Surnames/tags: Cholmondeley Barry Rivers
Will of Lady Penelope Cholmondeley
Below is a true line-by-line transcription, including spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, of the Will of Lady Penelope Cholmondeley as found at The National Archives. Any additional notations by this transcriber are shown in [square brackets]. Christol James-15049 01:10, 16 February 2023 (UTC)
- The Right Hon’ble Lady Penelope Cholmondeley, Baroness Mount Eagle [Stated in the left margin]
- This is the Last Will
- and Testament of me The Honourable Lady Penelope
- Chomondeley Baroness Mount Eagle Widow and Relict of the
- Honourable General James Chomondeley and Daughter and
- heir of Elizabeth late Countess of Barrymore by The Right
- Honourable James Barry late Earl of Barrymore in this Kingdom
- of Ireland who was sole Daughter and heir of the Right
- Honourable Richard late Earl Rivers deceased which I make
- in manner following that is to say I desire to be
- buried at Macclesfield in the County of Chester in a manner
- consistent with my Rank and Quality and to be attended
- to the Grave with suitable Dignity And I give divest and
- bequeath all my Real Estates whatsoever and whosoever
- whether in Possession Reversion Remainder or Expectancy And
- also all my personal Estate unto my Great Nephew the Right
- Honourable George James Cholmondeley his heirs
- Executors and Administrators for ever as a small token of my
- Affection Regard and Esteem for him and of my
- Gratitude for the many favors conferred on me by him
- And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint him sole
- Executor of this my Will hereby revoking all former Wills
- at any time by me heretofore made do declare this only
- to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I
- leave to two parts of this my Will each wrote on one
- Sheet of paper set my hand this second day of May in
- the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
- eighty five Penelope Cholmondeley – Signed ^sealed Published and
- Declared by the said Penelope Cholmondeley as and for her
- last Will and Testament in the presence of Us who in her
- presence and in the presence of each other subscribe Our
- Names as Witnesses thereto Wm Dalrymple ,, De Sales ,, Mary Tassalott
- This Will was proved at London this second day
- of March in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven
- hundred and eight six before his Worshipful George Harris
- Doctor of the Laws and Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Peter
- Calvert.
- Calvert also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary
- of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constitutes
- of the Oath of The Right Honourable George James Earl
- Cholmondeley the Great Nephew of the deceased and sole
- Executor named in the said Will to whom Administration
- was granted of all and singular the Goods and Chattels and Credits of
- the said Deceased leaving been first sworn duly to administer [1]
- ↑ Will of Lady Penelope Cholmondeley, ( The National Archives. Ref: PROB 11/1139/202, Date: 2 March 1786, (accessed 7 Feb 2023).Will Image Download
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