Location: Feering, Essex, England

Surname/tag: Gilson
Will of William Gillson of Feering, Essex [1]
In the Name of God Amen, I William Gillson of Feering
husbandman of good and p[er]fect memory (Gods name be
praysed for it) Do mak this my Last Will & Testament
in manner followeth.
Item I bequeath my Soule to
God the father & Jesus Cst my Redeemer & Savio[ur]
And my body to cstian Buryall
Item I give and bequeath
unto Mary Bexley my daughter the house wherein she
now dwelleth w[it]h that yeard & the Appurtenances thereunto
belonging as now she houldeth [struck out] the same being p[ar]t of my customary house
& Tenement in Fering ........ houlden of the Manor of
Feringe ...... To have & to hould to her the s[ai]d Mary my
daughter during the terme of her Naturall life keeping
the same in good Rep[ar]aration & not to lett it to any
other Tenannt, but to dwell in it her selfe. And after her
decaese to my heires for ever
It[e]m the Remainder of
my s[ai]d Tenem[en]t in Fering &Street viz. the the customary
house & w[hi]ch I dwell in, w[it]h the Appurtanances I will, do
bequeath & give unto my two sonnes Thomas GIlson &
John Gilson jointely betweene them both, to them &
their heires for ever. And I appoint & make them sole
& whole execut[or]s of this my last Will & Mr White
Vicar of this towne to be overseer of my Will and
the decidor of all co[n]trovursies that may arise about
the same betweene my children the w[hi]ch I pray him
for gods sake to doe & hereby doe will them to stand
by his Order
It[e]m I give to my daughter Clemence
Cakebread fower pounds lawfull money to be payd her by
mine Exors as she hath neede thereof. And to her two
childre[n] John Cakebread & Michaell Cakebread, sixe shillings
eigt pounds a peece to be payd when he or they come
to age and not otherwise.
It[e]m I give unto my sonne
Joseph Gillson three pounds lawfull money to be payd
unto him by my execut[or]s w[it]hin one year after my
decease. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my
hand the 24th day of March 1622. Stylo ANglio
An[n]o Regis Jacobi ..............
William Gillsons m[ar]k
Subscribed & acknowledged
to be his last Will in
the p[re]sence of us.
John Porter and I
John Whyte
Probate appears to have been granted on 8 May 1623 according to the archive record
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