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Will of Robert Offley, the Elder, of London 1596

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: London, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Offley
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This is a transcript of the registered copy will of Robert Offley, the elder, Haberdasher of London. He wrote his will on 9th April 1596
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible. Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned (by page where first mentioned)

Page 1:

Roberte Offley, the Elder - Robert Offley, Testator.
Walter Coppinger, London Gentleman & previous owner of property purchased by the Testator.
Thomas Butler, London Gentleman & previous owner of property purchased by the Testator
Sir William Langforde (dec’d), Parishoner.
Theophilus Addams, London Gentleman & previous owner of property purchased by the Testator.
Robarte Adams, Citezen & grocer of London & previous owner of property purchased by the Testator.

Page 2:

Roger Depham, Mercer who funded a Chaplen in the :Chappell of St Mary Magdalene near the Guildhall.
Richard Stocke, Citizen & Clothworker; tenant.
Richard Newton, Citizen & Weaver: tenant.
Jherome Heydon, tenant.
Henrye Tompson, tenant.

Page 3:

Dame Julyan Holcrofte, previous owner of property purchased by the Testator.
Sir Thomas Holcroft, late husband of Dame Julyan.
Roberte Smith, witness to Testator’s Will made 16 Oct 1581.
Thomas Powle, witness to Testator’s Will made 16 Oct 1581.
Thomas Bunburye, witness to Testator’s Will made 16 Oct 1581.
Francis Heaton, Goldsmith (dec’d) & previous owner of property purchased by the Testator.

Page 4:

George Blande, previous tenant of messuage owned by the Testator.
Edwarde Glover, current tenant of messuage owned by the Testator.
Richarde Goddarde, previous tenant of messuage owned by the Testator.
George Lenester, current tenant of messuage owned by the Testator.
John Carter, vyntenor & previous tenant of messuage owned by the Testator.
John Gibson, current tenant of messuage owned by the Testator.
Margarott Townerowe, wydowe & previous tenant of messuage owned by the Testator.
Phillip Falton, current tenant of messuage owned by the Testator.
Thomas Aldersey, previous owner of the 4 messuages above, Haberdasher & Testator’s friend.
Sir Thomas Allard, witness to Testator’s Will made 18 Apr 1594.
William Deyard, witness to Testator’s Will made 18 Apr 1594.
James Ponneystone, witness to Testator’s Will made 18 Apr 1594.

Page 5:

Roberte Offley, sonne, Testator’s son, heir, beneficiary and Joint Executor.
My Sister Bowyer, Testator’s sister, Katherine Offley & beneficiary.
Roberte Bowyer, Katherine’s husband & beneficiary.
Gishright Jacob, nephew through his sister Anne & beneficiary.
Gyles Jacob, brother in law to Testator’s late sister Anne & beneficiary.
Ann Jacob, niece & beneficiary.
My Sister Offley, Testator’s sister in law Joan Nicholls & beneficiary.
Thomas Offley, Testator’s late brother and husband of Joan Nicholls.
Roberte Offley, godson, nephew through Testator’s brother Hugh Offley & beneficiary.
Hughe Offley, Testator’s late brother.
Roberte Brooke, husband of Testator’s daughter Ursula, beneficiary & Joint Executor.

Page 6:

My Daughter Brooke, Testator’s daughter Ursula & beneficiary.
My godson Roberte Brooke, grandson through Testator’s daughter Ursula & beneficiary.
Anne Brooke, granddaughter through Testator’s daughter Ursula & beneficiary.
John Brooke, grandson through Testator’s daughter Ursula & beneficiary.

Page 7:

Thomas Parker (dec’d), late grocer.
Roberte Offley, nephew through Testator’s late brother Richard Offley.
William Offley, nephew through Testator’s late brother Richard Offley.
Jane Offley, niece through Testator’s late brother Richard Offley.

Page 11:

My daughter in lawe Suzan Rolfe, step daughter Suzan Rolfe (nee Rose) through his late wife Catherine & beneficiary.
William Rolfe, Suzan Rolfe’s husband.

Page 14:

John Browne, Testator’s servant & beneficiary.
William Gartford, Testator’s servant & beneficiary.
Edmonde Manley, Testator’s servant & beneficiary.
William Gartford, Testator’s servant & beneficiary.
Roberte Chambers, Testator’s godson & beneficiary.
John Chambers, Brother of Roberte Chambers & beneficiary.

Page 15:

Brigge and Marsey his wiefe, tenants within Close of St Thomas Hospital & beneficiary.
Richard Brakin, brother of Testator’s late wife & beneficiary.
Franncis Brakin, nephew through Richard Brakin.
Page 16:
Nicholas Chapman, Haberdasher, cousin & beneficiary.
Richard Gall, Scrivenor & beneficiary.
My sister Offley wiefe of my brother Richard, sister in law Jane Offley(nee Chester) & beneficiary.
Doctor Crooke, Preacher & beneficiary.
William Perche, Haberdasher apprentice to son Robert & beneficiary.
William Offley, nephew through Testator’s late brother Hugh Offley & beneficiary.
John Offley, grandson through Testator’s son Robert Offley & beneficiary.
Edwarde Offley, grandson through Testator’s son Robert Offley & beneficiary.
Hewett Offley, grandson through Testator’s son Robert Offley & beneficiary.
Anne Offley, granddaughter through Testator’s son Robert Offley & beneficiary.

Page 17:

Sir Nicholas Woddrof, Master Haberdasher, Lord Mayor of London, MP, common family connections & beneficiary.
William Offley, Testator’s brother & beneficiary.
Henry Hewett, Testator’s cousin through his wife’s previous marriage & beneficiary.
Henry Offley, nephew through Testator’s brother Thomas Offley & beneficiary.
Richard Cheyney, Testator’s cousin & beneficiary.
Thomas Fettyplace, Testator’s neighbour & beneficiary.
James Deane, Testator’s cousin & beneficiary.
Mr Donne, Parson of St Bennet Gracechurch.
Thomas Owen, Testator’s neighbour & beneficiary.
Thomas Kirton, Testator’s cousin through his sister Margaret & beneficiary.
Thomas Bromley, Testator’s friend & Haberdasher & beneficiary.
Barthelmewe Freeman, Testator’s past servant & beneficiary.
Lambarte Oboston, Scrivenor & beneficiary.
Jane Dutton, Testator’s cousin through his sister Margaret & beneficiary.

Page 18:

Mistress Pommington, Testator’s neighbour & beneficiary.
Mistress Drowte, Testator’s neighbour & beneficiary.
Mistress Bennett, Testator’s neighbour & beneficiary.
Goodwife Noble, Testator’s neighbour & beneficiary.
Marsey Brigges, Testator’s past servant & beneficiary.
Thomas White, Testator’s house guest & beneficiary.

Will dated 15 Jul 1589

Page 1 (folio 228 recto)

In the name of God Amen the Fiftenthe
dai of Julye in the yeare of our Lorde Jesus Christe One Thowsande Fyve
Hundreth eightie and nyne. And in the One and Thirtith yeare of the Reigne of
our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth, by the grace of god Queene of Englande Fraunce
and Irelands Defender of the faith &c. I Roberte Offley thelder Citezen and haber-
dasher of London beinge of whole and perfecte mynde and memorie, thancked be Almigh-
tie god. Doe make and ordeyne this mye presente Testamente and Last will concer-
nynge the disposicion of all those my, Messuages Landes Tenements rents and heredytam[ents]
whatsoever with their appurtenances whatseever in the Cittie of London and the Suburbes
of the same Cittye w[hi]ch were theretofore geven lymitted bequeathed or assigned to the
Maior and Cominaltie, and Citezens of the Cittie of London aforesaide and to their successors
for the sustentacon of anie Chapleyne or Preiste or of any Chapleynes or Preists or of
anye Anniversurye orObitt or of any Anniversaries or Obitts or other supersticious
uses whatsoever in the Chappell of the Guildhall of the Cittie of London or else where
wheresoever. And also all other my Messuages Landes Tenements and heredytamentes
whatseever in the saide Cittie of London and the Suburbes of the same which nowe are
in the tenure demysinge or occupacon of the Maior and Cominaltie and Citezens or their assignes
which from our saide Soveraignt Ladye the Quenes Ma[jestie] before the date of her highnes tres
Patents thereof made to Walter Coppinger and Thomas Butler of London gentlemen
under the greate Seale of Englands bearinge date att westminster] the Twoe and Twentith
Daie of Marche last past were concealed or uniustlie deteyned. And the revercon and
revercons Remainder and remainders of all and singuler the premisses or any parte or p[ar]cell
thereof. And the Rents avverage of rents services revenues condicons forfeytures comodities
emoluments and yearelie proffitts whatsoever reserved uppon any demyses or grannts
made of the premisses or any p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof. And all my right tytle interest use
possession revercon remainder clayme and demainde whatsoever of in and to the saide
Messuage Landes Tenements rentes and heredytaments and all and singuler other the pre-
misses with th[e] appurten[a]ncs before menconed and everie parte and parcell or any parte
or parcell of the same. All which saide Messunges Landes Tenements heredytaments and
other the premisses with their appurtennces I the saide Robarte Offley late hadd-
by the name of Roberte Offley, Citezen and haberdasher of London by the feoffament
of the saide Walter Coppinger and Thomas Butler bearinge date the Fiftenth daie of
Julye in the One and Thirtith yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Quene
Elizabeth. And concernynge the disposicon also of all those Tenements and heredytaints
with th[e] appurteunces scytuate lyenge and beinge in the Parrishes of St Sepulchres
w[i]thout Newgate and Seynt Martyn next Ludgate London to the sustentacion of a
Chapleyne or Chauntrye Preiste in the Chappell of our Blessed Ladye adjoynynge to
the Guildhall of London to praye forever for the sowles of William Langforde
Knighte and others by the said William heretofore geven graunted bequeathed or appointed
And the revercon and revercons of all and singuler the premisses and all and everie p[ar]te
and parcell thereof. And the Rents avverage of rents services revenues Condicions
forfentures Comodyties emoliments and yearelie proffitts whatsoover reserved uppon any
demyses or grants made of the premisses or an parte or parcell thereof. And all
my righte tytle interest use possession revercon remainder claime and demannde what-
soever of in and to the same Tenements and heredytaments and other the premisses w[i]th
thappurten[a]nce and every parte and parcell or and parte or parcell of the same. Which
Tenements heredytaments and other the premisses with thappurten[a]ncs last aforesmenconed
I late had by the name of Roberte Offley Citezen and Haberdasher of London by
the feoffament of Theophilus Addams of London gentleman and Robarte Adams
Citezen and grocer of London bearinge date the Seaven and twentith Daie of June in
the One and Thirtith yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth, the Queene

