"Can a Pre-1500 Certified member merge Kjærulff-24 into Kjærulf-4?"

+4 votes

"Can a Pre-1500 Certified member merge Kjærulff-24 into Kjærulf-4?" 

They are duplicate profiles.

Thank you



WikiTree profile: Peder Kjærulf
in Policy and Style by Elizabeth Steen G2G6 Mach 1 (13.8k points)
retagged by John Atkinson

Thirty days have not yet passed for default approval.  I get an error message that the profiles "are already connected in a proposed merge".  Have you approved the merge?  Is Kjærulf-4 the correct LNAB?

1 Answer

+6 votes
What sources do you have that confirm they are duplicates?
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
They have the same wife and the top of the English biography for Kjærulff-24 is a translation of the Danish biography in Kjærulff-4. It seems the birth date is just an estimate. If the mother's birth year of 1480, which is also estimated, is correct then the 1500 estimate is more likely as she would have a child in 1490.

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