Lost research on Johann Andreas Liedig and Elizabetha Hassler

+5 votes
I had information concerning the trial and article for the murder of Hassler-139 by her husband Liedig-25 that is no longer in my possession, as at the time I'd located it, I was working on a different branch and a cousin said she'd work on the Lydick branch to merge later. Unfortunately she had to flee a situation and all her things were disposed. I believe the original information came from a site managed by Connie Mayo on a free webserver listing the Lydick Connections with an account of this, that has since folded and no longer online, as are many such as what I had on geocities. Does anyone know how I could go about retrieving an existing copy of these?

As I try to remember some of the details, it was a bloody event in which Andreas (Has been found as Johann Andreas or just Andreas) was hanged. He had 3 sons and a daughter that were young and went to stay with either a neighbor or a member of their church. According to Hassler history, she immigrated from Switzerland, and he had immigrated from Germany and had settled in either New York or Westmoreland, PA, depending on profiler. I believe the children were named Johann, Patrick and either Anna or Mary in their German name form. As the children became of age, they changed the spelling of their last name and Americanized their first names, which I honestly understand why they would want to disasociate from their father. I have found several references to John Lydick m. Anna Mary May being one of the sons, but until I can once again located the trial and article transcripts, I have nothing to go on other than What I've found on other trees that does not list sources to prove or disavow this to be factual.
WikiTree profile: Johann Andreas Leydig
in Genealogy Help by Pj Patty G2G6 (6.1k points)
A big thank you to all who responded to my plea for help. I have located most of the transcripts once again, and as soon as I can figure out how to transfer them to pdf format I will upload the documents to share them with all the fellow researchers for both Hassler-139 and Liedig-25.

I know it is something many fellow genealogists have been on the hunt for over the years, as well as tying them to the well documented Indiana County PA pioneer John Lydick. There as been a lot of misinformation found in the web concerning him, and thanks to both Connie Mayo and Vernon Cook's attempts to debunk these and correct it, these papers villify what they've been researching and state as proof most of it is incorrect. I try my best to find sources so I won't be among those misleading others since I too know how frustrating it is to chase non confirmable leads that end up no where. It is hard enough to hit a brick wall with no available information, and following ones that lead you no where when you are excited at the prospect of a rainbow usually leaves me needing to walk away for a bit or giving up that branch as a dead end!

1 Answer

+2 votes
Trial transcript,York County Pa. Trial for Johann Andreas Lutuk,aka liedeg .Leideg

Leydeg, Lutuk. For the murder of his wife Elizabeth Hasslerin.Found guilty and

sentenced too hang.May 28 1759.He was hanged in 1760.Or abt 1760.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

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