New Bentley One Name Study

+22 votes
I recently began a Bentley One Name Study.  If anyone is interested in seeing what I've done so far, I'd love any feedback as I have never done anything like this.

Feel free to leave a message or add anything you think would make the study better or more useful.


WikiTree profile: Space:Bentley_Name_Study
in The Tree House by John Bentley G2G6 Mach 2 (24.9k points)

You just keep making a great one name study even better. When I am ready I will come back for the Gopher link.  I love your site.  You certainly give us all lots of ideas.


4 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Just wanted to make it official. I'm excited to be joining the Bentley name study under your fantastic guidance. Thank you so much for starting this study John. You are doing a brilliant job with it and I am looking forward to us collaborating on it together.

Susie :-)
by Susie MacLeod G2G6 Pilot (305k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Thanks Susie, I too look forward to us working together to figure out some of the William, John and James.  Its a confusing line, but I think we can add some clarity.  I will add you to the trusted list of the Study, feel free to get in there and make the Study more than just John's research notes.  If its too long to edit easily, I can create a new free-space page and move the NC and/or Georgia stuff to that page. Then you won't have to scroll past the earlier stuff we aren't working on right now.  Or if you (or anyone else) would rather create your own research type free-space page, I can link to from the Study as well. Of course you don't have to use the pages at all either if you don't want.

For a long time the three different free space pages of the study are only being edited by me.  So if anyone else wants to get in and make changes, or has suggestions let me know.

Thanks again for your help

Just realized I started the Study two years ago today.  Happy Birth Day Study!!!
Yay! Maybe in two years someone else will come along to help us!
Yes, the more the merrier for sure.  We can have multiple focuses, that match different interests.  I would really like someone with an interest in DNA, to create a free space page to focus on DNA.  I've never had mine tested and don't know much about using DNA as a tool, I would love to see the Study cover Bentley DNA.  The Bentley name is from England, so the Study should probably have more about the Bentley's in the United Kingdom. While I have put lots of writing on the free-space page, there are still many things the Study could be doing.  If anyone is interested, please let us (finally not just a me) know.
+6 votes
Nice job John!
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+6 votes


I have two Bentley sisters in my family tree that married two brothers, both are my great uncles. Here are the profiles if you want to add them to your study:
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Thanks Doug, I will add them.  I am very interested in the emigrants to America/US so I will add William as well.  Do you know what state he lived for the 1880 census?
+4 votes
That is a really excellent one-name page! It puts my Cayley one to shame.
by Michael Cayley G2G6 Pilot (238k points)
Thanks Michael, many times I feel its more of a giant research notes section for the Bentley profiles here on Wiki Tree, than a true One Name Study.  I don't have nearly as many name as other studies.  I had never head the words "one name study" before I started this one.  So I've never been sure if I'm doing it in a way that would be acceptable to the formal studies like those in the one name study guild.  I plan to watch the webinars talked about in one of the other threads for ideas.  Its amazing how quickly this Study grew.  I hope it hasn't grown to the point others feel they can't join the study and make it more what they'd like to see in a Name Study.  Thanks for giving it a look and would love to share ideas about studies in general if anyone wants to do that.

Michael, I looked at your Cayley Family History page, the very fist sentence reminded me of an observation I made the other day.  When you do a search for any surname alone (no first name) your taken to the surname index, on the index page there is a box for say the "Bentley Project" or the "Cayley Project" which takes people to our free-space pages.  I know when I go to a genealogy site, one of the first things I do is a search for Bentley.  So new people could find our "projects" before they find any of the formally approved Projects.  

It would be very nice, if when they click on any of last name project buttons, they got a warm welcome like someone visiting your Cayley Family History page.  In many cases these free-space pages, including mine, don't "welcome" people to Wiki Tree or invite them to collaborate with us, etc.  My study has more of an "academic research project" feel to it, than something that would welcome people like your family history page.  So I have been considering trying to change that in the Bentley Study.  

I wonder if others have thoughts about the role the ONS free-space pages play in acting as "ambassadors" to our surnames, whether we intended that or not.  I might make this a new question, but maybe others will see it here and share thoughts. If others have good examples of welcoming people, I'd like to see ideas.


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