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Will of Rose Ryse, Widow of Carbrooke, 1564

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This is a transcript of the register copy of the will of Rose Ryse, widow of Carbrooke, Norfolk, England.
It was written on 21 January 1564/5 and proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Norwich sitting at Watton, a town some 2.5 miles from Carbrooke, on 2 March 1564/5. [1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
The obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]

Persons mentioned:

  • Gregorye Beales of Carbroke
  • John Ryse my son[n]e
  • Alice Packers the wyfe of Edmund Packers
  • Lawrence Ryse
  • Johane Palm[er]
  • Rose Gylmyn the wife of Edward Gylmyn Testator's daughter Rose (Ryse) Gilman married to Edward Gilman
  • Edward Gylmyn husband of Rose (Ryse) Gilman, and executor of the will and residuary legatee
  • Margaret Gylman daughter of Rose and Edward Gilman
  • Katherine Gylman daughter of Rose and Edward Gilman
  • Rose Gylma[n] the daughter of Edward Gylman daughter of Rose and Edward Gilman
  • John Gylman son of Rose and Edward Gilman
  • Edward Gylman the younger son of Rose and Edward Gilman
  • Robert Gylma[n] son of Rose and Edward Gilman
  • Lawrence Gylma[n] son of Rose and Edward Gilman
  • Johane Bolyn[e] Testator's goddaughter
  • Henrye Balye
  • Margaret Entwesell
  • Will[i]am Rise probably William Ryse
  • Will[ia]m Beales
  • Edmunde Packers
  • James Edolye

In the name of god amen the xxj Daye of Jannarye
in the yere of o[u]r Lord god mt vc Lxiiij I Rose Ryse of
Carbroke in the countye of Norff[olk] wydowe beinge of hole mynd
& p[er]f[e]cte Remembrance Doe make this my Last will & Testam[en]t
in man[ner] & forme followinge firstly I bequeathe my sowle to
almyghtye god my bodye to be buryed in the churchyard of
Carbroke or ells where yt shall please god

Item I bequeathe to
Gregorye Beales of Carbroke aforesaid my Ten[emen]te edifyed
called Dyckes w[i]th the croft adioyninge conteyninge in all
ij acres sett lyenge & beynge in Carbroke aforesayd to
him & his heires payenge to my execut[o]r xxLi of good and
Lawfull monye of England that ys to saye at the Daye
of my buryall iijLi of good & Lawfull monye of England
in or att the feast of all S[ain]ts next after my Deathe xls &
soe all waye at the feast of all S[ain]ts xls till the some of
xxLi be fullye contented & payed provided alwaye &
I wyll that sayed gregorye Beales shall w[i]thin j moneth
after this my Testement & Last wyll be p[ro]ved stand bounde
in obligac[i]ons for the payem[en]t w[i]th ij Suffecient Suer-
tees w[i]th him for the paym[en]t of the forsayed xxLi & to stand
bounde to any executor in the obligac[i]ons for the paym[e]nt
of the forsayed xxLi provyded also & I will yf the sayed
Gregorye Beales Doe not stand bonde to my execut[o]r
in obligac[i]ons for the payeme[n]t of the forsayed xxLi as ys
aforsayed then I wyll the aforsayed Ten[emen]te before bequ[ea]
thed to the sayed Gregorye Beales w[i]th the ij acres of
Lande therto belongynge shall Remayne to my executor &
his heires for ev[er] to paye my debts & legacyes w[i]thall

[page 2]
Item I bequeath to John Ryse my son[n]e xLi of good & Lawfull
monye of England to be payed him xxs ev[er]ye yere yerelye
tyll the some of xLi be fullye contented & payed

Item I
bequeath to the sayed John my son[n]e one brasse pott one
kettall one payer of shetes one copper one trannsham
one pyllowe

Item I bequeath to Alice Packers the wyfe
of Edmund Packers vis viijd to be payed her w[i]thin one
yere after my Death

Item I bequeath to Lawrence Ryse
iijs iiijd

Item I bequeath to Johane Palm[er] iijs iiijd

Item I bequeath to Rose Gylmyn the wife of Edward Gylmyn
vjs viijd

Item to Margaret Gylman iijs iiijd

Item I bequ[ea]th
to Katherine Gylman iijs iiijd

Item I bequeath to Rose Gyl
ma[n] the daughter of Edward Gylman iijs iiijd

Item I
bequeth to John Gylman iijs iiijd

Item I bequeath to Edward
Gylman the younger iijs iiijd

Item I bequeath to Robert
Gylma[n] iijs iiijd

Item I bequeath to Lawrence Gylma[n]
iijs iiijd

Item I bequeath to Johane Bolyn[e] my goddaughter
iijs iiijd to be payed her at the Daye of her marryage

Item I bequeath to Henrye Balye xijd

Item I bequeath to Margaret Entwesell xijd

Item I bequeathe xxs to be
bestowed & Distributed amonge the poore at the Daye of
my buryall by my execut[o]r all the Rest of my goods not
geven nor bequeathed I geve them hollye to my execut[o]r
Whome I ordeyne & make Edward Gylman this my
Testame[n]t & Last wyll was made the Daye & yere above
wrytten Revokinge all form[er] wylls These beynge
wytnesses Will[i]am Rise Will[ia]m Beales Edmunde
Packers & James Edolye

Probate [in Latin] granted at Watton on 2 day of March Anno Domini 1564


  1. Will of Rose Ryse 1564 Archdeaconry Court of Norwich, will register Ayer 1561-64, folio 258. Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Images on Family Search Accessed 24 January 2022

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