Page 2 (folio 228 verso)

Majeste that nowe is And concernenge the disposcion also of all those Tenements with
th[e] appurtements in the Cittie of London which were heretofore geven assigned limitted be-
queathed or used to the perpetuall sustentacion of one Chapleyne or preiste in the Chuche
of St Swythen in Candlewick streete, and one other Chapleyne or preiste in the Charpell
Of our Blessed Ladye neere the Guidehall of London or of any other supsticons vses ac-
cordinge to the ordynaunce of Roger Depham, therevppon made. And all Annyties annull
rents and somes of money whatsoever yssuynge out of whatsoever Tenements or heredy-
taments in the Cittie of London which weare theretofore assigned limitted bequeathed or
used to the perpetuall sustentacon of one Chapleyne or Preiste in the Churche of
St Swethyn in Candlewecke streete, and of one other Chapleyne or Preiste in the Chap
pell of our Blessed Ladye neere the Guildhall of London aforesaide or of anie other su-
persticons vses accordinge to the Ordynance of the foresaide Roger Depham therevppon
made. And concernynge the disposicon alsoe of all my Righte tytle intereste use possession
revercon remainder clayme and demainde whatsoever of in and to the saide Tenem[en]ts with th[e] ap
purteance, and the said Annyties Anuall rents somes of money and other the premisses
with, th[e] appurtennice last before menconed and everie parte and parcell or ane parte or
parcell of the same which Tenements Annyties and other the premisses with th[e] apperte-
mannces laste afore menconed. I the saide Roberte Offley late had by the name also of
Roberte Offley, Citezen and haberdasher of London by the testament of Theophilus
Adams and Thomas Butler of London gentlemen bearinge date the saide seaven and
Twentith, daie of June in the One and Thirtith yeare aforesaide in manner and forme
followinge. That is to saie, I the saide Roberte Offley, the daie of the makinge hereof
beinge a Citeyen and Freeman of the said Cittie of London and Beinge sole seazed of and in
the said Messuages Landes Tenements rentes Heredytaments Annyties and all and singler
other the premisses with all and singuler their appurtennces whatsoever. Callinge to mynde
the incertoyne tymes of deathe, and the weakenesse and fooblenes of the fleshe and memorye
in tyme of sicknes not myndinge att any tyme thereafter by my generall will to alter my
devyse herein expressed, but that the same shall forever stande firme and stable. Doe
wholie give will and bequeathe all the said Messuages Landes Tenements rents Here-
dytaments and all and singuler other the premisses with all and singuler their appur-
tenncs whatsoever to the Maior and Cominaltie and Citezens of the Cittie of London and
to their successos forever, To have and to holde the saide Messunges Landes Tenements
rentes heredytaments and all and singuler other the premisses with all singuler their
appurtennce vnto the sande Manor and Comynaltie and Citezens and to their successors for-
ever. To thouelie and propper use and behouse of the said Maior and Comynaltie and
Citezens and of their Successors forever. In witnes whereof to this my presente
Testamente and last will I have putt my hande and Seale the daye and yeares above-
wrytten. By me Roberte Offley Sealed and delivred in the presence of us

Will made 16 Oct 1591 Page 2 (folio 228 verso) (cont)

In the name of God Amen the Sixtenth Daie of
October in the yeare of our Lorde Jesus Christe One Thowsande Fyve Hundreth
Nynetie and One and in the Three and Thirtith yeare of the Raigne of our Soveragne
Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of Englande Fraunce and Irelande De-
fender of the faithe ER. I Roberte Offley the elder Citizen and haberdasher of
London beinge of whole and perfecte mynde and memorye, thancked be Almightie god make
and ordeyne this my presente Testamente and laste will conteynynge the disposicion
of all that my Thirde parte of and in all those Messuages or Tenements in three parts
to be devyded scituate and beinge in the Parrishe of Sainte Marye in Aldermanburye
in London nowe or late in the severall tenures or occupacons of Richarde Stocke Citezen
and Clothworker of London, Richarde Newton Citezen and weaver of London Jherome
Heydon and Henrye Tompson or of their or some of their Assignes. And of and in all
and singuler shoppes sellers sollers chambers Roomes Lightes waies easements Comodyties

Page 3 (folio 229 vecto)

and heredytaments whatsoever with all and singuler their appurtennces to my saide
Thirde parte belonginge or, apperteyninge or as and p[a]rte or partell thereof beinge.
And of and in all the state Righte tytle and interest, that I the said Roberte Offley
have of in and to the thirde parte of one p[ar]cell of grownde (in three parts to be devyded)
Situate in the saide Parrishe of Seynte Martyn in Aldermanburye and admynynge
to the saide Messuages or Tenements which is inclosed with, a brickewall and was
intended to be used for a buryenge place by the Parrishoners of the Parrishe of
Seynte Michaell ic Bassieshawe in London. And of and in the Revercon and revercons
Remainder and remainders of all and singuler the saide Thirde parte of the said Messuage
or Tenements and parcell of grownde and all other the premisses and every parte
and p[ar]rell thereof. And of and in all Rents and yearelie proffitte what soever resued
vppon anie graunte demyse or lease made of the premisses or anie parte thereof. And
of and in all the state righte tytle intereste interytaince claime and demaunde whatsoever
that I the saide Roberte Oflley, have shoulde mane mighte or onghte to have of in and
to the saide Thirde parte of the premisses or any parte parcell or member thereof
And of and in all other the Messuages Landes Tenements and theredytaments of me
the saide Roberte Offley in Aldermanburye aforesaide. Togeather with all and
everye my deedes Evidences wrytings escriptes and myniments touchinge or concernynge
onelie the premisses or any parte thereof. All which, saide thirde p[ar]te of all those
Messuages or Tenements and other the premisses with th[e] appurtennces. I the saide
Roberte Offley
, late purchased to me myne heires and Assignes forever of Dame
Julyan Holcrofte wydowe late wiefe of Sir Thomas Holcroft knighte deceassed in
manner and forme followinge. That is to saie, I the saide Roberte Offley the daye of
the makinge hereof beinge a Citezen and Freeman of the saide Cittie of London and beinge
sole seazed of and in all the saide Thirde parte of the saide Messuages or Tenements
and other the premisses with th[e] appurtennces callinge to mynde the incertaine tyme of
death, and weakenesse and Feeblenesse of the fleshe and memorye in the tyme of sicknes
not myndinge att any tyme hereafter to alter my devyse herein expressed. But that
the same shall forever stande fyrme and stable. Doe wholye give will and bequeathe
all my saide Thirde parte of the saide Messuages or Tenements and other the pr[e]misses
and everie parte and parcell thereof with all and singuler the appurtenancs to the Maior
and Comynaltie, and Citezens of the Cittie of London and to their successos forever.
To have and to holde my saide Thirde parte of the saide Messuages or Tenements and
all and singuler other the permisses with, th[e] appurtennces before specyfyed to the saide
Maior and Comynaltie and Citezens and to their successos. To shurelye and propper use and
behouse of the saide Maior and Comynaltie and Citezens and of their successors forever.
In witnes whereof to this my presente Testamente and Laste will I have sett my
hande and Seale the daie and yeares above wrytten By me Roberte Offley Sealed and
Delivered in the presence of vs Roberte Smith, Thomas Powle Thomas Bunburye

Will made 18 Apr 1594

Page 3 (folio 229 vecto) (cont)

In the name of God Amen the Eighteenth of
Aprill in the yeare of our Lorde Jesus Christe One Thowsande Fyve Hundred Foure
score and Fouretene and in the Sixe and Thirtitt yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne
Ladye Elizabeth, by the grace of god Quene of Englande Frannce and Irelande De-
endor of the faith Er. I Roberte Offley, the Elder Citezen and Haberdasher of London
beinge a Freeman of the same Cittie of London and beinge sole seazed in my demeasut as of
Fee to my onelie use of and in all those foure Messuangs or Tenements with their ap-
purtements Situate lyenge and beinge in Mayden lane in the parrishe of St Michaell
in greate woodstreete within the saide Cittie of London betwene the Landes and Tenements
belonginge to the M[aste]r and Foure Wardens of the fraterintye of the Arte or Misterye of
Haberdashers in the same Cittie on the west parte. And the Messuage or Tenemente
sometyme in the tenure of Francis Heaton goldsmith, deceased on the east parte abbut-

