New member introducing myself!

+9 votes
Hello Everyone,

Finally getting around to introducing myself! I have been working on my family tree over the years using but was very, very excited to find WikiTree recently. This past year or so I have been dedicating a lot more of my time working on extending my knowledge of my family tree. I'm enjoying finding sources to help confirm things as I go. Hoping to get more comfortable with the formatting so that I'll be able to utilize footnotes, icons, and images like I've seen on many great looking profiles!
WikiTree profile: Sydney Bays
in The Tree House by Sydney Bays G2G1 (1.2k points)
Welcome Sydney!  We are happy you have made yourself known.

There are lots of people who will help you with formatting and research and offer friendship.
Thank you Kristina for the warm welcome and kind words! I am really glad to have found and joined this community!

3 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Welcome aboard, Sydney!

Looks like you have made a good start on your family branches. Do return to the profiles you have created to add biographical details and sources. When you do this, you will discover interesting details and clues. You will also create a fuller family history story.

If you are interested in learning more, consider doing the Profile Improvement project's Voyage, a self-directed course that will teach you how to format profiles and write biographies. Also, check out the rest of the projects on the project list. Projects are a great way to learn more and collaborate with other members. The project list can be found under the Find drop down menu.

Come back here to the forum if you have any questions.

Good luck with your research and enjoy your journey into the past!
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (864k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Thank you Peggy! I will look into that Voyage project.
+6 votes
Welcome Sydney! I was also from that other place, It has been a while since I lost my account for 10 years or so. I have only been here 6 days, the people here are very helpful, friendly, they will point you in the right direction. I am finding it a nice place to be like a kid in a toy/ candy store. enjoy you time, jot down directions so you don't get lost. over all it's easy to get around. Peace, Kenny
by Kenny Johnson G2G5 (5.8k points)

It seems that a welcome is owed to you as well Kenny! smiley Thank you for the advice about jotting down directions. I am definitely finding this to be a very helpful and kind community! 

Kenny and Sydney, Welcome to WikiWorld! Have a Wikigood time adding to the tree.
Thank you K Smith!
+2 votes

Welcome Sydney!

Welcome to WikiTree! I am Dave Draper and I am delighted to see you join our community. Here, we are passionate about building a single family tree and discovering our ancestry. I hope you find WikiTree as exciting and rewarding as I have. There is a learning curve so here is a link that might help you get started. WikiTree How To Here is How To Do IT  

So, since you are off to a great start, here is YOUR personalized poem from all of us to show our appreciation!

I hope you enjoy it!wink

Sydney's journey's just begun,

As a WikiTree genealogist, she's on the run,

With a passion for history and family ties,

Her skills and knowledge are sure to rise.

She'll trace the roots of ancestors past,

And uncover stories that will forever last,

Her research skills will be put to the test,

But she'll never give up until she's found the best.

Sydney's commitment to WikiTree,

Will take her on a journey, just wait and see,

She'll collaborate and share with others,

And help build the family tree for sisters and brothers.

Her determination and hard work,

Will earn her a spot among the top of the flock,

And before we know it, we'll all see,

Sydney, a WikiTree superstar genealogist, she'll be.

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
Thank you David, the poem is fantastic! Thank you for the warm welcome!

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