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Will of Thomas Gould, Haberdasher of London (1660 - 1730)

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: London, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Gould
This page has been accessed 77 times.

The Will of Thomas Gould, Haberdasher of London

Below is a true line-by-line transcription, including spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, of the Will of Thomas Gould (abt.1560-1630) as found at The National Archives. [1]

Persons named are Bolded
. 'ff' at the beginning of a word it has been rendered as 'F'
Any additional notations, including unidentified text by the transcribers are shown in [square brackets] or [ ? ].
John Machell-121 10:47, 23 September 2023 (UTC)


[First page, second entry]

In the right hand margin is


I Thamas Gould of Bush Hill
citizen and haberdasher of London being [?] [?] [?] of _
God in [?] and of a composed mind do make and ordain this
my last will and testament in manner following [?] I give
and bequeath unto my dear wife Hannah Gould during her
natural life all that my Copyhold estate at Bush Hill in the
parish of Edmonton being my now dwelling house with Out houses
and a Garden containing three hundred foot in length and __
eighty foot in breadth or thereabout with two Courtyards before _
the said house with one quarter part of the [Browhouse? Spoud?] . _
Cistern pipes and all that other […wills] belonging to the said . __
[Browhouse?] with all the privileges of the walls and passages _
whatsoever that belongs to the said house and after the decease
of my said wife Hannah Gould I give and bequeath my said
house with all the particulars before mentioned belonging therein
to my Son Thomas Gould and his piers for ever Item I give and
bequeath unto my said wife Hanna Gould during her natural
life all my freehold Estate at Bush Hill aforesaid which is now in
my own occupation the same being one Coach house and Stable _
going Between a Coach house and Stable belonging to John __
[?] and another coach house and stable belonging to . _
Samual [T?] with one [?] garden adjoining easterly ? to
[?] Garden belonging to the said Samual [Edwards?] and . .
Westerly to another [?] garden belonging to the said John
[?] and after the decease of my said Wife I give and _
bequeath the said Coach house Stable and garden to my Son
Thomas Gould and his heirs forever Item I give and bequeath _
unto my Sister Anne Harris during her natural life fifteen pounds
a year any [?] [?] shall be a sufficient discharge it being

[second page]

given for her own use only Item I give and bequeath unto my _
daughter Sarah Woolley One hundred pounds Item I give and _
bequeath unto my son Thomas Gould thirty shares in the __
Company for smelting down lead with pit coal and sea coal __
Item I give And bequeath unto my said son Thomas Gould six
hundred pounds in money and whereas have given unto my
son James Gould considerably above one thousand pounds I
now give and bequeath unto my said son James Gould One _
hundred pounds and no more and whereas I have already _
given unto my son Isaac Gould a considerable portion I do now
give and bequeath unto my said son Isaac Gould one hundred
pounds and no more Item I give and bequeath unto my son _
Nathaniel Gould Two hundred pounds Item I give and .. _
bequeath unto my said son Nathaniell Gould ten shares in the
company for smelting down lead with pit coal and sea coal to be
transferred to him by my wife Hannah Gould and my son ._
Thomas Gould or the survivor of them when they or the survivor
shall think fit and not before Item I give and bequeath unto my
daughter Hannah Gould twenty shares in the company for smelting -
down lead with pit coal and sea coal Item I give and bequeath
unto my daughter Hannah Gould four hundred pounds in . . .
money Item I give and bequeath unto my son Robert Gould ten
shares in the company for smelting down lead with pit coal and
sea coal to be transferred to him by my wife Hannah Gould and
my son Thomas Gould or the survivor of them when they or the
survivor of them shall think fit and not before Item I give and
bequeath unto my said son Robert Gould five hundred pounds in
money Item I give and bequeath unto my cousin Mary Sutton?
One hundred pounds Item I give and bequeath unto [?] . . . . .
[?] ten pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas
Gould [?] pounds to dispose of as he shall think fit And as to
the rest and residue of my estate of what [?] or [?] [?] .__
the [?] is or may bE at the time of my decease I give and .
bequeath all such residue to my said Hannah Gould
and do hereby nominate [?] and appoint my said wife
Hannah Gould executrix and my son Thomas Gould executor
of this my last will and testament and I do hereby revoke
and disannul all other former wills by me made declaring this
and no other to be my last will and testament which my said
last will and testament I have now written all with my own
hand on the side of one sheet of paper and on the other side of
the said sheet of paper in witness whereof I have set my hand
and seal this eleventh day of February one thousand seven . -
hundred twenty nine Tho: Gould signed sealed published and
[?] by the said Thomas Gould to be his last Will and --
Testament in the presence of us and we also sign in his presence
George Mason John Fry and Abraham Draper


In latin, not yet translated / transcribed

[third page]

In latin, not yet translated / transcribed


  1. Will of Thomas Gould, Citizen and Haberdasher of London, Will. The National Archives' reference PROB 11/640/201, Date: 29 June 1729, (accessed 19 September 2023). [1]. Will Image Available].

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