Why can WikiTree not handle BC profiles

+7 votes

I've just noticed that WikiTree is removing the profiles of people born BC.

The reason given is that the system cannot handle negative dates.

My own desktop program seems to cope well enough, and an I surprised that with the obviously excellent programers who are involved in WikiTree that this seems to be an unsurmountable problem.

I don't think it is an enormous problem, but it might be useful to go back more than 2017 years in some cases and there are a lot of interesting people who were born BC. The fact that there are profiles on Wikipedia doesn't seem too convincing as iit holds for most of the notables here on this excellent site.

in Policy and Style by Living Old G2G6 Pilot (234k points)
retagged by Dorothy Barry

2 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
Iain I think it is also that so many BC people have poorly sourced information.  A lot of ancient history is more legend than real history.  

That is not saying those people did not exist but it is saying that much that is written about them is suspect.  There are some good well written histories that are supported by modern testing.  But there is also a lot of ancient history that is undone by modern testing.
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (844k points)
selected by Living Old
Hi Laura,

Great to hear from you again, and thanks for all your help regarding the Pennies & Philps.

Yes, I think you are spot on. History is generally written by the winners and original sources get sparser and more controversial the further we go back.

I've recently noticed some pre-1500 profiles that are causing some controversy because they are poorly sourced or not sourced at all. I haven't yet tried for pre-1500 certification, but imagine that a potential pre-BC certification might be very difficult to obtain.

So perhaps we are better sticking to the AD period.
Hi Cousin!   I have the pre-1500 certification so if you need help in that time period let me know.  Am happy to help!  I read Latin and French if that helps.
That's great to know, and thanks for the offer. My French is fine, but my Latin is not so good.  I think that perhaps I should apply for pre-1500 certification now, before I actually need it, than wait and discover my sourcing is not good enough to qualify.
+6 votes

Iain, I would add to what Laura said by saying that the goal of wikitree is to create a single connected world tree.  There are NO accepted genealogy lines into antiquity, so essentially none of these profiles really belong in wikitree.  Yes, there are many interesting people born BC, but explaining their lives is what wikipedia is for.

by Joe Cochoit G2G6 Pilot (263k points)
I have a copy of The Bloodline of the Holy Grail, which makes fascinating reading, but is possibly not a good source to use here on WikiTree. ;-)



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