillrd my best brouth . Be it knowe[n]
to all men by this present Testament and last will that I the saide John
Lane Doe charge will and binde Sibell my wife and my sole Executrix to
performe and fulfill my Testament and last will In witnes whereof I
the saide John Lane to this my Testament and last will have subscribed
{Page 2]
my name Those beinge witnesses whose names hereafter followeth Symon
Essexe John Phillippe citizen and surgeon of London Thomas Jenninges of
Acton William Edwynne John Anwicke William Clerke Raphe Gibbons &
Thomas Darbie smith, p[er] me Johen[is] Lane ./
[Very rough translation from Latin] On the sixth day of the month of June in the year one thousand fifteen hundred and ninety seven Administration was granted to Mary Umbrevile als Lane, the natural and legitimate daughter of the deceased John, Sybill the relict having died before executing the will.
- ↑ PROB 11/90/17 Description: Will of John Lane, Yeoman, Usher of the King's Chamber Date: 06 June 1597 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
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