Page 4 (folio 229 verso)

tinge towards the Southe vppon the Steete aforesaid called Mayden Lane. Of w[i]ch
saide Tenements one was late in the tenure of George Blande and nowe is in the occupa-
ton of Edwarde Glover or his Assignes, One other of them was late in the tenure
of Richarde Goddarde and nowe is in the occupacon of George Lenester or this Assignes
One other of them was late in the holdinge of John Carter vyntenor and nowe is
in the occupacon of John Gibson or his Assignes, and the Fourth, was late in the hol-
dinge of Margarott Townerowe wydowe and nowe is in the occupacon of Phillipp Folton
or his Assignes. And of and in all and singuler shoppes Cellers sellers romes easements
comodyties yardes entries heredytaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the saide Me-
ssuages or Tenements or any of them belonginge or apperteynynge. Which premisses
I late hadd and purchased to me my heires and Assignes forever of Thomas Aldersey
Clement Kolke and Barthelmewe Dod Citezens and haberdashers of London.
by their deede thereof made bearinge date the Twentith daie of the moneth of Febru-
arye in the Sixe and Twentith, yeare of the Reigne of our saide soverangne Ladye
Elizabeth, the Quene Majistie that nowe is more planilie more appeare. And
beinge of whole and perfecte memorie, (thancks be to god) Doe ordeyne and make
this my Last will and Testamente as touchinge onelie the disposicon of all and sin-
guler the premisses aforesaide in manner and forme followinge, That is to saie I the
saide Roberte Offley doe by this my presente Testamente and Last will give bequeath
and devyse vnto the Maister and Foure Wardens of the fraternitie of the Arte
or Misterye of Haberdashers in the Cittie of London and theire Successors forever
all and singuler the said foure messuages or Tenements with shoppes cellers sellers
vardes lights easements entryes comodyties and appurtenncs whatsoever to the same
messuages or Tenements or any of them belonginge or in anie wise apperteynynge .
To have and to holde the said Foure messuages or Tenementes and all other the
premisses above menconed with their appurtenncs vnto the saide Maister and Foure
wardens of the Fraternitie of the arte or misterye of Haberdashers in the Cittie of
London and theire Successos to theire onelie and propper use and behouse forever.
And further I will That yf I the said Roberte Offley shall hereafter att
any tyme or tymes make declare or publishe any last will and Testamente touching
the disposicoon of my Landes Tenements and heredytaments goodes and Chattells or
any of them or any parte thereof and shall not expresselie by wrytinge revoke
this my presente Testamente and Last will by makinge speciall mencon of the whole
contents thereof and of the date thereof. That then anie thinge to be comprysed in
anie suche Last will soe to be made declared or published or any wordes whatsoever
therein to be conteyned shall not extende nor be intended or construed to extende to this
my presente Last will and Testaments touchinge the premisses or to anie the Lands
Tenements or heredytainents before in this my last will geven or disposed. Butt
that the saide M[aste]r and Foure wardens of the Fraternitie of the Arte or misterye
of Haberdashers in the Cittie of London and their Successors shall forever have and
enjoye the premisses thereby disposed accordinge to my entent and the true meanynge
of theis presents. Anie suche Last will hereafter to be made declared or published
or any thinge therein to be conteyned to the Contrarye hereof in anie wyse notwith-
standinge. In witnes whereof to this my presente Testamente and Last will I the
Saide Roberte Offley have sett my hande and seale. Goven the daie and yeare first
above wrytten. Sealed and delivered by the withnamed Robert Offley, as his
deede to the vse of the w[i]thnamed the Maister and Foure wardens of the Fra-
ternytie of Haberdathers in London in the presence of theis parsones vndelicet
Per me Roberte Offley Junor haberdasher La: Osbolston Sir Thomas Allard
William Deyad James Ponneystone.

Will made 9 Apr 1596

Page 5 (folio 230 recto)

In the name of God Amen the Nyneth
daie of Aprill 1596 and in the Eighte and Thirtith, yeare of the Reigne of our
Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth, by the grace of god Queene of Englande Fraunce
and Irelande Defender of the faith ER. I Roberte Offley the elder Citezen and
Haberdasher of London beinge whole in Bodie, and in good and perfecte remembrannce
(All lawde and praise be given therefore to Almightie god) Doe make ordeyne and
devyse this my Last will and Testamente in forme followinge viz Firste and
princypallie I give and comende my soule to almightie god my maker Savyour
and Redeemer in whome and by, the merritts of the seconde Parsone Jhesus Christe
I truste and beleeve assuredlie to be saved and to have full and free remission and forgive=
nes of all my sinnes. And I comitt my Bodye to the Earth, to be buryed in the parishe
Churche of Seynte Bennett Gracechurche in London where I am a Parrishonere
as neere to the place where my Welbeloved wiefe lyeth, buryed as convenientlie mai

And after my Bodye buryed, I will that all suche debts as I owe to ane persone
or persones shalbe truelie paide, And as touchinge the orderinge of my funerall with
the charges and expences in that behalfe, I referre the same to the good discreton of
my Executours thereafter named whome I require that the same maie be done in comelie
and convenient sorte accordinge as yt becometh a Citezen of my callinge without any
Pompe or vayne expences in any manner wyse. And my expresse will and mynde ys
That there shall not ane Blacke be worne for me, but suche as I shall give by spe-
cyall name in and by, this my last will and Testamente.

Item. I give and bequeathe
to my sonne Roberte Offley the some of One hundred Powndes uppon Condicion and
to the entente that he my saide sonne Roberte Offley his executours admistrators or
Assignes in Consideraton thereof shall well and truelie paie or cause to be paide to my
sister Bowyer1 yearelie duringe her naturall liefe to her owne propper use to-
wards her better releife and maintenaunce the some of fyfve powndes of lawfull
money of Englande. Att foure termes in the yeare by even portons. The firste
terme of paiemente thereof to be att the ende of Three monethes nexte after my
decease. And I doe by theis presents remyse release and freelie forgive unto
my Brother in Lawe Roberte Bowyer all such debts as he shall owe me att
the tyme of my decease.

Item. I give and bequeathe to Gisbright Jacob sonne of
my brother Gyles Jacob begotten on the Bodie of my sister his late wiefe twenty
Powndes. Also I give and bequeathe unto Anne Jacob daughter of the said Gyles
Jacob which he had by my sister his late wiefe Tenne Powndes and to her sister
nowe dwellinge in Shrewsberye Tenne Powndes.

Item. I give and bequeathe to my
saide sonne Roberte Offley the some of One hundred Powndes uppon Condicion
and to the entente, that he my saide sonne Roberte Offley his executours ad-
mistratours or Assignes in Consideracon thereof shall well and truelie paie or cause
to be paide to my sister Offley, wydowe late wiefe of my Brother Thomas Offley
yearelie duringe her naturall liefe yf she contynue a wydowe sole and un-
marryed the Some of Sixe powndes Thirtene shillings foure pence, of lawfull money
of Englande Att foure termes in the yeare by even porcons. The firste terme
of payment thereof to be att the ende of three monethes next after my deceasee.
And the same to be demaunded from tyme to tyme att the dwellinge house of my saide
sonne within the Cittie of London. Provyded alwaies and my meanynge is That yf
my saide sister Offley, shall thereafter happen to marrye That then from and
after suche marringe, the saide yeareli paymente of the said Sixt Powndes
Thirtene shillings foure pence above Comitted to be paide unto her shall cease and
determyne to all entents.

Item. I give and bequeathe to my godsonne Robert Offley
sonne of my late brother Hughe Offley, Alderman deceassed the some of Twentye

Item. I give and bequeathe to my sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke Alderman

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the Some of One hundred powndes To be paide to him within One yeare nexte
after my deceasse.

And also I give to my daughter his wiefe the Some of One
hundred Powndes uppon Condicon that he my saide sonne Brooke will give his
worde and promise to my saide sonne Roberte Offley, that my saide daughter Brooke
shall have not onelie the saide hundred Powndes. But also the proffytt rysinge
and comynge of the same, to give employs and bestowe att her owne free will libertie
and pleasure. And further I give and bequeathe to my saide daughter Brooke
Thirtye powndes in money to buye her a chayne of golde of that value or otherwaies
to bestowe att her pleasure. And also Tenne powndes in money to buye her a paire
of Bracelette of golde of that value or otherwaies to bestowe att her pleasure. Also
I give and bequeathe to my said daughter Brooke One neast of guilt Bowles with
a Cover weinge aboute Threescore twelve onnces, and also one Castinge Bottle of
silver and gilte weinge Tenne onnces or neere thereabouts. And also my best paire
of latten Anndyrons with the feete of yron and the cases of Bayes belonginge to them.
Provyded alwais and my entente and meanynge is That my saide sonne Brooke shall
permitt and suffer my saide daughter his wiefe freelie to order use give and dispose to
anye her childe or Children or otherwars att her will and pleasure all and everye the
Legacyes and bequeste by me before given and bequeathed unto her by theis prise.
Crels the same to cease and be utterlie paide and of none offence to all ententes. And
further I will and my mynde is, that my saide daughter Brooke shall have a key
to my gardeyn dore and shall have free ingresse egresse and regresse into and from
the same att all reasonable and convenient tymes for her selfe her husband her Chil-
dren and householde servannts to walke in and to drye Clothes, or otherwyse to use as
thee my saide daughter shall thinke good duringe the yeares. I have to come in the same.
Yf she my saide daughter shall so longe live.

Item. I give and bequeath, to my godsonne
Roberte Brooke sonne of the said Roberte Brooke Alderman the Some of One
hundred Poundes of lawfull money of Englande, To be paide unto hym within sixe
monethes nexte after my decease .Yf I doe not in the meane tyme give yt unto
hym for his advancment.
And also I give and bequeth to Anne Brooke daughter of
my saide sonne Roberte Brooke Alderman the some of One hundred Powndes. And
my will and mynde is that my saide daughter Brooke her mother shall have the use
and occupyenge of the same hundred powndes untill the saide Anne shall accomplishe
her full age of Foure and Twentye yeares or daie of marringe which of them shall
firste happen, And yf the same Anne shall happen to dye in the meane tyme Then
I give and bequeatht the same hundred powndes unto John Brooke sonne of my saide sonne
Roberte Brooke Alderman.
And my will is that my saide daughter Brooke his
mother shall have the use and occupyenge thereof untill he shall accomplishe his age
of foure and twentie yeares or days of marriage.

Item. I give and bequeathe to the
saide John Brooke the some of Two hundred Powndes of lawfull money of Eng-
lande. Which Some of Two hundred Powndes my will and mynde is, that the
same shalbe paide and delivered unto the said Roberte Brooke Alderman his father
to his use within Sixe monethes nexte after my decease. And be to have the
orderinge disposinge and puttinge fourthe of the same att his discrecon to some good
man or men att Eighte Powndes pro Cent for a yeare untill the saide John
Brooke shall accomplishe his full age of Foure and twentie yeares. At which
tyme my will is, That the saide some of Twoe hundred Powndes with, all the
encrease comynge of the same in the meane tyme shalbe paide, and delivered to the
saide John Broke to his owne propper use. And yf vt shall fortune the saide John
to dye and departe this mortall liefe before he shall accomplishe his saide
age of foure and twentie yeares. Then my will and mynde is That the saide
Some of Twoe hundred Powndes so by me given and bequeathed to the saide John
as aforesaide with all the profitt and encrease comynge of the same shalbe

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paide over and delivered by the saide Roberte Broke Alderman unto the foresaid
Roberte Brooke my godsonne, and to the saide Anne Brooke his sister equallie between
them to be devyded and eche of them to be others herre yf death, shall happen to either
of them in the meane tyme.

