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Will of William Holloway, late Auctioneer, Grazier of Little Bowden 1853

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William Holloway, late of Market Harborough, grazier of Little Bowden, wrote his Will on 17 July 1849 and it was proved on 28 November 1853 in London, Prerogative Court of Canterbury.[1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs, and assumed words, have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • Illegible words or parts of words are marked [...]
  • The image quality was patchy, and the handwriting not very legible.

Persons mentioned:

  • William Holloway the elder, Testator
  • John [Kilbourn], Tenant
  • William Holloway, Son
  • Thomas Abbott, Son in law
    • Rebecca Abott, Testator's daughter
  • John Newham, Previous land owner
  • Benjamin Taylor, Son in law
    • Sarah Taylor, Testator's daughter
  • Mr Smith, Neighbouring land owner
  • Witnesses W. Wartnaby Solicitor, Josh. Saddinger his clerk

This is the last Will and Testament
of me William Holloway the elder late of Market Harborough
in the County of Leicester Auctioneer but now of the Parish of Little
Bowden in the County of Northampton Grazier whereby I revoke all
former Wills Codicils and other Testamentary dispositions heretofore
made by me and declare this to be my last Will and Testament I give
and devise All that my messuage or tenement with the Stables coach
house yard gardens outbuildings and fixtures thereto and other
appurtenances thereto adjoining and belonging situate in Market
Harborough aforesaid and lately in my own occupation afterwards
of John [Kilbourn] and now of my son William Holloway ^unto him my said son William Holloway his heirs and
assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to and wholly and exclusively
charged with the payment of any sum or sums of money which may be
due thereon by way of Mortgage at the time of my decease in exoner-
ation of all other my real Estate and of my personal Estate I give
and devise All that my messuage or tenement with the fixtures thereto
Warehouses yard garden and other appurtenances thereto adjoining
and belonging situate in Market Harborough aforesaid and in the
occupation of my son in law Thomas Abbott To such uses upon and
for such trusts intents and purposes as the said Thomas Abbott and
Rebecca his wife by any Deed or Deeds to be by them sealed and delivered
in the presence of and attested by one Witness or more, shall jointly
direct or appoint And in default of and until such direction or

[Page 2 Folio 52]
appointment and to far as the same shall not extend to the use of the
said Thomas Abbott his heirs and assigns for ever I give and devise
All that messuage or tenement with the Stable Coachhouse and out-
buildings lately erected and built by me upon a piece of ground which
I purchased of John Newham with the fixtures thereto and yard
garden privileges and appurtenances thereto adjoining and belonging
situate and being in Little Bowden aforesaid and in my own occupa-
tion To such uses upon and for such trusts intents and purposes as
my son in law Benjamin Taylor and Sarah his wife by any deed
or deeds to be by them sealed and delivered in the presence of and
attested by one witness or more shall jointly-direct or appoint And
in default of such direction or appointment and so far as the same if
incomplete shall not extend To the use of the said Benjamin Taylor
his heirs and assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to and charged
with the payment of the sum of One hundred pounds to my said
daughter Rebecca Abbott which I hereby give to her and direct the
same to be paid at the end of six Calendar months next after my
decease I give and devise All those my Three Closes or Grounds
unclosed containing Fifteen acres or thereabouts given to me by James
Goodman deceased situate and being in the parish or Lordship of
Little Bowden aforesaid and now in my own occupation with the
appurtenances thereto belonging Unto my said son William Holloway
his heirs and assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to and charged with
the payment of the Legacies or sums of Two hundred and fifty
pounds a piece to my Daughters Rebecca Abbott and Sarah Taylor
which I hereby give to them respectively and direct that the same
Legacies shall be vested interests in the said Legatees respectively at
my decease and be paid six months after my decease I also direct
that the same Closes and real Estate lastly devised shall be wholly
and exclusively charged with the payment of any sum or sums
of money which may be charged thereon at the time of my decease
by way of mortgage in exoneration of all other my real Estate and
and of my personal Estate I give and devise the small piece of land
in Little Bowden aforesaid adjoining the Bridge over the River
Welland and Mr Smith's garden and now in my occupation unto
my said son in law Thomas Abbott his heirs and assigns for ever I
give and bequeath All my household goods and furniture beds and
bedding plate linen and china Stock cattle sheep monies securities for
money debts and all other my Personal Estate and Effects what-
soever and wheresoever not hereinbefore disposed of unto my said son
William Holloway and the said Thomas Abbott and Benjamin
Taylor their executors and administrators Upon trust that they my
said Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them his executors or
administrators As and shall as soon as conveniently may be after
my decease in the discretion and of the absolute authority of my said
Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them his executors administrators
or assigns sell dispose of and convert into money all such part of my
said personal Estate and Effects given to them as shall not consist of
money and do and shall stand possessed of and interested in the monies
to arise and be procured from my said personal Estate and Effects
and of the monies of which I shall die possessed Upon trust to pay
[...] the costs and expences attending such Sales and Conversion
into money as aforesaid together with all my just debts funeral and
testamentary and Executorship expences and such Legacies as I may
give by any Codicil to this my will And do and shall retain pay and
devise the clear residue or surplus thereof between and amongst
himself my said son William Holloway and my two Daughters

[Page 3]
Rebecca Abbott and Sarah Taylor in equal shares as tenants in
common and I direct that in case any of them the said William
Holloway Thomas Abbott Rebecca Abbott Benjamin Taylor and Sarah
Taylor shall die in my lifetime leaving lawful issue Then I give and
devise the real Estate hereinbefore given to them respectively unto the
issue of such of them as shall so die in my lifetime To hold to such
issue respectively their heirs and assigns if more than one in equal
shares as tenants in common and the personal Estate hereinbefore
given to them respectively shall not lapse but shall go and be paid
to his her and their several and respective executors or administrators
to whom I bequeath the same accordingly And I nominate and
appoint my said son William Holloway and the said Thomas Abbott
and Benjamin Taylor Executors of this my will with full power
to give receipts to settle my accounts and wind up my affairs as they
shall judge expedient and also to submit questions and accounts to
Arbitration In witness whereof I the said William Holloway the
elder the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained
on three sheets of paper set my hand this seventeenth day of July One
thousand eight hundred and forty nine - William Holloway
Senr - Signed and declared by the said William Holloway thelder
the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of
us present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in
the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as
Witnesses thereto - W. Wartnaby Solicitor Harbro' - Josh. Saddinger
his Clerk

Proved at London 28th. November 1853 before the Judge by the
Oaths of William Holloway the son and Thomas Abbott two of the
Executors to whom Adm[inistrati]on was granted having been first sworn
by Commission duly to Administer – Power reserved of making the
like grant to Benjamin Taylor the other Executor when he shall
apply for the same


  1. PROB 11/2181/363 Description: Will of William Holloway, late Auctioneer, Grazier of Little Bowden , Northamptonshire Date: 28 November 1853 Held by: The National Archives, Kew

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