Duplicate Profiles being created

+5 votes
I know there was a prior G2G about this, but couldn’t find it and will probably appear just below this when I post it.

I note that 7 of the 27 (25.9%) new - 106 Suggestions (Duplicates between global tree and unconnected)

are duplicate profiles created by the same PM one right after the previous profile was created.

just an fyi, that this ‘issue’ is still continuing.
in WikiTree Tech by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (255k points)
retagged by Jamie Nelson
I think that earlier you were advised to follow the Problems With Members process and file an MIR. That is still the best advice.
no, that was Heather J , i think with a new user making duplicates of different people. and i was the one who recommended the MIR when i saw that it was a new user.

this is two profiles for the same person being created at the same time, and it is happening to long time experienced WikiTreer’s.

no worries, just wanted Jamie to be aware of it. not sure what can be done, might be the browser they are using.
So something is causing accidental duplicates to be created....

There was a problem in April where double-clicking the Create Profile button created duplicates. Jamie said a fix had been applied, but could that issue be recurring somehow?

Thanks Jim! I could not find that G2G.

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
Thank you S, we did fix ~an~ issue that was causing duplicate profiles, but looks like there may be another one somewhere.
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (643k points)
selected by S Stevenson
After looking at the suggestions report, most of them were created minutes or hours apart, which suggests that it's not a double-click issue, but maybe an issue of someone pressing the "back" button on their browser after they've created the first profile, and then creating another profile.

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