Item. I give and bequeathe unto the youngest of the daughters
of Thomas Parker grocer deceassed the some of Tenne Powndes to be paide
unto Her when she shall accomplishe Her fulle age of foure and twentye yeares or att
the daie of Her marringe which of them shall firste happen.

Item. I give and bequeath
to Roberte William and Jane Children of my late Brother Richarde Offley beinge
nowe unmarryed the Some of One hundred and Twentye Powndes viz To everye
of them Fortye Powndes a peece. To be paide to them as they shall accomplishe
their severall ages of Foure and twentie yeares or att the severall daies of their marriage
And eche of them to be others heire. Yf deathe shall happen to anie of them in the meane
tyme. Provided alwaied, And my will and meanynge is That ys of the said Roberte
Offley the Testator shall att any tyme durynge my liefe give or disburse any some
or somes of money for the advanncement of the saide Children of my saide Brother
Richarde or of any of them whether yt be in service marriage or otherwyse. That
then the same shalbe accounted as parte and parcell of the saide Legacye Of One hun-
dred Twentye powndes. Ane thinge above saide to the Contrarye notwith standinge.

Item. I give and bequeathe to the Maior and Comynaltie of the Cittie of Chester and to their
Successors forever my best standinge Dixye of silver and guilte with, a Cover weyinge
Fonrescore ounces and upwardes with the Case thereunto belonginge The same Cuppe to be
by them used and occupyed in remembraunce of me in their house comonlie called the Pend-
house of the saide Cittie.

And further my will and mynde is, That the some of Sixe
Hundred Powndes in money shalbe delivered to my saide sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke
with in One yeare nexte after my decease or sooner yf he shall soe thincke
yt good, To the yntent that the same shalbe ymployed vf yt shall soe seeme good to my sayde
sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke, and to my saide sonne Roberte Offley, or either of them
in suche manner and forme as ys thereafter Comitted and appointed, That is to saie, My meaninge
and desyer is that they or one of them shall by their good discrecon within one yeare
nexte after my decease take order with the mayor Aldermen and Comynaltie of
the Cittie of Chester for the tyme beinge aboute the employmente of the saide Some
of Sixe hundred Powndes which, I would have to be from tyme to tyme forever truelye and
indifferentlie putt fourth, and delivered with out ane parcyalitye favour or affeccion
to Foure and Twentye yonge men free of the Cittie of Chester of honest name and same
w[hi]che as are occupyers and Inhabytants within the said Cittie of Chester and of the
age of Foure and Twentye yeares att the least att the tyme of the deliverye thereof
whereof twelve of them to be suche as have served in that Cittie for their freedomes as
Apprentices by the space of Seaven yeares att the Leaste with oute frande or col-
lusion. That is to saie, Every of the same yonge men to have Fyve and Twentye
Powndes a peece in occupyenge for the space of Fvve yeares togeather uppon
sufficient Bonde of Fiftye Powndes penaltie with Two good suerties att the
least therefore to be made and given to the Mayor Aldermen and Comynaltie of the
saide Cittie of Chester for the tyme beinge suche as they the said Mayor Aldermen and
Comynaltie will accepte and stande annswerable for att theire perrills aswell for the
sure repaymente thereof accordinge to my entente and meanynge expressed in this mye
last will as for the paymente of Tenne shillings a yeare yearelie att two termes in the
yeare bye even porcons duringe the said Fyve yeares to the saide Mayor Aldermen
and Compnaltie for the use thereof to suche uses and entents as yo[ur] heareafter
memoned. And soe from fyve yeares to fyve yeares forever the saide Stocke of Sixe
Hundred Powndes to be putt fourth and delivered to foure and twentie younge men
of honest name and same that are inhabytante and occupyers there, and that are foure
and twentye yeares of age and upwards. whereof twelve of them att the least to be

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suche as have served seaven yeares att the least as Appr[e]tieces in the saide Cittie
w[ith] out fraude or Collusion as aforesaide uppon good Bonde with two sufficient suer-
ties therefore to be given in manner and forme as is before expressed w[ith] out anye
some of money, rewarde or other thinge to be paide given or vmposed by or uppon
any suche yonge men for the use thereof in anie manner wise, Other then the saide Tenne
shillings a peece yearelie, and other then twoe shillings sixe pence, or so muche as the
saide Mayor Aldermen and Fortie of the Councell of the saide Cittie for the tyme
beinge or the more parte of them shall thincke good not exceedinge three shillinges
foure pence for the makinge of everie suche Bonde or other assuraunce. And for the
better proceedinge and more indifferent dealinge in the deliverye and puttinge forthe
of the saide Stocke of Sixe Hundred Powndes to foure and twentye yonge men
from fyve yeares to fyve yeares forever in manner and forme above menconed my
will and mynde is, That the same shalbe done att a comon assemblye by Bal-
-lettinge or by drawinge of Lotte in suche manner and forme as shalbe thoughte
most meete and convenient by my said some in lawe Roberte Brooke, and my saide
sonne Roberte Offley
, or either of them. Provyded alwaies and my meanynge is
That noe man have any voyce in Deliveringe and puttinge fourth of the saide stocke
or anie parte thereof att any tyme, but onelie the Mayor Aldermen and Fortye of
the Councell of the saide Cittie for the tyme beinge, or so many of them as doe enhabite
and dwell in the said Cittie and be there presente att the tyme of the deliverye
and puttinge fourth of the same and none other. Provyded also that he that hath
once had the occupyenge and use of one of the saide porcons of Twentye Fyve Pounds
By the Space of fyve yeares togeather, shall never after have the use and occu-
pyenge of ane of the said somes againe. Provyded alsoe and my will and meanyng
is, That all suche Bondes and Assurannce as hereafter shalbe taken of the said
foure and twentye yonge men for the said severall porcons of Fyve and Twentye
Poundes a peece as aforesaide shalbe made and taken in this sorte. That yf anie of
the saide yonge men that soe shall have ane of the saide porcons in occupyenge shall
happen to dye and departe this mortall liefe or to decaye in substannce or to dep[ar]te
ont of the Cittie of Chester to dwell elsewhere before the expiracon of the saide terme
of Fyve yeares for which he had the saide porcon lent unto hym. That then
with in Three monethes next after suche deathe decaye in substannce or departure
to dwell elsewhere, The porcon and porcons of hym or them soe deceased decayed
or departed to dwell elsewhere to be repaide in againe and to be putt forthe to
others in suche manner and forme as is above expressed.

And whereas there will
yearelie growe due and come to the handes of the said Mayor Aldermen and Comaltie
of the saide Cittie of Chester for the tyme beinge the some of Twelve powndes of
lawfull money of Englande for the use and occupyenge of the saide Stocke of Sixe
Hundred Powndes. My mynde and will is, That the saide mayor Aldermen and Co-
mynaltie for the tyme beinge shall yearelie forevermore oute of the saide yearelie
revenuue of Twelve powndes well and truelie paid or cause to be paide unto Twen-
tye poore persones beinge severall householders which have bene freemen or freemens
'wyves of the said Cittie by the space of Twentye yeares att the Least such as they
the saide Mayor Aldermen and Comynaltye shall in their discrecons thinke to have
most neede thereof the Some of Tenne Powndes as of the guifte of me the saide
Roberte Offley the Testator by expresse name, That is to saie, To everie of them
Tenne Shillinge a peece on the Twentith Daie of November yearelie or within eight
daies before or after the saide daie. And Twentye shillings more parcell of the
saide yeareli revenue of Twelve Powndes my Will and mynde is, That the saide maior
Aldermen and Comynaltie shall yearelie forever on the Twelveth Daye
of Februarye or within eighte daies then next ensuynge give to the poore pri-

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soners in the Northgate and in the Castle of the said Cittie in equall porcons
That is to saie, To either of the said prisons Tenne shillings in money or victuells
as to the said Mayor Aldermen and Comynaltie shall seeme most meete and conveniente
for the releife of their necessities. And the other Twentie shillings residue thereof
my Will and mynde is that the same thalbe ymployed and bestowed towards a re-
past or Banckett for the said Mayor Aldermen and Fortie of the Councell of
the saide Cittie of Chester for the tyme beinge in the Pondhouse of the saide cittie
on the Mondai in whitsonweeke yerelie or w[ith]in eighte daies then nexte ensu-
ynge, To thende and entente, That then and there this my will or soe muche
thereof as concerneth, this my Legacye aforesaide maie be yearelie reade and
venlie published in the purt of the said Mayor Aldermen and Comynaltie or the
more parte of them Togeather w[ith], the names of all the younge men that
for the present tyme shall have the use and occupyenge of the said Stocke of
Sixe Hundreth, Powndes and of all their suerties, That all they that shalbe the
and there presente mai beare witnes of the faith full and uprighte dealinge used
in the disposinge and orderinge of this my guifte and Legacye. And thus havinge
sett downe and declared, howe and in what manner and forme, I would have the saide
Stocke of Sixe Hundred Powndes togeather with the yearelie revenewe rysinge of
the same to be evermore lente onte and ymployed. My mynde will and desyer is That
yf the saide Mayor Aldermen and Cominaltie of the Cittie of Chester for the tyme
beinge shall within One yeare nexte after that my will in this Behalfe shalbe
made knowne unto them conclude and agree, with my saide sonne Roberte Brooke Al-
-derman and my saide sonne Roberte Offley
or either of them and make and give unto
them or either of them or to suche other p[e]rsone or persones Bodies pollitique or
Corporate as they or either of them shall nomynate and appointe suche good and suffi-
-ient assurannce in the Lawe as they or either of them or the learned Councell
of them or of either of them shall devyse or require for the perpetuall contynuannce
of the Loane and ymploymente of this my Legarye in manner and forme aforesaide
That then my Saide Sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke his executours or Assignes shall
uppon receipte of the said assuraunce in forme aforesaide well and truelie paye
and deliver or cause to be paide and delivered to the saide Mayor Aldermen and Comynaltie
of the Cittie of Chester for the tyme beinge or theire Assignes the saide Some of
Sixe Hundred Pownds to the uses and entents aforesaide. And then my Will and
mynde is that the names of the saide Foure and Twentye yonge men that soe
shall have the use and occupyenge of the saide Stocke of Sixe hundred Powndes
shall from tyme to tyme once in Fyve yeares for evermore be certifyed in wrytinge
under the Comon Seale of the said Citie of Chester to the M[aste]r and wardens of
the Companye of Haberdashers in London for the tyme beinge, and there registred
in a Booke to be kepte for that purpose by the Clarke of the same Companye of
Haberdashers for the tyme beinge uppon a payne in suche sorte as by the saide
Roberte Brooke Alderman and Roberte Offley my sonne or either of them shalbe de-
vysed To whome I give full power and anthoritie by their puts to adde or demy-
nishe as formlinge the forme of the assurannce to be made and taken for the Confy-
maunce of the Loane and perpetuall employmente of this my Legacye before meant
and entended to be given to the said Cittie of Chester as to them or either of them
or theire learned Councell shall seeme good and expediente. And my further will
and monde is, That the some of Twelve Powndes or Fiftene powndes in money
shalbe delivered to my saide sonne in lawe Roberte Brooke, To the entente that
he shall disburse the same att his Discrecon uppon some rent charge or Annytie
of Twelve Shillings or Thirtene Shillings foure pence per Ann[um] to be yearelie
bestowed uppon the clarke of the saide Companye of Haberdashers in London for

