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Will of Mary Stillwell of Thursley, 1666

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Date: [unknown] to 1666
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Stillwell Stilwell
Profile manager: Ann Browning private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 47 times.

In the name of God Amen I Mary Stillwell of Thursly in the County of Surrey being
sicke in bodye but of perfect memorie praysed be God Doe make and ordaine this my last
Will and Testament in manner and forme Following (That is to say) ffirst I bequeath my Soule to
Allmightie God my Onely Samour and redeemer And my Bodie to be buryed in the Church
or Churchyard of the Parrish of Thurslye at the discretion of my executor Item I give to the poore
people of the Parrishe of Thursly Fortie shillings Item I give to the poore people of Heathly in the Contye
of South[hampton] Twentie shillings Item I give unto Elizabeth Trunnell my sister Fortie shillinges Item I give
unto Mary Stillwell my daughter in Law Twelve pence Item I give to' my Grandchild mary Stillwell
Twelve pence Item I give unto Abraham Harding my Son[n]e in Law Twelve pence Item I give unto
Robert Harding my Grandchild Twelve pence Iftem I give unto Ann harding my daughter the wife of
Robert Harding of Heathly the Sum[m]e of One hundred pounds to be payd by my executer within one
yeare after my decease Ittem I give unto Elizabeth Marten my daughter the wife of John
Marten the Sum[m]e of One hundred pounds to be payd by my executor within one yeare after my
decease Item I give unto Mary yalden my daughter the wife Edmond Halden the Sum[m]e of one
Hundred pounds to be payd by my Executor within one yeare after my decease Item I give
unto my daughter Jone Marten the wife of Henry Marten the Sum[m]e of One hundred pounds
to be payd by my executor within one yeare after my decease Item I give unto my daughter
Jane Chitty the wife of Willyam Chitty the Sum[m]e of One Hundred pounds to be payd by my
executor within One yeare after my decease All the rest and residue of my Goods unbequeathed
my debts being payd my Legacies fulfilled and funeralls discharged I Give unto John Stillwell
my sone Whome I make and ordaine my full and sole executor of this my last will and Testament
In Witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the seaventhenth day of Marche
the yeare of our Lord One Thousand six hundred sixtie Sixe

Mary Stillwell

Sealed and subscribed
in the p[re]sente of us

Francis Denyer
Thomas Madgweeke
his marke

Johnnes Stilwell filius executor et residuaring legatarius in testamento suprasciipto iiat fuit in forma iris solite veltino die Mersis Maij and di 1666 Coran mee fopdio: Thornburgh Gureogato: Rotun die monss Man anno diuer 1666 Probutu fuit Si suvrasciptu Maria Stilwell muq poia de Stitio Phursely in com Surris vid defendan iuraments Jolannis Stilwell filij Executoris et residuari legaturi pc Ciii &c de bene &c deq Inventarie et camonto er coraun mro Rgidio Chorneburgh Clice furro xc pte mrat falvo ec

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