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Will of Thomas Bonnell of Norwich 1607

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Date: 1607
Location: Norwich, Norfolk, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Bonnell, Bunnell, Bygote
This page has been accessed 43 times.

Register copy of the will of Thomas Bonnell 1607, Norwich Consistory Court, will register Rowland, folios 152v to 155v. Microfilm 78, Norfolk Record Office, The Archive Centre, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DQ, UK.

Transcribed by Andrew Millard.


[folio 152v]

In the name of god Amen. Ao Dni’
1607 and the second day of July in the fifth
yeare of the Raigne of our sov’aigne Lord James
… the guard of god Kinge of England Fraunce
and Ireland Defender of the Faith And the
xlth[sic] of Scotland I Thomas Bonnell thelder

[folio 153r]

of the Cittie of Norwich dier being sicke of body
but of a good and pfect remembrance thanks
be to Almightie god doe make publishe and
declare this my last will & testament in mann’ and
fourme followinge First and principally I
comendee my soule into the mercifull handes
of Almightie god my creator and maker assuredly
hopinge and believinge through the death and
passion of Jesus Christe my redeemer onely to
be saved and by no meritts or worthiness of my
owne And my bodie to the earth from whence
yt came and I will it to be buried at the
discrec’on of my executors. And for those
wordly blessinges wch god hath lent me I
will and bequeath them in mann’ and forme
followinge First I give and bequeath unto
the poore of the French congregation wthin
the Cittie of Norwich fourty shillinges And unto
the same[?] congregation towarde the mainten’nce
of the ministerie twenty shillinges Item I give
to Judith Marchant my grandchilde twenty
shillinges And to thesfoure children of my sonne
Danniell Bonnell vis to Samuell, Rebecca,
Hester and Abigaill to ev’y of them xxS a
peece and to Kathryne and Susan the
children of my sonne David[?] to either[?] of them
twenty shillinges a peece Item I give & bequeth

[folio 153v]

unto Thomas my sonne the some of xxxli sterlinge
soe as he marry wth the consent or good likeinge
of my sonnes Danyell and David my extors
or the survivor of them to be ppayd by them or
one of them or the executors or adm’ of them
to the sayd Thomas at the day of his marriage
by consent or good likeing as aforesaid and
not otherwise And if he shalbe married wthout
their said consent or good likeing That
then I will the sayd Thomas shall loose the
whole benefitt thereof And then I will the
same xxxli shalle be kepte in the handes of the
sayd Danniell and David for the benefit of
the children of the sayd Thomas if he shall
have any and to be payd and distributed
amongst then at and by the discrecon of my
sayd sonnes Daniell and David or the
survivor of them when and at such times as
they shall thincke fitte And if the sayd
Thomas shall die before he shalbe married
or beinge married doe after die and leave noe
lawfull issue of his body behinde him then
my will and minde is that the sayd xxxli shalbe
payd and equally distributed by the sayd
Danyell and David to and amongst my
children wch I have had by Jaquelyn

[folio 154r]

now my wife. Item I give to the sayd Thomas
my featherbed and boulster wch is in his
borther Danyelles possession to be deliv’ed to him
at his marriage day if he he marry wth such consent
or good likeinge as aforesayd or else to remaine
to my children I have by the said Jaquelyn
now my wife, Item I give and bequeath unto
Jaquelyn my wife my best bedstead wth the
tester, valleynes, curtens, kadde[?], naffe[?] & cord
my best featherbed wth one of the best boulsters
a payre of the best blancketts, twoe payre of
my best sheets, foure of my best pyllowes viz
twoe greate and twoe small wth twoe pillowberes
a peece to them of the best, and three of my
best bed cov’letts all her jewelles & linnen
and apparell to her body a cuppe of silv’
p’te guilte wch was her fathers, twoe of
my best printed leather cushians & twoe of
my best cushians of tapstrie worke Alsoe
I give to Danyell Bonnell my sonne
twoe other of my said printed leather cushians
and twoe of the sayd cushians of tapstry
worke and my greatest bible Item I give
to David my sonne twoe other of my sayd
leather cushians and twoe other of the
sayd tapstrie cushians and one of my bookes
not herein otherwise bequeathed wch he shal

[folio 154v]

choose And I give alsoe unto my sonne Thomas
oone of my bookes not herein otherwise bequeathed
wch he shall choose after his brother David
hath chosen And I give to my sonne Beniamin
my books[?] Josephas Itm’ I will and my
minde is that all my godes and household stuffe
whatsoever except such as I have before willed
& bequeathed shalbe sould to the best p’se
wth as much convenient speed as may be after
my decease at and by the discrec’on of both my
executors and all the money thereof coming and
all other my money debts and goodes not before
bequeathed, my debts by me oweinge and my
legacies aforesayd my funerall chardges and
the chardges and expenses of my executors then
expended disbursed I will shalbe castupp
and equally devided into twoe equall p’ts by my
executors or one of them and some twoe or more
indifferent p’sons One equall p’te or half thereof
I will shalbe equally and p’porc’onablie distributed
and devided amongst the children of my sayd
wife that she have had by me as they shall
atteyne to their sev’all ages of xxitie yeares
r be married wch shall first happen and
thother p’te nor half thereof I doe will and give to
Jaquelyn my sayd wife uppo condic’on that

[folio 155r]

the sayd Jaquelyn my wife wthin one weeke after
my decease or wthin ten dayes after requeste made
by my executors or one of them shall enter into
one sufficent obligac’on in lan...[?] the penalty
of ccli to my executors wth condic’on that if
the sayd Jacquelyn shall at any tyme hereafter
after my decease marrie againe that then
before the solemnizac’on of the sayd marriage she
shall well and truly pay into the handes of my
executors or one of them the executors or adm’
to the use of my sayd children wch I have had
by the sayd Jaquelyn soe much of lawfull English
money as one third p’te of the sayd p’te or
haulf of money and goodes willed and given
unto her the sayd Jaquelyn as aforesayde
shalbe worth or amounte unto And if she
the sayd Jaquelyn shall refuse to enter into
such an obligac’on or to the same effect wthin
the tyme aforesayd then I will & my
mynde is that the sayd Jaquelyn shall have
noe benefitte or p’te of the sayd p’te pr
half of the sayd money and goodes given to
her as aforesayd nor of any p’te thereof
But I will and give the same p’te or
half unto my sayd children wch I have
had by the sayd Jaquelyn to be payd

[folio 155v]

unto them sev’ally and equally by my executo'es
as they shall atteyne to their sev’all ages of xxitie
yeares or be married which first shall happen
And I doe ordeyne constitute & appoynte
Danyell Bonnell & David Bonnell my
sonnes my executors of thi my p’nte[?] last
will and testam’ And thus renounceinge
all former willes & testamts I make this my
p’nte last will as yt is declared & written
in theses five sev’all sheets of pap’ fyled
together all of them except this last sheet
have ninetene lynes written in them and in
any of them These beinge witnesses
Miles Browne & me Peter Ansell./

[Probate was granted 11 Nov 1607 to David Bonnell.]

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