Page 10 (folio 232 verso)

the tyme beinge and to suche other persone or persones of the said Cittie of Chester
as my saide sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke shall thincke good in Consideracon of his and
their paynes to be taken in keepinge of the saide Booke and registringe and certefyenge
the names of the saide younge men that shall have the use of the said Stocke of
Sixe Hundred powndes in manner aforesaide. And further my Will and mynde is
That in the saide assurannce to be taken for the employmente of the saide Stocke of Sixe
Hundred Powndes there shalbe conteyned (amoungest others) One Condicon or coventt
That yf the saide Mayor Aldermen and Comynaltie of the saide Cittie of Chester
for the tyme beinge shall make defalte in the Loane and ymploymente of the saide Stocke
of Sixe Hundred Powndes or of the saide yearelie revenewe of Twelve poundes rysinge
of the same or any parte thereof contrary to the true meanynge of this my Laste
will and of the saide assurannce in that behalfe to be taken. That then the guifte of
the saide Sixe Hundreth Powndes shall cease. And that then the said Mayo[r] Al-
dermen and Comynaltie of the saide Cittie of Chester for the tyme beinge shall w[i]th in
One yeare next after suche defaulte made well and truelie repaye or cause to be re-
payde the said stocke of Sixe Hundred Powndes to suche uses as is thereafter men-
coned. That is to saie Three Hundred Powndes thereof to the Mayor and Comynaltie
and Citezens of the Cittie of London goverours of the possessions revenewes and goods
of the hospptalls of Edwarde Kinge of Englande the syster of Christ Brodenell
and St Thomas the Appostle to the use of the poore Children harboured and kepte
in Christes Hospytall in London. And the other Three hundred Powndes thereof
to my said sonne Roberte Offley his heires executours or admistratours to his and
theire owne propper use forever. And further I give and bequeathe to the saide Mayor
Aldermen and Cominaltie of the said Cittie of Chester the Some of Tenne Powndes to-
wardes the Charges of suche persone or peresones of the saide Cittie as they shall
sende upp to London to conclude and agree with my Executours for and concernyinge
the assuraunces to be given by the saide Cittie of Chester for the ymployment
of the said Stocke of Sixe Hundred Poundes in manner aforesaide. Provyded alwaies
and my Will and mynde is That yf my saide sonne in lawe Roberte Brooke and my sayde
sonne Roberte Offley
or one of them, and the saide Maior Aldermen and Comynultie
of Chester for the tyme beinge or their Assignes aurthorysed to treate in that behalfe
cannot within One yeare nexte after that this my entended guifte shalbe made knownte
unto them Conclude and agree uppon suche Covennts and Bondes as my saide sonnes
or either of them shall within that tyme depyse or require for the perpetuall con-
tynuaunce and ymploymente of the said Stocke of Sixe Hundred Powndes in manner
aforesaide Then I will and my mynde is That my saide sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke
his executours or admistratours shall paie and delyver or cause to be paide and deliverd
to the M[aste]r and Foure wardens of the Fraternitye of the Arte or Misterye of
Haberdasters in the Cittie of London for the tyme beinge the saide some of Sixe Hun-
dred Powndes. To be by them lente onte and delived to Twelve singe men Free
of the saide Companye by service viz to everye of them Fiftye Powndes in use
for the terme of Fyve yeares. And att the ende of the firste fyve yeares The
same stocke to be lente oute and delivered to twelve other yonge men Free of the
saide Companye of Haberdashers by service for other Fyve yeares and soe from Fyve
yeares to fyve yeares forever the same stocke of Sixe Hundred Powndes to be lent
oute and delivered to Twelve yonge men free of the saide Companye by service upon
sufficiente Bonde with twoe good suerties att the leaste suche as the saide Companye
will stande annswearable for to be taken for everye suche yonge man to the use of the
saide Companye accordinge to suche Rate and proporcon and in suche manner and forme
to all entents and purposes as is before deposed for the same in the Cittie of Chester
The saide M[aste]r and wardens att the receipte of the said Sixe Hundred Powndes entringe

Page 11(folio 233 recto)

into Bonde to the Chamberlayne of London for the tyme beinge in the Some of One
Thowsande markes under the Seale of the saide Company, aswell for the per-
petuall contynuannce and Loane of the said Stocke of Sixe Hundred Poundes
accordinge to the true meanynge of this my Last will and Testamente, As alsoe
for the ymploymente of the saide yerelie revenewe of Twelve powndes growinge
uppon the same. which, my Will and mynde is shalbe distributed in forme follow-
inge. Viz. To twentie poore aged and ympotent persones suche as have bene free
of the saide Company, by the space of Twentye yeares att the leaste att the discrecon
of the M[aste]r and wardens of the said Companye for the tyme beinge Tenne Poundes
viz To every of them Tenne shillings a peece on the Twentith daie of November
yearelie or within eight daies next before or after the same daye. And Fortye
shillings the resydue thereof I give and bequeathe to the saide foure wardens
of the saide Companye of Haberdashers yearelie for the tyme beinge in Considera-
con of their paines and travell therein to be taken from tyme to tyme to see this my
will in this behalfe truelie performed. Provyded alwaies and my Will and mynde
is that none of the Officers of the said Companye nor anye of those that shall
dwell in anye of the Almeshowses of the saide Companye shall have any parte
or parcell of this my guifte and Legacies.

And further my will and mynde is that
my saide sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke Alderman and my saide sonne Roberte
Offley shalbe allowed all suche money as they or either of them shall anye
waies laye oute or disbourse unto Councell or otherwaies for makinge of wrytings
and asurainces that shalbe made for the employmente and contynuannce of the saide
Stocke of Sixe hundred Powndes in manner aforesaide. Provyded alwaies That
yf my saide sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke shall happen to dye and departe this
mortall liefe before a full and fynall Conclusion be made and fullie agreed uppon
betwene my saide sonnes or either of them. And the said Mayor Aldermen and Co-
mynaltie of the saide Cittie of Chester for and concerninge the saide Stocke of
Sixe Hundred Powndes and th[e ]encrease thereof comynge to be ymployed in forme
aforesaide. Then my Will mynde and desyer is that my Lovinge frende Marster
Thomas Aldersey Citezen and haberdasher of London shall have the orderinge
and disposinge of the said Stocke of Sixe Hundred Powndes with my saide
sonne Roberte Offley as fully, in all Respects as my saide sonne in Lawe Roberte
shoulde have had yf he had bene livinge. Anie thinge above saide to the
contrarye notwith standinge.

Item. I give and bequeathe to my saide sonne Roberte
Offley, the some of One hundred Powndes in money uppon Condicon and to the
entent that he my saide sonne Roberte Offley, his executours or admistratons
shall not onelie paie or cause to be paide the saide some of Oue Hundred Poundes
to my daughter in lawe Suzan Rolfe wiefe of William Rolfe of Totteridge
neere Barnett in the Countie of Mull wthin Three monethes nexte after her
saide husbands decease vf she happen to survyve and overlive hym. Or yf the
saide William Rolfe happen to survyve and overlive his saide wiefe. Then to the
Children of the said Suzan porcon and porcon like viz. To the Men children
their porcons thereof as they shall accomplish their severall ages of Foure
and twentye yeares. And to the mayde children their porcons att their daies
of marringe or as they shall accomplishe theire severall ages of One and
Twentie yeares wence, of them shall first happen. But also in the meane tyme
shall paye or cause to be paide to my saide daughter Brooke yearelie duringe
so longe tyme, as he shall have the saide Hundred Powndes in use the Some
of Fyve Powndes in money, att foure termes or feasts in the yeare by, even
porcons, The same to be by her vmployed and bestowed yearelie in suche mannr
and forme as I have declared unto her by worde of mouthe. And further my Will
and mynde is That as my saide sonne Roberte Offley, shall paye any parte

Page 12 (folio 233 verso)

of the saide hundred Poundes to ane of the Children of the saide Suzan Rolfe
so he to be abated of the said yeareli paymente accordinglye.

Item. I give
and bequeathe to the M[aste]r and Fourtie Wardens of the Fraternitye of the arte or
misterye of Haberdashers in London the some of Two Hundred Powndes in money
To be paide to them within one yeare next after my decease. To the entente that
the same some of Two Hundred Powndes shall from tyme to tyme forever be ym-
ployed and putt forth in a Stocke by the saide M[aste]r and Wardens of the Fraternitte
of Haberdashers for the tyme beinge with the assente consente and advise of the
Assemblie of the same Companye for the tyme beinge or the more parte of them
unto Foure yonge men free of the saide Company, who have served for the same
by the space of Seaven yeares att the least. The same yonge men to be house-
holders and not servants and to be nominated and appointed by my saide sonne
Roberte Offley duringe his naturall liefe. So as he doe nominate and appointe
them from tyme to tyme with in Two monethes after the same money shall growe
one accordinge to the true meanynge of theis presents he havinge notice thereof
given hym from tyme to tyme by the Clerke or Beadle of the saide Company
for the tyme beinge.

