Problem with text on my computer

+2 votes
After switching to a new computer I discovered that the text on WikiTree is very thin and bordering on being almost unreadable. I am 90% sure this is a problem with my computer and not WikiTree but I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions on how to correct this issue. The Computer is a HP laptop running Windows 8.1 and using the Firefox browser. The old computer was a Gateway running Windows 8.1 and Firefox and had no problem with the text. The profile I am using to check this with is my own and uses no non standard text.
in WikiTree Tech by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Dale, check the settings on your web browser and see if you can change the default font text and size.  Are you experiencing this only on wikitree?
by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (912k points)
Tried that and the only thing that worked is if I force the computer to use the fonts and colors I choose and not allow WikiTree to choose. I have not tried many sites yet but of the two that I did only WikiTree is affected.
Tomorrow I am going to try another computer. The worst that will happen is I am going to have to learn to work with this.
Dale, do you know about Ctrl-+ (or is it alt-+ on windows?) to increase current viewed font size, in the moment?

Yes I know about that, and there is a way to make that work on only Firefox, But that only made the text larger and did not help with being able to read it. I could change the fonts and colors on my system and force my computer to use them and not what WikiTree, and that helps, but then other things vanished, like the up and down vote arrows on G2G so that is not an option. I guess I will just have to try and get used to this computers display and live with it.

Thank's for trying
+1 vote

I don't use Firefox very much - only to test software to make sure it works correctly - so I can't give you specifics about how/where to make zoom level changes, but you should be able to select to expand or contract the view, making the text larger or smaller.

You might want to try using Internet Explorer to go to the same page and see what it looks like there.

A cause of the problem might be that It also possible that you have a higher screen resolution on the new computer than you did on the old one.  You can decrease your screen resolution, which would make everything appear larger.

Happy Thanksgiving!
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
I have spent the last week fighting with IE, installed on the system, and I could not even get it to work. It was way slow and I almost tossed the computer across the room in frustration. I could not even check my email with that browser. I will look into the screen resolution but I have given up on IE for good.
If I reduce the resolution it helps, but then my other app's will not work. That tells me that the resolution was the same on the other computer because they ran there. I guess I will just have to learn to live with it because I am not going to change the resolution just for WikiTree.
0 votes
I managed to get the display to be a little easier to read by going to the calibration settings for this display, when you go to the display adjustment screen there are several controls to calibrate color, brightness and several other items, which I adjusted all of them to find a setting that would help here and not mess up the other stuff I do too much. Now it is up to me and my eyes to just get used to the new display settings.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help.

Dale Byers
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)

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