Anyone in the Port Orange area of Florida willing to assist a novice.

+5 votes

I live in Port Orange, FL and need help.  The Clarks are descendants of Mareen Duvall (Ann Arrundel, MD) but they settled in Owen County, KY.  I have a public tree on — Clark-McAfee family tree.

in Genealogy Help by Kathy Clark G2G Crew (300 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Hello Kathy, It would be easier for folks to help you if you explain more about what help you need. You don’t need to restrict yourself to folks who live locally when you ask for advice.
Hi Lynda! I would like for someone to review my tree that is on and check for errors or make additions, if possible.  Does anyone do that?  Thank you.

3 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
I have added the Greeters tag to your post so that someone can help you to get started on Wikitree. I see that you are currently a Guest and have some extra steps to go through to become a full member. You will then be able to start building your part of Wikitree. You will find that folks on here are helpful and you can ask to have individual profiles reviewed as you add them. That will be much easier than trying to find Wikitree members who want to invest their time in looking at your Ancestry tree.
by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (680k points)
selected by Kathy Clark
Thank you for adding me; I tried to sign up for helping others but I never could see how to do that. I read the privacy instructions and  Honor Code but not sure what I need to do next.
Kathy, Thanks for the best answer star. The Greeters team are usually pretty quick about making contact with those who are interested in joining. I expect you will hear from one of them soon. They will guide you through the sequence of events to sign up as a full member.

Kathy, you are still a Guest member of WikiTree. I see that you added a followed tag; that's one of the steps toward becoming a Volunteer.

You may need to do something else to get a Greeter to add you as a Vounteer. Is there a form on you Nav Home Page needing to be filled in?

Thank you, Ellen.  I did receive a note from a greeter.  I read everything I could see but it didn’t give me a place to mark.  I will look at my Nav Page; again, thank you!

+5 votes

If you'd like help in-person, I saw that there's a Family History Library located in Daytona - it looks like they are open on Tuesdays from 10am - 2pm. Here is a link with their phone and address

I have visited a branch located near me many times. The volunteers are incredibly helpful and very friendly. It is free and you do not need to be a member of the church. They are an excellent resource and may also be able to guide to you to additional resources available locally. For example, I found out my local library (just the regular kind) has a genealogy expert on staff and is available to help every other Thursday afternoon for drop-ins.

by Haleigh Craven G2G6 (7.1k points)
+2 votes

Kathy, if you don’t mind a bit of a drive, Kinseekers GenSoc in Leesburg (about 1.5 hrs west of you) has a WikiTree Special Interest Group which meets from 9-10:15am on the 3rd Saturday of each month. I’m the facilitator.  We have a mix of experience levels from haven’t joined yet to only program used and more than 3500 profiles.  All are welcome and it is free. 

by Debi Hoag G2G6 Pilot (408k points)
Thanks, Debi!  (Sorry, I just saw your response.). Leesburg isn’t that far away!  I appreciate your help.  Perhaps, I can make it after all the holidays.

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