And my Will and mynde is, That everie of the saide yonge
men shall have Fiftye Powndes a peece in occupyenge for and duringe the space
of Fyve yeares togeather. To be accounted from the daie of the Receipte of the
same money uppon suffficient Bonde and good sureties suche as the saide Company
will stande annswerable for to be taken and receaved of everie suche yonge man for
the true paymente of the said Fiftye Powndes att the ende of Fyve yeares next
after the receipte thereof. And so from fyve yeares to fyve yeares the saide stocke
of Two Hundred Powndes to have contynuannce and to be ymployed and putt forth
to Foure yonge men free of the said Company of Haberdashers by service being
householders as aforesaide without any Some or somes of money, or other Rewards
to be given or payde by any suche yonge men for the use and occupyenge of the
same money other than Three shillings foure pence onelie for the makinge of the
Assuraunce in that behalfe to be given. Provyded alwaies and my Will and mynde is
that he or they of the same Companye that shall have once had the use of any of
anie of the saide porcons of money by the space of Fyve yeares togeather ac-
cordinge to the true meaninge of this my Last will shall never after have
the use and occupyenge of ane of the same againe. Provyded also, That yf anie
of those yonge men that soe shall have the use of ane of the saide money shall
happen to dye with in the saide terme of fyve yeares That then the saide money, shalbe
repaide within three monethes after his decease and putt forth to another younge
man in manner and forme aforesaide.

And also I give and bequeathe to the saide M[aste]r
and Foure wardens of the Fraternitie of the Arte or Misterye of Haberdashers
in London the Some of Fortie markes or thereabouts to be vmployed on a neste of
guilte Boules by my Executours for the use of the saide Companye with my
marke to be engraven therein.

Also I doe give and bequeathe to the saide M[aste]r and
Foure wardens of the Fraternitie of the Arte or misterve of Haberdashers in
London and to their Successors the Some of Two Hundreth, Powndes of lawfull
money of Englande. To be by them by the advise of the Assistants of the saide
Companye for the tyme beinge or the more parte of them used and occupyed to
the use and Benefytt of the saide Company forever. In Consideracon whereof
my Will and mynde is That the M[aste]r and wardens of the saide Companye for
the tyme beinge shall yeareli forever uppon the daye of their eleccon of the
M [aste]r and wardens of the saide Company, before Dynner that daie give and distribute
as of my guifte by expresse name, To twentye aged and poore folks men or wo-
men of severall households of the saide Companye beinge neither Officers nor
none of the Almsfolke of the saide Companye the Some of Tenne pounds

Page 13 (folio 234 recto)

of lawfull money of Englande, That is to saie to everye of them Tenne shillings
a peece. The firste daye of paymente thereof to be on the eleccon daie nexte ensu-
ynge after the ende of Three yeares to be accounted from the tyme of the receipte
of the saide some of Two Hundred Poundes. Soe that my meanynge is That the
saide Company shall have the use of the saide some of Twoe Hundred Poundes Three
yeares after the receipte thereof Free with out any manner of Charge to the saide
Companye. And then from then forthe the saide Tenne Powndes to be by them yearelie
given and distributed to the poore in forme aforesaide. And further my will mynde and
desyer is That yf there be anye man or woman of the saide Companye that hath neede
of this Releife and be knowne to be beadrid or same, and not able to come to the Hall
for the same That yt woulde please the M[aste]r and wardens of the saide Companye for the
tyme beinge to sende the same Releife unto them accordinge to the true intente and meaning
of this my last will and Testamente.

And forasumche as my mynde and desyer is to be
the Patrone and Founder of Two schollershippes in the Universitie of Cambridge or
Oxforde suche as there shalbe hope of that they will studye Divinitie. Whereof the
one of them my Will and mynde is shalbe from tyme to tyme forever nominated apoin-
ted and chosen by the Mr wardens and Assistants of the saide Companye of Haber-
dashers for the tyme beinge or the more parte of them and to be the sonne of a Freeman
of the saide Companye yf there be any fytt for the same. Or els in defaulte thereof
some suche other as they shall thincke meete in their discrecons. And the other of
the saide Schollers to be from tyme to tyme forever nominated and chosen by the
Mayor Aldermen and Fortie of the Councell of the Cittie of Chester for the tyme
beinge or the more parte of them by Balettinge or drawinge of Lotts, and to be
the sone of a Citezen of the saide Cittie of Chester yf there be anye fytt for the same
Els in defalte thereof some suche other as they shall thinke meete in theire discrecons.
In which nomynacon and eleccon of the said Scoller for Chester my mynde and
will is, That noe man shall have any voyce but suche as shalbe inhabytants and
residentes for the most parte of the yeare in the saide Cittie of Chester from tyme
to tyme.

I doe by theis presents give and bequeathe to the saide M[aste]r and Foure wardens
of the Fraternitye of the Arte or Misterye of Haberdashers in the Cittie of London
and to theire Successos forever the some of Two Hundred Powndes in money to
use and ymploye in purchasinge of Landes or otherwaies as to them shall seeme good
uppon Condicon that the saide Companye shall stande charged forevermore with the
payment of One Anuytie or yearelie rente of Tenne Powndes per Annu towards
the releife and maintenaunce of the saide Two schollers viz to either of them Fyve
Powndes a peece.

The same to be paide in forme as followeth viz My will and
meanynge is that the saide Company of Haberdashers shall have the use and
occupyenge of the said Two hundred Powndes for and duringe the full terme
of Two yeares nexte after the receaite thereof freelie without anne manner of
Charge to the saide Companye. And then the saide Two yeares beinge fully
Complete. The saide Company, to stande charged from thenceforthe with the pay-
mente of the saide Annuytie or yearelie some of Tenne Powndes per annu. Never-
theles my meanynge is, that the firste Tenne powndes thereof that shall growe
due to be paide accordinge to the Termes of this my Last will shall remayne in the
stocke of the saide Company, undisbursed untill the firste Two Schollers that
shalbe nominated to have and emoye the said exhibicons in manner aforesaide shall
Comence M[aster] of Arte and then eche of them to have Fyve Powndes a peece paide
unto them towardes the charges of theire saide comencements over and above their
present yeares exhibicon, And when as the saide Two firste Schollers or either
of them shalbe promoted to any eclesiasticall or spirituall lyvinge or shall departe
from the universitye. Then my meanynge is That the first and nexte yeares
exhibicon that shall growe due after the promocon or departure from the universitye

Page 14 (folio 234 verso)

of either of the saide Schollers shall remayne in the Stocke of the saide Companie
undisbursed untill the next Two schollers that shalbe thereunto nominated and chosen
shall comence M[aste]r of Artes. And then the same to be paide unto them by Fyve
Powndes a peece towardes the charges of theire comencements over and above theire prrte
yeares exhibicon, And so from tyme to tyme forever my will and meanynge is That
as anye of the saide Schollers shalbe promoted or departe from the universitie Others
to be Chosen in theire places in forme aforesaide. And the firste yeares exhibicion
that shall from tyme to tyme growe due after the promocon or departure of ane of
the saide Schollers to remaine in the Stocke of the saide Companye undisboursed untill
the nexte scholler that shalbe appointed to have the saide extibicon doe comence M[aste]r
of Artes. And then the same to be paide unto hym towardes the Charges of his
comencements over and above his presente yeares exhibicon in manner and forme
aforesaide. And the same severall exhibicons to have contynuance and to be paide to
the saide Schollers so to be elected from tyme to tyme so longe as they shall remayne
att their studye in the universityes to the well lykinge of theire saide severall electors
with out promotion and noe longer. Provyded alwaies and my will and mynde is
That of the said Schollers or anye of them that thereafter shall have and enjoye
any of the saide exhibicons shall after his or theire comencinge M[aste]r of Artes take
uppon him or them ane other studye or profession then divinitie or shalbe thoughte
unfete and unworthie of his or theire exhibicon by his or theire electors aforesaide.
Or shalbe absente from the universityes above one monethe in a yeare, excepte in the tyme
of some greate visitacon of sicknes. That then ypso facto his or theire exhibicion shall
cease and have noe longer contynuannce but to be paide over to others to be thereunto
appointed in manner and forme aforesaid same thinge above saide to the contrarye not-

Item. I will and my mynde is That my saide sonne Roberte Brooke
Alderman shall have the use and occupacon of my nowe dwellinge howse in Grations
streete in London jontlie with, my saide sonne Roberte Offley, for and duringe the
terme and space of Twoe yeares nexte after my deceasse vf he my saide sonne Brooke
shall soe thincke yt good. And further my will and mynde ys That the peasses of my
dwellinge house and of my garden with all my Naperye plate Anelled Apparrell
and all other my household stuffe not before in and by this my laste will and Testam[en]t
given or appointed to other uses shalbe indifferentlie apprised by Two suche honest
and indififerente men as my Executours shall thinke good to call thereto. And that
done I freelie give and bequeathe the same to my saide sonne Roberte Offley, to his
owne propper use over and above suche somes of money as I have alreadye given
and delivered to hym towardes his advanncement.

Item. I give and bequeathe to my
late servannte John Browne, Three poundes to make hym a ringe of golde of that
value or otherwaies to bestowe att his pleasure. And to the Three maide servannts
that shalbe dwellinge in my howse with me att the tyme of my decease Fortye
Shillings a peece to buy, them Cassocks or otherwyse to ymploye as they shall
thinke good over and besydes their wages. Also I give and bequeathe to Edmonde
Manley, Three powndes to buye hym a ringe of golde of that value or otherwyse to
bestowe as he shall thinke good Also I give and bequeathe to my servannte William
the Some of Fiftye Powndes in money, over and besydes his wages that
shalbe due unto hym and Three poundes in money, to buy hym cloth, of suche collor
as he shall thincke best or otherwyse to employe att his pleasure.

Item. I give and
bequeathe to Roberte Chambers my godsonne nowe dwellinge in the Isle of Wighte
the some of Tenne Powndes in money, and to his Brother John Chambers the some
of Fyve Powndes.

Item. I give and bequeathe to the Governors of the possessions
Revenuues and goodes of the Hospytall of the late kinge of famous Memorie Kinge
Edwarde the Sixth called St Thomas Hospytall in Southwarke to and for the
releife of the poore there harboured the some of Threescore Powndes To be paide

Page 15 (folio 235 recto)

to the Threasorer of the saide hospytall for the tyme beinge with in Three monethes
nexte after my decease uppon Condicion That the Governors of the saide Hospptall
of Seynte Thomas the Apostle shall make unto Brigge and Marsey his
wiefe a suffficient Lease of the Tenemente wherein they nowe dwell within the
Close of the said hospptall for the terme of One and Twentye yeares. Attthe
yearelie rent of Tenne Shillings as the nowe paye for the same. The same Brigge
and his wiefe enteringe into Covounte with the saide governors by the same Leasse
to keepe the saide Tenement in sufficiente reparacons duringe the terme. And the
same Lease to be made with suche Covenntes and Condicions as are used in suche like

And also I give and bequeathe to the Governors of Christes hospytall
in London to and for the Releife of the poore Children there harboured and kepte the
Some of Twentye Powndes. And I give and bequeathe to my saide sonne Roberte
Ottley the Some of One hundred Powndes uppon Condicion that he shall give
to the releife of the poore people haboured and kepte in Bedlem neere Byshopgate
of London for and duringe the terme of Twentye yeares from the daie of my decease
soe muche meate as shall amounte to the value of Eightene pence to be sodden in Cot-
tage and eighte pence in bread weekelie everie weeke on the Mondaye. They fetchinge
the same att my house aforesaide as they have bene accustomed.

Item. I give Thirtie
Poundes in money, to be bestowed by my Executors with the advyse of the Comissioners
uppon the Redeeminge and discharginge suche poore free men and free women oute of the
Prysons of Ludgate and the Two Compters in London as to their good discrecons shall
seeme meete not exceedinge Fortie Shillings to anie one Persone.

Item. I give and be-
queathe to my Brother in Lawe Mr Richarde Brakin Twentye Powndes, and to his sonne
Franncis Brakin
Tenne Powndes.

Item I give and bequeathe to Twentye poore folkes
enhabytinge with in the Cittie of London or the liberties thereof beinge very aged
or Bedrid Tenne Shillings a peece, To be bestowped on them by the discrecons
of my Executours. And also I will that Tenne Powndes more shalbe bestowed on
poore people enhabytinge as aforesaide where most nede is by the discrecons of my

Item. I doe by theis pris remyse and freelie forgive all suche debtours
as shall owe me att the tyme of my deceasse but onelie the Some of Fyve Powndes
or under that some and not well able to paie the same by the discrecon of my Executors
All the same debts wich they and evere of them doe owe me beinge but Fyve powndes
or under the same some as aforesaide.

Item. I give and bequeathe Tenne Powndes to
be bestowed in Coales or money by Twentie Shillings a yeare and to be given to the
Releife of the poore Prisoners in Newgate yearelie betwenn the Feasts of all saynts
and Christmas. And also I give and bequeathe to the Releefe of the poore lyenge
in the Two Compters in London Tenne Powndes to be likewyse bestowed in Coales or
money, by Twentye Shillings a yeare yearelie betwene the feasts of all Saints and
Christmas. Which saide severall somes of Tenne Powndes my Will and mynde is
shalbe delivered and allowed to my saide sonne Roberte Offley and he to see the same
distributed in forme aforesaide.

Item. I give and bequeathe to be bestowed on Threescore
poore folkes whereof Twentie of them to be free of the Companye of Haberdashers
and to be appointed by the wardens of the same Companye for the tyme beinge of the
poorest and neediest aged men without favour and affeccon, and the rest to be nome-
nated by my Executours which shall attende on my Bodie to the Buryall grownes
of London Russett or other good collor of the value of Sixe Shillings or Sixe Shillings
eighte pence a yarde or thereabouts att the discrecon of my Executours. And
also I doe give to everye of the same poore, men Twelve pence a peece. To be paide
to them on the daie of my Buryall for their dynners that daie.

Item. I give to be be-
stowed on a Cynner for the Parrishoners of Seynt Benett Gracechurche in London
on the daie of my Buryall Fyve Powndes or the same Fyve Powndes to be otherwyse
ymployed as they the saide Parrishoners or the more parte of them shall thincke good

Page 16 (folio 235 verso)

Item. I give and bequeath & Twentie, Powndes or more att the discrecone of my Executors
to be given and distributed in the Churche or Church Yarde to suche poore people
as shalbe att my Buryall by Three pence a peece.

Item. I give and bequeathe to
Nicholas Chapman Haberdasher the Some of Tenne Powndes.

Item. I doe by theis
presents release and forgive unto Richarde Gall Scryvoener all suche somes of
money, as he shall owe unto me att the tyme of my decease. And I doe give and bequeath
unto every of his Children (savinge the eldest on whome I have alreadye bestowed
my Benevolence) the some of Tenne Powndes a peece To be paide unto them as they
shall accomplishe theire severall ages of One and Twentye yeares or att the daye
of theire marringe which of them shall first happen provyded alwaies and my
meanynge is That yf I shall happen att any tyme duringe my liefe to give anye ad-
vanncemente to anie of the saide Children of the said Richarde Gall, That then my
Executours shall not in anie wyse be charged with the payment of the Legarye or
Legacyes of hym or them, To whome I shall give any advanncemente in my liefe tyme
Anie thinge aforesaide to the Contrary notwith standinge.

Item. I give and bequeathe
to my sister Offley, late wiefe of my Brother Richarde Offley deceased the some
of Tenne Powndes.

Item. I give and bequeathe to Mr Doctor Crooke Preacher of
godds worde the some of Fyve Powndes.

Item. I give and bequeathe to William Perche
nowe apprentice of my sonne Roberte Offley the Some of Tenne Powndes To be paide
unto him att the expiracon of his terme of Apprenticehood &f he doe well and
trueli serve my saide sonne duringe his saide terme in the Judgemente of the Wardeons
of the Companye of Haberdashers in London for the tyme beinge.

Item. my Will and mynde
is That yf my Cosen Willamm Offley sonne of my late brother Hughe Offley
Alderman deceassed nowe Prisoner in the kinges Benche shalbe in Prison att the
tyme of my deceasse That then my Executours or one of them or their Assignes shall
weekelie everie weeke uppon the Saterdaye give and paie unto the saide William Offley
towardes his Releife and maintenaunce in prison Twelve pence in money untill the some
of Twentie Powndes be in that sorte paide unto hym be or some for hym demanndinge the
same att my nowe dwelling howse in London. The first paymente to be gynne att the ende
of One monethe nexte after my deceasse. Provided alwaies and my meanynge ys
That if the said Willimm Offley, shall happen to be releassed oute of prison att anie
tyme before the saide Twentye Powndes shalbe runne out by Twelve pence a weeke
as aforesaide That then ymeadatlie from the tyme of suche his deliverye out of pri-
- son the saide weekelie paymente to cease and determyine to all entents.

Item. I give
and bequeathe to John Edwarde Hewett and Anne Children of my saide sonne Roberte
and to the two eldest Children of my saide sonne that shalbe next borne
unto hym the Some of Two Thowsande and Foure Hundred Powndes of Lawfull
money of England viz To eche of them Foure Hundred Powndes a peece To be de-
livered to theire father for their use, and to be paide unto them as they shall accom-
plishe theire severall ages of Foure and Twentye yeares or att the daies of theire
marriage wich of them shall first happen, and eache of them to be others heire
yf death shall happen to anie of them in the meane tyme. Provyded alwais That
yf anie of my saide sonnes Children above named or hereafter to be borne shall happen
to dye and departe this mortall liefe before they shall accomplishe theire saide severall
ages of Foure and Twentye yeares or daies of marriage. Or yf vt shall happen
my saide sonne Roberte Offley not to have any Child or Children thereafter to be
borne unto hym Yet my expresse will and mynde is, That suche of the saide
Children as shall live to accomplishe the age of Foure and twentie peares or to be
married shall have the said full some of Two Thowsande and foure Hundred Pownds
equallie amoungs them to be devyded, and to be paide unto them att the daies aforesaide
Anie thinge above saide to the Contrarye not with standinge Provyded also and my mynde
iis That yf my saide sonne Roberte Offley shall happen to dye and departe this mortall
Liefe before suche tyme

Page 17 (folio 236 recto) Liefe before suche tyme, as his saide Children shall have receaved there severalle
Legaccys by me given and bequeathed unto them in fourme aforesaide. Then my will
and mynde is That the M[aste]r and foure Wardens of the fraternitie of the Arte or miste-
rie of haberdashers in the Cittie of London shall have the use and orderinge of the
saide Two Thowsande and Foure Hundred Powndes or sommery thereof as shall not
be paide to the Children of my saide sonne Roberte Offley att the tyme of his decease
untill the saide Children shall accomplishe theire severall ages of foure and Twentye
yeares or daies of marriage which of them shall firste happen. The saide money
to be used and ymployed in suche sorte as the M[aste]r Wardens and Assistannts of the
saide Companye for the tyme beinge or the more parte of them shall thincke good in
theire discrtcons. They allowinge and payenge to the saide Children for and towardes
the advanncemente of their severall port[i]ons after the rate of Three poundes Sixe
shillings eighte pence pro Cent for a yeare for soe longe tyme as they shall have
the saide money in use and occupyenge as aforesaide. And my will is that the saide
encrease shall remaine in the handes of the saide Companye untill the saide Childrenn
shall accomplishe their severall ages of Foure and Twentie yeares or daies of mar=
riage as aforesaide. Anie thinge above saide to the Contrarye notw[ith]standinge. And
further my expresse will and mynde is, that my saide sonne Roberte Offley shall
within Three monethes nexte after my deceasse become bounde by obligacon suffi-
cient in the Lawe to the said M[aste]r and Foure Wardens of the fraternitie of the arte
or Misterie of Haberdashers in London in the Some of Three Thowsande Powndes
of lawfull money of Englande with Conditon thereuppon to be endorsed. That yf he
the saide Roberte Offley my sonne shall happen to dye and departe this mortall liefe
before suche tyme as his saide Children shall accomplishe theire saide severall ages of
Foure and Twentye yeares or daies of marringe That then the Exxecuto[r]s or admi-
nistratores of hym the said Roberte Offley my sonne shall w[ith]in Sixe moneths
next after his deccasse well and truelie paie or cause to be paide to the saide M[aste]r and
Foure Wardens of the Fraterntie of the Arte or Misterye of Haberdashers in the
Cittie of London for the tyme beinge or their Assignes att or in the Comon Wall of the
saide Companye called the Haberdashers Hall in London to the use of the saide Children
of my saide sonne Roberte Offley accordinge to the true meanynge of this my Laste
will and Testamente the said some of Twoe Thowsande and Foure Hundred Powndes or
soe muche thereof as shall not be paide oute and delivered to the saide Children by my
saide sonne Roberte Offley
, att the tyme of his decease.

Item I give and bequeathe to Sir
Nicholas Woddrof knighte, To my sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke Alderman to my
saide sonne Roberts Offley, To my brother William Offley To my Cosen Mr Henry
Hewett, to my Cosen Henry Offley, To my sonne in Lawe William Rolfe, To my brother
in lawe Roberte Bowyer To my Cosen Nicholas Chapman, To my Cosen Richarde
Gall to my Cosen Richarde Cheyney, To my good neighbour Mr Thomas Fettyplace
To my Coson James Deane To my Cosen Thomas Offley To my Cosen Roberte Offley
To Mr Donne nowe Parsone of St Bennett Gracechurcht in London and to my
Neighbour Thomas Owen. To everie of them Three Powndes a peece in money, to buy
them ringes of golde of that value or otherwyse to bestowe att pleasures. And to everie
of their wyeves I give Fortie Shillings a peece in money, to buye them rings of golde of
that value or otherwyse to bestowe att theire pleasures. Also I give and bequeathe to
my Coson Thomas Kirton Esquier To my sonne in lawe Mr William Hewett To my
Lovinge frendes mr Thomas Aldersey, and Mr Thomas Bromley haberdashers
To Barthelmewe Freeman sometyme my servannte and to Lambarte Osboston scrivenor
To everie of them Three powndes a peece in money, to buye them ringe of golde of that
value or otherwyse to bestowe att theire pleasures. And also I give and bequiath to my
sister Offley late wiefe of my Brother Hughe Offley, Alderman
.To my
sister Offley late wiefe of my brother Richarde Offley To my Cosen Jane Duton

Page 18 (folio 236 verso)

and to my Cosen her daughter. To my Neighbours M[istress] Pommington M[istress] Drowte
and M[istress] Bennett. To goodwiefe Noble and Marsey Brigges sometyme my servannts
To everie of them Fortie Shillinges a peece to buye them rings of gold of that value or
otherwyse to bestowe att theire pleasures.

Item. I give& bequeathe to my daughter Offley
wiefe of my saide sonne Roberte Offley Tenne Powndes in money, to buy her a paire of
Braceletts of golde of that value. And also I give and bequeathe unto her the some of Fiftye
Powndes to her owne propper use to order and dispose as shee shall thinke good att her

Item. I give and bequeathe to my saide sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke Alderman
and his wiefe To my said sonne Roberte Offley and his wiefe, To my Brother Willmam
Offley, and his wiefe
, And to my Brother in Lawe Roberte Bowyer and his wiefe
To everie of the saide foure Couples Sixe Poundes Thirtene Shillings foure pence to
buye them Blacke gownes. Also I give unto my saide sister Offley late wiefe of
my Brother Hughe Offley Alderman To my sister Offley, late wiefe of my
brother Thomas Offley. And to my sister Offley late wiefe of my Brother Richard
Offley, To everye of them Fiftye three shillings and foure pence a peece to buye them
Blacke gownes. Also my will and mynde is That all the Children of mye daughter Brooke
and of my, sonne Roberte Offley shall have blackes att my funerall. Also I give unto
Thomas white nowe in house with me the some of Sixe Powndes Thirtene Shillings
Foure pence to be delivered with hym to some honest man that shalbe his Mr Bythe
Consente of his mother
. And also I give unto him Double Apparrell mete and ne-
cessarie for him.

Also I give and bequeathe to my saide sonne in lawe Roberte Brooke
in Consueracon of his greate paines care and travell to be taken, in and aboute
the execucon of this my last will and Testaments accordinge to the truste I have and
doe repose in hym a Cheyne of golde of the value of Fourtie Powndes.

The residne of all my goodes and Chattells (my debts legacies and funeralls beinge firste paide and
discharged. I freelie give and bequeathe to my saide sonne Roberte Offley to hys
owne propper use forever. And I doe by theis presents make and ordeyne my saide
sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke Alderman and my saide sonne Robarte Offley, my
of this my Last will and Testamente for and duringe the terme of Twoe
whole yeares nexte after my deceasse In which tyme or sooner vf yt maie be att the
discrecon of my saide sonne Brooke, my will and mynde is that he my saide sonne Brooke
shall paye or att least take into his handes and possession somnche money, and other things
as shall annswere and paid all my debts and all my Legacies. Which I have before in
and by this my present last will and Testament given and bequeathed to hym my saide
sonne Brooke his wiefe and his Children to the Maior and Comaltie of the Cittie of
Chester and to the M[aste]r and Foure Wardens of the Fraternitie of Haberdashers in
London. And att the ende of the saide Twoe yeares (or sooner if it maie be) I will that a
perfecte Accompte and recconynge shalbe made betwene hym and my saide sonne Roberte
. And then he my saide sonne Roberte Offley, allowinge unto my saide sonne Brooke
uppon the saide Accompte soe muche money, and suche other things as shall fullie aniswere
and paid my saide debts and Legacies given and bequeathed to hym my saide sonne Brooke
his wiefe and Children
to the Mayor and Comynaltie of Chester and to the M[aste]r and Foure
Wardens of the Fraternitie of the Haberdashers as aforesaide. And also be my saide
sonne Roberte Offley, enteringe into sufficient Covennte to my saide sonne Brooke
to discharge or save hym harmes of and for all suche Bondes as I shall stande bounde
in as snertie for anie man att the tyme of my decease and of and for all Acconts
and demaundes concernynge the same My will and mynde is That then my saide sonne
Roberte Brooke shall renounce and relinquishe the execucion of this my Last Will and
Testamente. And then I will that my saide sonne Roberte Offley shalbe from thence
fourth my sole and onelie Executor of this my Last Will and Testament. And
that my saide sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke shall enter into covennte sufficiente in the
Lawe to acquite and discharge or suffficientlie to sane harmeles my saide sonne Roberte

Page 19 (folio 237 recto)

Offley his Executours and administratours of and for all suche some and somes of money
and other things as uppon the same Accompte shalbe allowed to my saide sonne in lawe
Roberte Brooke
for the discharge of my saide debts and Legacies accordinge to the
true entente and meanynge of this my presente Last will and Testamente. And thus
Hopinge that my saide sonne in Lawe Roberte Brooke and my saide sonne Roberte Offley
will instelye and faithtullye see this my, Last will and Testamente in all things perfor=
med accordinge to my desyer and meanynge I ende the same takinge my leave of this
mortall liefe in hope and sure Confidence of that blessed and Immortall liefe to Come
And I doe hereby utterlie revoke promounce voide and admitt all and everie former will
and Willes Testamente and Testaments by me theretofore made and all Legacyes by me
heretofore in or by them or any of them willed or bequeathed Excepte that my Testa=
mente and Last will bearinge date the Fouretenth daie of Julye in the yeare of our Lorde
Jesus Christe 1589. And in the One and Thirtith, yeare of the Reigne of our saide
Soveraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth, and all Legacies and bequests thereby limitted given
and bequeathed which I will shall not be revoked pronounced voyde nor admitted but
shall stande in full force and strength to all entents and purposes accordinge to my true
meanynge thereby declared. And excepte all that my other Testamente and Last will
bearinge date the Fiftenth, daie of Julye in the yeare of our Lorde god /1589/ and in the
saide One and Thirtith, yeare of our saide Soveraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth, and all
Legacies and bequests Thereby, given and bequeathed which, I will also shall not be
revoked pronownced voide nor annulled. But shall also stande in full force and strength
to all entents and purposes accordinge to my true meanynge thereby declared. And ex-
cepte in like manner all that my Testamente and Laste will bearinge date the Six-
tenth, daie of October in the Three and Thirtith yeare of the Reigne of our saide
Soveraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth, and all Legaries and beguests thereby Limitted
given and bequeathed which I will likewyse shall not be revoked pronounced voyde
nor annulled, but shall stande in full force and strength to all ententes and purposes
accordinge to my true meanynge thereby declared. And in like manner excepte that my
Testamente and Last will bearinge date the Eightenth, daie of Aprill /1594/ and in the
Sixe and Thirtith yeare of the Reigne of our saide Soveraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth
and all Legacyes and bequests thereby limitted given and bequeathed which I will also
shall not be revoked pronounced voyde nor admitted, but shall stande in full force and
strength to all entents and purposes accordinge to my true meanynge thereby declared
Anie Legacye Bequeste or other thinge in this my presente Testamente and Laste Will
specyfyed menconed or conteyned to the Contrarye not with standinge. In witnes where=
of to this my presente Testamente and Laste will I the saide Roberte Offley, the
Testatour have sett my hande and Seale geven the daie and yeare first above wryt-
ten By me Roberte Offley, the older per me Robert Offley, Junior. Sealed and
Delivered by, the said Roberte Offley, the Testator for his last will and Testament
the Nyneth of Apprill 1596 in the presence of vs La:Osboston scr[ivenor] per me W[illia]m
Drowte per me Will[ia]m Deyose Thomas Allarde servant to the saide scriveno{r}

Probatum Suit Testamentu suprascoiptu apnd London coram
venerabili viro Magro Willmo Lewn Regnin Doctore Curie Prerogatine
Cantuar Magro Custode sine Comissario vndermio die Mensus Mai
Anno Domini Millesumo Qungentesio Nonogesio Septo Inramento A
levaneri Serla notari publici Procuratoris Roberti Brooke Aldermani
Et Roberti Offley Executoru in hunismodi Testamento nominut (Quibus comissu
fuit admistracio Bonoru Hurm et Creditoru dicti defuncti Se bene et fidely admistrand
Ec Ad santa dei Evangelin Hurat.


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